Feel this powerful breath.

Everyone looked to the east.

Du Kite's eyes also bloomed with a fine light.

Is that guy coming?

I finally waited for that guy!

Wan Yan, unintentional, Xiang Tianshe three people had doubtful eyes flashing in their eyes.

They don't know who is coming.

The next moment.

Yu Bo, the owner of Tianluo Building, flew into the air.

He was dressed in a cyan robe and his long gray-white hair fluttered in the wind.

He held a jade flute behind his back with one hand and his right hand.

Exudes a powerful aura.

"Landlord Yu, why did you come here?" Wan Yan asked, "Could it be that you also want to fight the idea of Hundred Flowers Valley?" "

I'm sorry Landlord Yu, it's enough to eradicate our three sects in the Hundred Flowers Valley." Xiang Tianshe grinned and showed a sinister smile, obviously not wanting Tianluo Lou to get a piece of the pie.

After all, a piece of cake divided by three people, and four people divided into two natures.

The Moon Worship Sect Leader had no intention, although he did not speak.

But the attitude is obvious.

Yu Bo landed at the entrance of Hundred Flowers Valley from the air, fighting side by side with Du Yuan and the Du Huang sisters, and said, "I support Hundred Flowers Valley in this battle!" The

words came out.

The masters of Hundred Flowers Valley all showed surprise on their faces.

Because they have no intersection with Tianluo Lou.

But why did Tianluo Tower help Hundred Flowers Valley?

Even Du Kite frowned.

I don't understand what kind of medicine is sold in the Tianluo Lou gourd.

"Old thing, you actually want to be an enemy of us?" Wan Yan was furious.

Xiang Tianshe snorted coldly: "Lord Yu, you are on the wrong team!"

"Even if you have the peak cultivation of the Body Grabbing Realm, it is impossible to defeat our three Body Grabbing Realm peak powerhouses." Wuxin whispered, "If you leave at this time, we will treat you as if you did not appear."

"If not, I will even destroy you today!"

Tianluo Lou wanted to get a piece of the pie, they could understand.

But they couldn't understand that Tianluo Lou wanted to help Hundred Flowers Valley.

Yu Bo asked calmly, "Guys, do you know why only Old Immortal is here?" The

three looked at each other.

I don't know why.

Yu Bo smiled: "Forget it!" "

No more selling!"

"My disciples of Tianluo Lou are now heading towards the Hidden Sword Villa, the Moon Worship Sect, and the Five Poisons Sect!"

"If you go back at this time, you will be able to turn the tide."

"Otherwise, your three sects will be razed to the ground by my Tianluo Lou."

Hear this.

The faces of the three changed drastically.

A sense of foreboding welled up in my heart.

If the powerhouses of Tianluo Tower really rushed to their sect.

With the remaining disciples of their sect, they were categorically unable to resist the attack of Tianluo Lou.

Wan Yan roared: "Yu Bo, what exactly do you want to do?

Yu Bo said indifferently: "I just want the Three Sects to leave the Hundred Flowers Valley!"

"That's all!"

Xiang Tianshe whispered, "As far as I know, Tianluo Tower and Hundred Flowers Valley have no intersection, why do you want to help them?"

"I'm not helping them, I'm helping myself!" Yu Bo could not see any joy or anger on his face, and he said calmly: "If the Hundred Flowers Valley is destroyed today, the strength of your three sects will definitely rise to a higher level.

"Once it's really there."

"Your ambitions will make you set your sights on my Tianluo Lou."

"And with the strength of my Tianluo Lou, it is definitely not the opponent of your three sects."


"I can't watch Hundred Flowers Valley being destroyed by your three sects."

Last time the Vulcan sect was different.

Yu Bo guessed today's situation.

So I have long been prepared.

Or collude with the three sects.

Or share the same hatred with Hundred Flowers Valley.

No doubt.

He chose the latter.

If you really collude with the three sects.

He would not have given up the opportunity of the Vulcan Sect in the first place.

Yu Bo said softly, "Three, it's still too late for you to return to your respective sects at this time!"

"Can we still go back?" Wan Yan's eyes were torn: "If our three sects leave in panic today, how will we leave in the rivers and lakes in the future?"

Yu Bo nodded slightly: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether Lord Wan Zhuang leaves or not.

"After all, the disciples you brought with you were all killed and injured!"

"Even if you go back, your Hidden Sword Villa will exist in name only."

As the so-called murder comes first.

Wan Yan's face was sallow when he said this.

But it also calmed down Xiang Tianshe of the Five Poisons Sect and the unintentional Moon Worship Sect.

Yu Bo is right.

The disciples brought by the Tibetan Sword Villa were all dead.

Even if Wan Yan returned to the Tibetan Sword Villa, the Tibetan Sword Villa had already existed in name only.


It doesn't mean much whether he goes back or not.


Their disciples are still alive!

Wan Yan saw what the two were thinking, and gritted his teeth and said, "Two Daoists, can't you still see it?" Old Man Yu wants to drive a wedge between us.

"If you believe him, you will fall for the tricks of the other side."

"In my opinion, our three sects should directly destroy them."

"In this way, even if the sect is razed to the ground, it can be rebuilt."

"And as long as we destroy the Hundred Flowers Valley and Tianluo Tower, our three sects will be able to unify the cultivation world."

"It's a three-legged one."

"Isn't that bad?"

A three-legged victory.

Instantly let the eyes of Wuxin and Xiang Tianshe shine.

They all wanted to strengthen their sects.

But there has never been a good opportunity.

But if there really are only three hidden sects in the netherworld.

If you form a three-legged trend.

The three religions will certainly be stronger and bigger.


A long knife appeared in Wuxin's hand.


An order was given to the disciples of the Moon Worship Sect to attack.

Xiang Tianshe also said, "Do it." "

For a while.

The disciples of the Five Poisons Sect and the Moon Worship Sect all held long swords and killed the Hundred Flowers Valley.


The three peak realms shot at the same time.

Kill towards Yu Bo, Du Yuan and others.

Du Iris has long been seriously injured.

There is simply no way to fight again.

Du Huang also consumed a lot of spiritual power because of the blossom of a single thought.

It is difficult to fight again.

But Red Lotus held a long sword in front of the two.

Seeing that the three peak powerhouses of the Transformation Realm were about to approach.

Yu Bo blew the jade flute.

In a flash.

A green sound wave visible to the naked eye spread out in the jade flute.

It's like a great wave.

Instantly blasted away those disciples of the Five Poisons Sect and the Moon Worship Sect.

The fierce flute sound made countless people hold their heads and scream.

Roll on the ground.

Many disciples of the Five Poisons Sect and the Moon Worship Sect oozed blood from their seven tips.

Mo said it was those ordinary disciples.

Even the three Avatar Realm powerhouses were forced to retreat.

I feel my blood rushing and my headache is cracking.

His eyes were full of solemnity.

It is necessary to ask which of the five hidden sects is the most mysterious.

It is Tianluo Lou.

They knew that there was a Yu Bo who had captured the peak of the Body Realm in Tianluo Lou.


I don't know anything else about Tianluo Tower.

I don't even know how many disciples there are in Tianluo Lou.

"This flute is too terrifying, and a hard attack is not a way at all!" Wan Yan clenched his fists, and his eyes exuded monstrous killing intent.

Wu Xin looked up at the sky.

Night has fallen.

A bright moon hangs over the sky, exuding a hazy halo.

He said disdainfully: "Yu Bo's strength is indeed extraordinary, but my Moon Worship Sect is not a soft persimmon.

"Just let you see, my hole card of the Moon Worship Sect!" Speaking of this, the tone became crazy.

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