The people who saw the Tibetan Sword Villa appear.

The eyes of the disciples of Hundred Flowers Valley showed anger and killing intent.

Because they know.

The reason why the valley owner has fallen to this point.

They were all persecuted by the Tibetan Sword Villa, the Moon Worship Sect, and the Five Poisons Sect.

See the enemy appear before you.

The disciples of Hundred Flowers Valley all showed their weapons.

Even if the Hidden Sword Villa is the number one existence among the five hidden sects.

They are also fearless.

Even if the fragrance is lost.

They will also fight the enemy.

"Those who should have come did not come, but those who should not have come came!" A wry smile appeared at the corner of Du Yue's mouth.

She thought these people would wait until they died.

Which Cheng thought that he was still alive to facilitate coming.

Even so, she still said: "Hundred Flowers Valley has prepared a banquet for the powerhouses of the Hidden Sword Villa, and the little woman specially waits for the powerhouses of the Hidden Sword Villa to come. The

words came out.

Wan Yan, as well as the four elders behind him, all showed strange expressions.

Hundred Flowers Valley counted that they will come?

Even so.

But why prepare a banquet?

Could it be fraudulent?


He actually felt that things were a little tricky.

Even if the Valley of Hundred Flowers is in front of you.

But they did not dare to order an attack.

In any case, Hundred Flowers Valley was also the existence of one of the five hidden sects.

"I wonder what kind of wine Lord Du Gu has prepared for us?"

"But your Hundred Flowers Valley?"

"If you can taste the Hundred Flowers Dew this time, it is worth the trip!"

With an old laugh.

The Moon Worship Sect Leader had no heart.

With the disciples of the Moon Worship Sect, they took off on a large wooden boat magic weapon.

They are saber rattling.


The disciples of Hundred Flowers Valley all showed solemn expressions on their faces.

If only to meet the people of the Hidden Sword Villa.

They also have the power to fight a war.

But now.

The absolute superiority has been pressed on them, and it is difficult for them to breathe.

After all, it is the Hidden Sword Villa.

Or moon worship.

They are all existences of one of the five hidden sects.

One-on-one they are not afraid of anyone.

But now.

The situation is very unfavorable for Hundred Flowers Valley.

"Hundred Flowers Dew is naturally enough." Du Yuan sat there quietly, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

But she was so indifferent and calm.

As well as the inexplicable smile on his face, the masters of the Tibetan Sword Villa and the Moon Worship Sect felt inexplicably uneasy.

Although Du Iris was seriously injured, his life hung in the balance.

But after all, the Valley of Hundred Flowers is a hidden sect that has been passed down for ten thousand years.

And this time they killed the base camp of Hundred Flowers Valley.

No one knows if there are some terrifying beings living in the Valley of Hundred Flowers.

"Why did the two Daoists hesitate?"

"Why don't you dare to enter the valley?" Du Kite's voice was flat.

The smile on his face became more and more obvious.

But the masters of the Tibetan Sword Villa and the Moon Moon Sect had gloomy faces.

Do not dare to do anything.

The codder just sat there quietly.

But one person shocked the two major religions.

This boldness is rare in the world.

"Why hasn't Xiang Tianshe come yet?" Wan Yan's soul transmission was unintentional.

The three major sects agreed to attack the Valley of Hundred Flowers at the same time.

If the Five Poisons Sect leads the masters to come.

Gather the power of the three religions.

They were fully confident of attacking the Valley of Hundred Flowers in one go.

But now.

They don't dare to act rashly at all.

Wuxin replied, "I summoned the Sect Leader before, and he is on his way here at this time.

Wan Yan nodded slightly.

As long as the Five Poisons Sect doesn't break the contract, that's fine.

Otherwise, today, the Tibetan Sword Mountain Villa and the Moon Worship Sect would have to leave this place in disgrace.

Wan Yan opened his mouth and asked curiously, "Lord Du Gu, where is that little white face of yours?"

"You did not hesitate to cast snow to save him."

"If it weren't for that, we wouldn't be where we are today."

"Supposedly, he should be by your side when you die."

"But why isn't he?"

"Could it be that I went behind your back to be happy with other women?" Speaking of this, I laughed.

Anyway, the people of the Five Poisons Sect haven't come yet.

It's better to find some stubble to stimulate the codds first.

After all, she is in terrible shape right now.

In case of anger, she screamed.

Aren't they missing a strong rival?

Du Yuan sighed lightly and said helplessly: "He went to the Hidden Sword Villa!" Wan

Yan's face changed suddenly, and deep fear flashed in his eyes: "Does he want to take advantage of my absence to capture my Hidden Sword Villa?" "

The masters of the Hidden Sword Villa all followed him.

At this time, it is not excessive to say that people go to the empty building.

The strongest is only two Soul Love Realm powerhouses.

If he goes there with Chen Nan's strength, he will definitely be able to defeat those two masters.

"Nope!" Du Kite: "He just heard that your mother is living alone in the world and is unbearable, and specially brought two male dogs to warm your mother's lonely heart!"

"To soothe your mother's empty soul!"

Hear this.

Wan Yan burst out with a strong anger!

He didn't expect Du Iris to speak so viciously.

The intense anger made him lose his mind.

Just when he was about to strike and kill Du Kite.

Wuxin stopped him and said in a low voice: "Don't be impulsive, don't fall for this woman."

"If I'm not mistaken, he deliberately wanted to provoke us."

"As for her purpose, it is unknown."

Wan Yan forcibly hid the anger in his heart to the bottom of his heart.


Du Yue's voice sounded again: "Wuxin Laoer, do you know why Chen Nan took two male dogs to the Hidden Sword Villa?"

Wuxin couldn't help but say, "Because of the space void of Lord Wanzhuang's mother? The

words did not fall.

He felt Wan Yan cast a gaze full of killing intent.

An embarrassed smile immediately appeared: "I'm sorry, I forgot about our alliance!"

Wan Yan was furious: "If we don't form an alliance, you can humiliate my mother?"

Wuxin cleared his throat and said seriously, "Lord Wan Zhuang, we shouldn't care about these things at this time. "

Once we have infighting, we will definitely fall for the tricks of the clums."

"So what, I deeply apologize to you for the inappropriate remarks before."

There was a sentence he didn't say.

Who in the rivers and lakes does not know that your mother is empty, lonely and cold?

"The reason why Chen Nan took two male dogs to the Hidden Sword Mountain Villa is, in the final analysis, because he has no intention of teaching you!" Du Yuan had a shallow smile on his face.

Without any doubt, he asked, "How do you say this?"

Du Kite: "Because your mother died too early, otherwise your mother would have gotten a male dog." The

words came out.

Wuxin suddenly became angry.

A strong anger was used in his head, making him subconsciously sacrifice his long sword.

Wan Yan hurriedly said, "Don't be impulsive to the Heartless Sect Leader, don't fall for this woman."

"If I'm not mistaken, she must have deliberately provoked us."

"As for what purpose she has, it is unknown."

Wuxin frowned.

These words.

Why does it sound so familiar?


Isn't that what I just said?

You even have to copy my lines to comfort me?

Without warning.

A terrifying aura came from the eastern sky.

Immediately followed by the laughter of the Five Poisons Sect Leader Xiang Tianshe: "Xiang Mou is late, please don't mind the two Daoists!" "

Seeing that the people of the Five Poisons Sect were killing in a big way.

Wan Yan and the seriousness of looking at Du Iris unintentionally are full of playful meaning!

The three religions gathered, why worry about not being able to break through the Valley of Hundred Flowers?

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