Chen Nanwan was in ashes.

Think that the other party will give the white spirit snake to themselves.

But I didn't expect my attitude to be so resolute.

He didn't make a sound.

Like a sculpture, it kneels quietly between heaven and earth.

Over time.

The rain gradually weakened.

But the flesh and blood on Chen Nan's body had long been blurred.

It looks like it's been soaked in sulfuric acid.

It looks shocking.


Until the acid rain stops completely.

He just felt a little more relaxed.

The intense pain made him numb and stiff.

You can't even feel the pain in your body.

It was as if the soul and body were separated.

At noon the next day.

Chen Nan's injuries gradually healed.

Although it still looks hideous.

But it's much more pleasing than before.

"Big brother, do we really want to insist here?" Guo Yu asked nervously.

He could feel the attitude of the two snake demons on the snake mountain.

Even if you kneel here.

It is not necessarily possible to ask for the white spirit snake.

Chen Nan knelt there quietly.

The white spirit snake is the key to catching Nai River fish.

Not at the last minute.

He definitely won't get up.


above Snake Mountain.

Lu Qingqing sat on a large rock, dangling his slender legs, like a pendulum, sultry to the heartstrings.

"Sister, that man is really persevering, so good."

Lu Bailing quietly crossed his knees and practiced in the cave: "There are countless people with perseverance and great perseverance in the world, and we can't fulfill them because of their persistence.

Lu Qingqing nodded thoughtfully: "Sister is right, we don't owe them anything, naturally we can't fulfill them just because they kneel under the mountain." "


Without warning.

A powerful aura came from the northern sky.

A cloud of black smoke rushed in.


There was still a fishy smell between heaven and earth.

"Lu Bailing, Lu Qingqing, you two monsters still don't show up to die?" A hoarse and icy voice rang out in the black smoke.

See this scene.

Lu Bailing and Lu Qingqing's faces changed suddenly.

Lu Qingqing's face was full of anxiety: "Sister, it seems to be Xiang Tianxiong, the deputy sect leader of the Five Poisons Sect."

Lu Bailing got up and walked out of the cave, his eyes flashing with solemnity.

They had dealt with the Five Poisons Sect.

Fifty years ago, the two sisters had a vicious battle with Xiang Tianxiong, the deputy leader of the Five Poisons Sect.

The two sisters fought with each other for a day and a night before repelling each other.

But I didn't expect it.

Today, Xiang Tianxiong will return to Snake Mountain.

In an instant.

Xiang Tianxiong appeared above Snake Mountain.

He wears a black robe.

Followed by eight Soul Loving Realm powerhouses.

"You actually stepped into the seventh layer of the Body Capture Realm?" Lu Qingqing looked at Xiang Tianxiong incredulously.

Fifty years ago, the other party was still a second-tier powerhouse in the Body Grabbing Realm.

She never dreamed of it.

That's just 50 years.

The other party turned out to be a powerhouse in the seven-layer realm of the Body Capture Realm.

Even if their sisters' strength reached the fifth level of the Body Capture Realm.

It is definitely not an opponent of a seven-layer powerhouse in the Body Grabbing Realm.

Xiang Tianxiong's eyes were proud: "My Five Poisons Sect is also a supreme existence of one of the five hidden sects in the netherworld, how can you imagine the background?" "

Lu Bailing, Lu Qingqing, heaven has the virtue of a good life, I can not kill the two of you today."

"But you must recognize me as Lord."

"And give me your snake venom."

"Otherwise, I will level the Snake Mountain!"

Xiang Tianxiong is the younger brother of the Five Poisons Sect leader Xiang Tianshe.

He needed the snake venom of these two great demons to refine the Ten Thousand Poison Pill.

Lu Bailing's eyes had a strong killing intent: "Xiang Tianxiong, do you really think that our sisters are afraid of your Five Poisons Sect?"

"If we are really greedy for life and afraid of death."

"Fifty years ago, I wouldn't have fought you that long."

Xiang Tianxiong snorted coldly: "If you don't know what to lift, since you want to die, then the sect master will complete you!" "

Come, array."


Accompanied by an order from Xiang Tianxiong.

Behind him, eight powerhouses of the late Soul Soul Realm fell in the air.

Snake Mountain was surrounded on all sides.


A black array flag appeared in each of their hands.

Eight people squeezed with both hands.

In a flash.

A black light erupted from the formation flag.

Then fly to the right.

Until the eight formation flags are completely penetrated.

Immediately after that, the formation flag raised a black light and soared into the sky.

Directly shrouded the snake mountain inside.

"Sister, I'm afraid our sisters are going to fall here today!"

Seeing that Xiang Tianxiong was so well prepared.

Lu Bailing's eyes also became solemn.

Facing the powerhouse of the seventh layer of the Body Capture Realm, they themselves have no chance of victory.

Not to mention that now the other party has also cast a magic formation.

Even if they transform into bodies and escape with tens of thousands of poisonous snakes on the snake mountain.

At the moment, it is impossible to escape the enemy's blockade.

Lu Qingqing: "As long as you can be with your sister, even if you fall little sister, you won't have any regrets!"

Xiang Tianxiong's eyes boiled with murderous intent: "You are sisters with deep affection.

"Since you want to die, then the sect master will fulfill you." As soon as the words fell, a long sword appeared in his hand and rushed towards Lu Bailing, Lu Qingqing, and the two sisters.

The sisters unleashed a terrifying demon qi.

So much so that it made this void tremble.

Even if they don't have weapons.

But their body style is extremely flexible.

Their hands are their weapons, fast as lightning.

For a while, it was difficult to solve.

"Big brother, shall we help them?" Guo Yu asked cautiously.

Chen Nan had not yet spoken.

The powerhouse in front of him who was in the late stage of the Soul Thirsty Realm suddenly turned around, his eyes were as cold as a snake and scorpion: "You dare to meddle in the affairs of our Five Poisons Sect, are you tired of living?" "

He had already seen two people and a dog.

Although I don't know why they are here.

But he didn't transform this into eight layers of the realm.

As well as the ants that collect the five layers of the Yin Realm, put them in their eyes.

It's just that he didn't expect it.

The other party actually wanted to meddle in the matter between the Five Poisons Sect and Snake Mountain.

Chen Nan stood up with difficulty.

Kneeling for so long.

He was very uncomfortable.

Looking at the middle-aged man's cold and disdainful eyes, a sinister smile appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth: "Do you think that everyone is afraid of the Five Poisons Sect?"

"You look for death!" The middle-aged man was furious.

He punched out.

A terrifying yin qi surged out.

Just when he was about to hit Chen Nan.

Chen Nan strangely disappeared in place.

The middle-aged man's face changed suddenly.

Obviously, he didn't expect this guy from the eighth layer of the Transformation Realm to have such a fast speed.

Not waiting for him to come to his senses.

Chen Nan appeared in front of him like a ghost.

Stretching out a hand as hard as steel and bone, she pinched his neck.

A strong feeling of suffocation swept through.

The middle-aged man suddenly had the feeling that the sky was spinning and his eyes were on Venus.

He was terrified and cried out for help to Xiang Tianxiong, who was fighting fiercely with the two-headed snake demon on the mountain: "Vice Sect Master Help..." "


The words are not finished.

A sound of shattering cervical vertebrae interrupted him.

Chen Nan threw him into the distance.

Then look at the figure on the mountain who is fighting fiercely with the two big demons.

His eyes flashed with a compelling killing intent: "Today, even if it is an old account between me and the Five Poisons Sect!" "

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