"Give me death!"

Chen Nan let out a manic roar.

Zheng Shu is unable to vent and suppress the flames in his body.

Now the enemy is coming after him.

Then this opportunity naturally cannot be missed.


A flash of incredulity flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes.

It seems that he didn't expect Chen Nan to be full of fire.

Then he poked his palm out.

A powerful energy carried an overwhelming momentum towards Chen Nan.

But when it touched him.

Disappear in an instant.


"How so?"

Those people at the entrance of the cave gasped.

They recognized Chen Nan.

But I couldn't believe it.

A junior on the first floor of the Soul Gathering Realm.

It was actually able to withstand the attack of a Soul Thirsty Realm peak powerhouse.

The middle-aged man who made the attack before was full of anger: "I don't believe it, you can resist my attack!" The

words fell.

A long sword appeared in his hand.

It was like a touch of shock killing Chen Nan.

"Good to come, good to come, croak to come!" Chen Nan's eyes were fiery red, and he killed the other party with his bare hands.

"Give me death!" The middle-aged man shouted angrily and slashed a sword.

The sword light flickered.

The sword body was directly embedded in Chen Nan's neck.

"That's it?"

"That's it?"

"That's it?"

"Did you not eat?" Chen Nan's angry voice sounded, revealing the smell of hatred that iron is not steel.


This moment.

Everyone's pupils trembled violently.

Although the underground temperature is hot.

But a chill rose in everyone's heart.

He was just a Soul Gathering Realm cultivator.

But why could it withstand the angry blow of a soul-loving realm powerhouse?

The long swords were embedded in his neck.

But why didn't he cut off his head?


Not reasonable at all!

"It's so hot!"

The middle-aged man abandoned his sword and fled like a ghost.

Everyone looked at Chen Nan.

I saw the steel sword embedded in his neck.

For some reason, it melted.

A huge wave rose in everyone's heart.

I couldn't believe what was in front of me.

"Get out of here."

The middle-aged man immediately made a decision and flew towards the surface.

This place is close to the geocentric magma.

In his opinion, the reason why Chen Nan could show such terrifying strength.

It should be related to the environment here.

If you withdraw from this place, you may be able to kill him.

Hundreds of people headed for the surface.

"Where to escape?"

Chen Nan's eyes breathed fire.

I finally met a group of punching bags.

Nothing can be said to let them escape.

He is like a rocket rising into the sky.

Burning with a long tail of fire.

Appeared in the outside world with a thunderous momentum.

It's night.

His appearance was like a blazing sun, and the flames emitted lit up this small world.

It also illuminated the shocked faces of those monks below.

Chen Nan was like a fire god quietly suspended in the night sky.

A manic aura was released throughout the body.

"Thank you."

"Out of gratitude."

"Now I'll send you to die!"

Chen Nan waved his arms.


Accompanied by a buzzing sound.

Take him as the center.

The surrounding kilometer instantly turned into a sea of fire.

It not only ignites the vegetation in this area.

Even stones and soil slowly dissolved at this moment.

"Run away!"

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

The faces of those cultivators were full of horror, and their eyes were filled with deep fear.

They had never seen such a shocking approach.

This means can already be compared to the gods.

Definitely not something that humans can have.

Thanks to them, they are cultivators and have Yin Qi Protective Body.

Change to ordinary people.

They become mature in an instant.

Even if many people didn't know each other before.

You also have to become a mature person.

The kind of acquaintance that is roasted.


Even though they are cultivators.

Even though there is a Yin Qi protective body.

But in the terrifying heat.

They also can't last long.

It's just that.

They underestimated the power of the flames.

Some people have just released the protective body yin qi.

There was a heart-wrenching scream.

There is no process of ripening.

Burn it directly.

In an instant, it turned into flying ash and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The powerhouse of the Soul Gathering Realm simply could not withstand the terrifying high temperature.

Died one after another.


Hearing also came to the ground.

Although these flames are terrifyingly hot.

But it couldn't affect it.

His eyes were fierce.

It seemed that Chen Nan should not be blamed for burning these people directly.

It should be left to fill your stomach.


He also felt a pang of displeasure towards Chen Nan.

When he wasn't acquainted, the guy still opened his mouth and closed his mouth to a tiger brother.

Also prepared dinner for himself and even added meals.

You look now.

After familiarization.

Don't give yourself a bite to eat.

I'm not human though.

But you run errands as real dogs.


saw that the disciples he brought with him were burned to ashes one after another.

Those six Soul Thirsty Realm peak powerhouses were overwhelmed with grief.

It is not acceptable that one's own disciple dies in this way.

Don't think about it.

Those who are in the Metamorphosis Realm, as well as the powerhouses of the Soul Loving Realm.

They turned into goshawks and soared into the air.

Thinking of escape.

After all, the ground has turned into a raging sea of fire.

Even if they've been on the ground for a long time.

It will also be burned alive.

Chen Nan grabbed the depths of the void with his bare hands: "Skynet is now!" "


A point of light erupted from the depths of the void.

Followed by.

A peerless net of the earth's population flashed out of thin air.

It's like one

that envelopes everyone.

If they are allowed to fly in all directions, it is difficult to escape this world.


Those who survived above the fifty or sixty incarnation realms fled around like headless flies.

"No, we can't run out like this." A goshawk spat out words, and his tone was full of solemnity.

Another humane: "We must join hands to kill this son."

"Yes, we can only live if we join forces to kill him."

At this time, an old voice sounded: "You don't have to kill him, you see the state of this son."

"Although I don't know why he was able to control this terrifying flame, it is obvious that he was consumed by this terrifying flame."

"As long as we can mess with his mentality, we can let him set himself on fire!"

Do what you say.

Those soul-loving realm powerhouses returned to their human form.

The feet stepped on those transformed birds of the Transformation Realm powerhouse suspended in the air.

Then he controlled the long sword to stab Chen Nan in all directions.

Di Ting sat quietly on the ground, stretched out his paws and touched his head.

Don't say it yet.

These people are quite smart.

Wanting to disturb Chen Nan's mentality caused him to set himself on fire.


He is in a mess now!

If you don't shoot.

He will definitely have nowhere to vent.

There is a high chance that you will be burned alive.

But once you attack him...

The energy accumulated in his body will definitely be vented with it.

Are you killing him?


A bunch of unlucky kids!

You're saving him!"

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