Steward Wang looked at Chen Nan's departing back blankly.

The mentality is completely broken.

He can be sure.

The Soul Gathering Pill that Chen Nan had just sold to Qingyunlou was exactly the same as the one he had given himself.

It is obvious that it was refined at the same time.

Otherwise it would not be so similar.

It's just...

Doesn't that force mean that his success rate is only one-tenth?

That's it.

Why did you take out the second Soul Gathering Pill?

Even if his pill rate increases, shouldn't he also hand over the extra pills to himself?

But why did he hide it?

Although this Soul Gathering Pill has now returned to his hands.

But this belongs to the business with Qingyunlou.

It has nothing to do with him!

"How many Soul Gathering Pills have been refined by this force?"

Steward Wang clenched his fists.

He had a hunch.

He gave Chen Nan ten copies of the medicinal materials for refining the Soul Gathering Pill.

He had refined more than these two Soul Gathering Pills.

Thinking of the wool of Xue Qingyunlou that he used the Soul Gathering Pill to exert himself.

Steward Wang felt angina.

It really hurts.

The pain was almost suffocating.

"No, I have to break through as soon as possible and get out of this damn place."

"If you stay here, the devil knows how to calculate by that."

"It's unreasonable!"

"It's really unreasonable!"

"With the skills of this cargo pit man, how can he become a fifth-level yin difference?"

Steward Wang was afraid of Chen Nankeng.

This forced man said that business is not a matter of interests, but of human affection.

Is he right?


It's really a favor accident!

Encountering him was the biggest accident in Steward Wang's life.

And it's the kind of full responsibility.


A familiar voice sounded in his ears: "Steward Wang, why is your face so haggard?" Steward

Wang came back to his senses.

Seeing the Ma patriarch, Ma Sanyuan smiled: "What wind blew the Ma patriarch here?" Inside please inside please. Saying that, he invited Ma Sanyuan to the rest area and brought tea and pastries.

Although the Ma family has just risen, Steward Wang knows that the Ma family has strong financial resources.

And there are big backers in the capital city.

Ma Sanyuan said straight to the point: "Wang Guan, we are also friends, since this is the case, then I Ma Sanyuan will be straight to the point." "

I want to ask you about Chen Chakuai."

"Chen Chao quickly cultivated extraordinary, I think he should not come to Qingyun Tower, right?"

The most inseparable thing for cultivators is to cultivate substances.

Because of this, he concluded that Chen Nan must have been to Qingyun Tower.

Although the relationship between the Ma family and Chen Nan seems to have eased a lot.

But Ma Sanyuan wants to go further.

That's why.

He will come to Qingyunlou and inquire about what Chen Nan needs.

Then go for it.

Upon hearing that Chen was fast, Steward Wang suddenly showed a wary look: "Does Patriarch Ma want to settle his previous suspicions with him?" "

Everyone knows that the Ma family cheats.

So he guessed what was in Ma Sanyuan's mind.

Ma Sanyuan nodded slightly: "With this intention, our Ma family wants to become friends with Chen Chakuai, but because of some unpleasant things before, I need an item to mend our relationship!" "

Great injustice!

The Ma family is about to become a big wrongdoer!

Steward Wang almost didn't laugh out loud.

This year, there are still people who want to be friends with Chen Nan?

I'm afraid you don't know his ability to pit people, right?


But Steward Wang did not say anything about it.

I want to see what your Ma family will be like by Chen Nankeng."

He was slightly embarrassed: "Patriarch Ma should know the rules of Qingyunlou.

"Qingyunlou must not divulge any customer information."

"So, there is no comment on him."

Ma Sanyuan took out a silver ticket worth 100,000 taels and secretly stuffed it to Steward Wang.

Steward Wang frowned and said displeased, "I have a very good personal relationship with Chen Chakuai, and I also ask Patriarch Ma not to insult the old immortal."

Ma Sanyuan raised his eyebrows.


Do you dislike the silver I gave?

Think of this.

He directly took out a silver ticket of one million taels and secretly stuffed it into Steward Wang's hand, and said cheerfully: "Steward Wang, you just need to tell me what Chen Chakuai likes, this level does not violate the rules of Qingyunlou, right?" Steward

Wang shook his head with a solemn expression: "Don't hide from Patriarch Ma, not only do I have a very good personal relationship with Chen Chakuai, he is also my beloved relative and friend."

"How can I tell you what he likes knowing that you two have a conflict?"

"Didn't that make me betray my own brother?"

"The reason why someone in my king can become the steward of Qingyunlou relies on a righteous word."

"Please don't embarrass me yet!"

With a displeased expression, he directly rejected the 1.1 million taels of silver tickets.


But my heart beat undisputedly.

Because he's gambling.

If you can bet and win.

It's definitely going to make a big profit.

Sure enough.

When he said that Chen Nan was his beloved relative and friend.

Ma Sanyuan immediately took out another note.

It's different.

That's a golden ticket.

Although the denomination is only one million taels.

But it can be exchanged for 10 million taels of silver!

Ma Sanyuan smiled and said, "Steward Wang, since you have a very good personal relationship with Chen Chakuai, it is logical that you should be an intermediary to ease the relationship between our two sides."

"As the old saying goes, friends have more ways to go."

"Look, our relationship is not bad, right?"

"Why not add to it?"

"Oh, by the way, Chen Chakuai has actually forgiven our Ma family."

"Starting tomorrow, our Ma family will provide him with fresh vegetables to cultivate penicillin."

He felt compelled to speak out.

Sure enough.

Seeing that Steward Wang's face showed a stunned expression, it seemed that he did not expect that Chen Nan had already released his previous suspicion with Ma Jiabing.

He unknowingly accepted the golden ticket.

It may be that looking at the 1.1 million taels of silver tickets is a bit of an eyesore.

Under Ma Sanyuan's disdainful gaze.

Simply put it away together.

He immediately said, "Since Patriarch Ma has said this, then I will definitely act as an intermediary to ease the relationship between the two of you."

"Even if you violate the rules of Qingyunlou, it is okay to make the two of you friends."

He's serious.

But in my heart, joy blossomed.

It was obviously Chen Bei who came to Qingyunlou to make a transaction.

Did I say that Chen Nan's matter violated the rules?

Who dares to say that I broke the rules?

And also!

I finally experienced the joy of wool today!

It's no wonder that Chen Nanxue took my wool.

He really can't be blamed for this.

Lavender is addictive.

The fun is not experienced by ordinary people.


It's happier than people think.

Of course.

There must be a prerequisite for wool.

That is to carry the shame to the extreme.

If it weren't for him to imitate Chen Nan's faceless appearance at this time.

How could he get 11.1 million taels of silver from the Xuema family?

He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Then looked at Ma Sanyuan: "Patriarch Ma, Chen Chakuai's cultivation should not be weak, right?"

Ma Sanyuan: "He can reach the seventh layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm at a young age, and it is not too much to say that there is no genius in ten thousand." Steward

Wang snorted: "However, the Yin Harvesting Realm and the Soul Gathering Realm are a heavenly barrier, and very few people can break through the ninth layer of the Yin Harvesting Realm!"

"Even my good brother doesn't have the confidence to break through that barrier."

"If you can give him a gift that breaks through the shackles."

"Do you think he will remember your Ma family's love?"

Ma Sanyuan nodded thoughtfully, and then sighed: "Although it is reasonable, where can you find the kind of gift that helps people break through the shackles?" Steward

Wang: "Actually, I have one here."

Ma Sanyuan subconsciously swallowed his saliva and asked dumbly: "There is such a clever thing under the sky?" "

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