
"Go back quickly!"

"No matter what, I can't let Chen Nan risk my life for me."

"You must not let him go to the Nai River to find the Nai River fish!"

After coming back to his senses.

Du Yuan screamed at Leng Yinyin like crazy, tears flashing in his eyes.

In order to save Chen Nan.

She can fight for herself.

Even if you know that you will die if you cast snow.

She didn't hesitate either.


He did not allow Chen Nan to encounter any danger for his sake.

If so.

Even if he dies, he will not be blind.

Du Huang forced a smile: "Sister, you seem to underestimate the little lamb you like." "

Biochemical Creation Pill is an extremely rare medicinal herb."

"He was able to know this elixir at a young age, which shows that the network behind it is very wide."


"If my sister remembers correctly."

"The last time you went to Guangling Mansion to meet that little lamb, his cultivation was only in the early stage of the Yin Realm, right?"

Du Yuan snorted.

The sisters have a deep affection.

On the return.

Du Yue told her sister about meeting Chen Nan.

Including his realm.

"How long has it been since the last farewell?"

"He can step from the early stage of the Yin Harvesting Realm to the peak of the Soul Gathering Realm."

"You can see that the talent is extraordinary."

"Not to mention, he still has those two great opportunities."

"Sister knows you're worried about him."

"Because... You belong to a two-way love.

"But this time, you should trust him."

The codder is much quieter.

As my sister said.

I really should believe him.

After all, it was a man as mysterious as a fog.

Du Huang muttered, "I really hope to see that man soon."

"I'd rather see if he's as good as my sister says."

Du Yuan showed a shallow smile: "If my sister sees him, she will definitely like it, he is really good."

Du Huang shook his head helplessly: "You are too deeply poisoned."

Du Yue said disapprovingly: "If my sister can taste the sweetness of love, she will also understand one thing, even if she is poisonous, it is also a happy thing!"

Du Huang sighed lightly, and his eyes revealed a trace of bitterness: "In my life, I am afraid that I will not meet someone who can make me feel poisonous in my body!" "

Maybe ------

life is guaranteed.

Love is nourished.

It only took Chen Nan fifteen days to refine the Transformation Pill.

After refining the elixir.

The old practice withheld 5,000 pieces.

Then he began the retreat.

It took ten days to make a breakthrough.

Maybe it's because of too much drugs.

This time the expectations were not very good.

He did not step into the peak of the Avatar Realm.

Eight layers of the Stop-Transformation Realm.


But his strength has also improved by leaps and bounds.

The Space Domain and the Fire Domain can cover 15,000 kilometers with him as the center.

That's definitely a horrible number.

"With my current strength."

"Even in the face of a powerhouse at the peak of the Body Grabbing Realm."

"It is estimated that there is also the power of a war!"

After stepping into the Avatar Realm.

Chen Nan also began the most exciting incarnation.

After all, the Avatar Realm can be transformed into things.

Generally speaking, the strong people of the Avatar Realm will change into birds.

Because it allows you to fly in the air.

Unless you reach the body capture realm, you can fly in the air.

If you want to transform into a bird.

It is necessary to carefully observe the physical characteristics of birds.

Only then can it be successful.

Of course.

If ordinary people want to transform into birds, they must observe birds for at least half a year.

But for Chen Nan...

It doesn't take that long at all.

He has also lived in the immortal world for so long.

and the Golden-winged Roc as brothers and brothers.

I have long kept in mind what the poultry look like.

He sat cross-kneeled.

Imagine the appearance of the Golden-winged Roc in my mind.

Over time.

A burst of light gradually rose from him.

It eventually turned into a golden-winged roc bird with a body length of two meters.

The reason for becoming a golden-winged roc bird is simple.


After all, the Golden-winged Roc is the fastest bird in the poultry family.

He wanted to go faster.

After all, it will be convenient for him to rush in the future.

There is a saying.

He was used to flying in the netherworld, and it was really difficult for him to adapt to coming to the netherworld.

It's good now.

Being able to turn into a golden-winged roc bird can be much more convenient.

After regaining his human form, Chen Nan walked out of the alchemy room.

It was already evening.

Leng Qingmei tied her apron, looked like a good wife and mother, and had just finished cooking.

Chen Nan did not disturb the mood of the meal.

After dinner, the couple returned to the bedroom.

Leng Qingmei helped Chen Nan change clothes like a maid.

Chen Nan said softly: "Madam, tomorrow I will go out to the far gate, and it will take at least more than a month to return." The

movements on Leng Qingmei's hand paused for a moment, and then whispered: "Fujun, but go to Hundred Flowers Valley?"

Chen Nan: "I'm going to go to the Nai River first, and then go to the Valley of Hundred Flowers."

Leng Qingmei forced a smile: "Husband, you can leave with confidence, I will wait for you at home to return."

She didn't know that Chen Nan's departure was in great danger.

But the heart is sour.

Because she is a woman with a small belly.

I learned that Chen Nan went to meet other women.

I was a little jealous.

Chen Nan said softly: "Madame is also tired for a day today, lie down quickly, I will move today." "


early the next morning.

Chen Nan transformed into the appearance of a golden-winged bird.

Carrying Guo Yu and Di Listening, tearing through the clouds and mist.

Towards the Nai River.

After all, Qingyunlou and the Ma family had found the two 10,000-year treasure medicines he needed.

Now it is only the 10,000-year-old Nai River fish in the Nai River.

It took them less than half an hour to cross the eight hundred miles of void and come to the Nai River.

Say it's the river.

It's like an ocean.

There is no end in sight at a glance.

The river is choppy, and the red water is as daunting as blood.

There are rumors among the people.

In the Nai River lives many ghosts who have escaped from hell.

And they will eat people and animals on the shore.

So much so that the vast banks of the Nai River are empty.

"Big brother, the Nai River is so vast, where should we go to catch Nai River fish?" Guo Yu couldn't help but look at Chen Nan.

The Nai River is too big.

It is the largest river in Hades.

It is said to span the entire Hades.

No one knows where the source of the Nai comes from.

But at the end of the Nai River there is another bridge.


But no living person has ever seen the bridge.

Chen Nan looked at Di Listen: "Dabai, do you know where you can catch Nai River fish?"

Di Ting gave him a roll of his eyes: "Am I that big?" Can you stop naming me?

Chen Nan glanced at it seriously, it didn't seem to be very big.

Then he smiled awkwardly: "Okay Xiaobai." "

Listening to the croaking teeth and making a whimpering sound.

Protest and dissatisfaction with Chen Nan's acquisition of this name.

Then it looked at the vast Nai River, and the soul transmitted: "Actually, if you want to get Nai River fish, you don't need the thankless act of fishing at all."

Chen Nan's eyes lit up: "Do you have a better way?" "

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