A strong sense of crisis welled up in my heart.

Chen Nan knew.

Murong Qing wanted to devour his soul.

After all, a soul-loving realm powerhouse can devour the souls of others.

He bit the tip of his tongue violently.

A sharp pain swept over.

Let his body gain control for a moment.

"Get out!"

Chen Nan roared angrily.

One palm knocked Murong Qing out more than ten meters.

He thought this would avoid doom.


Murong Qing's crazy laughter echoed in the depths of his soul.

"My soul has entered your sea of knowledge."

"What if you fly my body?"

Severe pain spread in Chen Nanzhihai.

I am also glad that his soul power is stronger.


At the moment when Murong Qing's soul entered it.

Your soul will be destroyed.

It's just that.

Gotta find a way to drive him out of his sea of knowledge.

Otherwise, I might hate this place today.

"I really didn't expect that your soul power would be so powerful."

"It's comparable to a strong person in the Transformation Realm."

"If I'm not mistaken, you should have a big secret in you, right?"

Murong Qing was taken aback by Chen Nan's soul power.

After all, he only had one level of the Soul Gathering Realm.

And his soul power was comparable to that of a Transformation Realm powerhouse.

"I have entered your sea of knowledge."

"Your secret will no longer be any secret to me."

"I can spy on all your secrets."

Murong Qing's laughter sounded in Chen Nanzhihai, like thunder, shaking Chen Nan's head dizzy.

"Oh, your name is Chen Nan!"

"That's not right!"

"You're actually from the sun?"

Murong Qing's voice revealed strong fear.

I didn't expect Chen Nan to come from the Yang Realm.

Know that there is a difference between yin and yang.

After death, people in the Yang Realm will become in a soul state and directly enter the capital city to be reincarnated.

I have never heard of people living in the Hades.


"It's incredible!"

"I didn't expect you to be the Lord of the Immortal Realm of the Yang Realm!"


"Mighty, this is really a mighty!"

"It's a pity, when you come to the netherworld, you can only cultivate from scratch."

"Although I don't know why you came to Hades."

"But I can tell you very responsibly that you shouldn't be here!"

Murong Qing was frightened by Chen Nan's origin.

He didn't expect this man to be the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

Although the immortal world belongs to the human realm of the three realms.

But Chen Nan is also a human emperor-level existence.


"You even have the power of the law?"

"You actually got the relic of Yue Shan, the master of the five halls of the Anti-Heaven Sect?"

"The reason why you can transfer the attacks you take to others."

"It's because of the laws of space, right?"

"These means of yours will soon belong to me!"

Murong Qing laughed proudly.

As long as you can get the law fragments.

His strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds.

"You're happy too early!"

Chen Nan shouted angrily.

Forcibly manipulated the Yin Cha Order to appear in the sea of knowledge.

Then he smashed towards Murong Qing's soul.

The Order is not just a status symbol.

It can also be used as a weapon.

After all, there is merit in this.

Murong Qing dodged quickly.

Then there was an exclamation: "Huh!

"What's deep in your soul?"

"Why do I feel two divine breaths?"

Murong Qing's eyes lit up, and he felt that Chen Nan was a treasure boy.

He quickly advanced into the depths of Chen Nan's soul.

And the scene in front of you.

But he was stunned, and his eyes were full of horror: "Wheel... Wheel... Transmigration? "



"Why is there reincarnation in your soul?"

Not waiting for him to come to his senses.

His soul was attacked by the Yin Order.

It almost scattered his soul.


He didn't know it.

I was shocked by the image in front of me.

All the time.

The six reincarnations are all under the eighteen layers of hell.

Guarded by the Houtu Niangniang.

But who would have thought.

The Dao of the World, and the Dao of the Beasts will appear in the depths of the soul of a human cultivator?

"The six reincarnations fall apart."

"Breaking the balance of yin and yang."

"If you don't hand over the human way and the animal road to the hands of the Houtu Niangniang."

"In less than a hundred years, the Three Realms will return to chaos."

"At that time, hundreds of millions of sentient beings in the three realms will be wiped out."

"That's what I'm here for in Hades."

"Now, are you still going to kill me?"

Murong Qing returned to his senses in shock, and his eyes were torn: "What does the life and death of the sentient beings of the three realms have to do with me?" If you kill my daughter, I will kill you to avenge her!" "

He knows.

Even if he doesn't kill Chen Nan.

Chen Nan will also kill himself.

After all, he already knows his biggest secret.

"In that case, then I'll send you to reincarnation!"

Chen Nan roared angrily.

He urged the animal.

The terrifying devouring power instantly enveloped Murong Qing.

Anyway, the balance of yin and yang has been broken.

He also didn't mind sending Murong Qing to reincarnation.

In fact, Chen Nan originally thought of directly destroying Murong Qing's soul.

After all, the power of Yin Cha Ling is not weak.

But if he urged Yin Cha Ling to attack Murong Qing with all his strength.

Even if he killed Murong Qing.

Your own soul will also hurt.

After all.

The battlefield between him and Murong Qing is in his own sea of knowledge!


Murong Qing let out a heart-rending scream.

The soul flew uncontrollably into the animal road.

He regretted it!

It is not necessary to enter Chen Nan to devour his soul.

If not.

I won't end up in such a field!

What a villain to let yourself into the earthly path!

This guy actually reincarnated himself into a beast!

Regret shouldn't have been!



After Murong Qing's death.

Chen Nan opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

The face was pale to the extreme.

Before, Murong Qing entered his sea of knowledge strongly.

This was a terrible pain for him.

Moreover, he also forcibly urged reincarnation and sent Murong Qing into the animal path.

Sending ghosts to reincarnate increases merit.

But reincarnating a living person increases sinful karma.


He was overwhelmed.

Forced to endure weakness, he came to Murong Qing's body.

Found his storage bag.

"I hope there are some healing elixirs in this."

Chen Nan sighed secretly.

If you can't find a healing elixir.

He could only leave the small world of the Vulcan Sect as soon as possible.

As for the so-called chance...

There is no ability to rob it at all.

Fortunately, this time he was lucky.

Two elixirs that restore soul power were found.

After taking it, the soul power slowly recovered.


The medicinal effect of the elixir is too weak.

Even if he swallowed those two pills.

His soul power had only recovered by about half.

"Be meticulous!"

Chen Nan got up and walked outside.

Although the soul power has not returned to the peak thing.

But a little bit of it.

You can still try your luck in the small world of the Vulcan Sect.

Right now.

There was a fierce fight ahead.

Chen Nan's eyes lit up: "Could it be that someone is competing for treasures?" "

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