He was like a god of fire coming into the world.

The gesture exudes the momentum of staring at all living beings.

Especially the flame that bloomed in his eyes.

It represents how strong his anger is at this time.

"You little white face dares to come?" Wan Yan was overjoyed, if he killed Chen Nan, wouldn't he be able to seize the opportunity on him?

"Don't be happy too soon." Wuxin's expression was solemn: "This son's cultivation improvement is too terrifying, and I feel a dangerous aura in him." "

It's less than three months since the Vulcan Sect.

At that time, Chen Nan only possessed the cultivation of the early stage of the Soul Gathering Realm.

But now, he has reached the eighth level of the Avatar Realm.

Cultivation is improving too quickly.

Even in the history books, there has never been such a demon level existence.

Xiang Tianshe of the Five Poisons Sect snorted coldly: "Even if his strength increases rapidly, he is not destined to be an opponent for me!" "



Chen Nan appeared in front of Du Yue, who had tears in his eyes, like a ghost, and his heart was full of pain: "Don't talk, take this pill first!"

"I'll do the rest!"

He was glad that he came to the Valley of Flowers in time.

Or it will be unimaginable.

Du Yuan cried with joy and swallowed the elixir into his belly.

In a flash.

A rich life force spread out within her.

It's like a ganlin.

Repairing the wounds in her body.

And her face instantly returned to rosy.

After all, this is a biotic creation pill.

Du Huang's eyes were full of shock: "You actually refined the Life Creation Pill?"

"What? That is actually the Life Creation Pill? Xiang Tianshe exclaimed.

The Five Poisons Sect is good at using poison.

But he also knows some ancient elixirs.

Knowing how difficult it is to refine the Biochemical Creation Pill.

Although only three medicinal herbs are needed.

But each one takes more than 10,000 years.

Especially the main medicine is the Wannian Nai River fish.

It is an existence that can be encountered but cannot be sought.

After coming back to his senses.

Xiang Tianshe asked, "Since you have refined the Life Creation Pill, then I think you should have been to Snake Mountain, right?" "

He knew there was a way to get Nai River fish.

Over there is fishing with white spirit snakes.

The White Spirit Snake only exists above the Snake Mountain.

Chen Nan looked over and said with a sinister smile: "Not only have I been to Snake Mountain, but I also met Sect Leader's younger brother.

Xiang Tianshe asked, "Where is my brother now?"

Chen Nan: "He's dead!"


"Died at my hands."

Chen Nan's tone was flat, as if he was saying a trivial matter.

"Impossible!" Xiang Tianshe said angrily: "My younger brother has the seventh-layer cultivation of the Body Grabbing Realm, and he also carries eight late-stage powerhouses of the Soul Stealing Realm with him, just by how you can be injured by an ant..."

The words are not finished.

His voice stopped abruptly.

It was as if an invisible palm had choked his throat.

He clearly saw eight black formation flags appear in Chen Nan's hand.

That was the inheritance magic weapon of the Five Poisons Sect.

"You actually killed a seventh-layer powerhouse of the Body Grabbing Realm?" Wuxin's scalp was numb, although he sensed that there was a very dangerous aura on Chen Nan's body.

But he didn't expect that he could kill a seventh-layer powerhouse of the Body Grabbing Realm.

Chen Nan's eyes gradually became cold: "Not only did I kill the powerhouses of the seventh layer of the Body Grabbing Realm, but today I will also kill you three powerhouses of the ninth layer of the Body Grabbing Realm!" "


In a flash.

The temperature of the flames soared to a terrifying point.

Those ordinary disciples of the Moon Worship Sect and the Five Poisons Sect could not withstand this terrifying high temperature at all.

They screamed and wailed in the fire.

In an instant, it turned into flying ash and disappeared between heaven and earth.

With Chen Nan's current ability to control the laws of the fire system.

It is a bit bragging to say that the powerhouse of the Soul Thirsty Realm is killed in seconds.

But it is absolutely difficult for a strong person below the Soul Thirsty Realm to survive in the flames for three seconds.

"Want to kill us? Then it depends on whether you have this ability! Wan Yan roared angrily, and he probed into the void with one palm, wanting to use the Tibetan sword technique to kill Chen Nan.

But a terrifying discovery...

The void is calm.

As if imprisoned by some great power.

At the same time, Chen Nan slapped Yu Bo's back with a palm.

The spatial realm enveloped his body.

Envelope every cell of him.


Yu Bo spewed out a mouthful of blood.

The originally flushed face instantly turned rosy.

The poison in the body was also vomited out with the mouthful of blood before.

Of course.

All this is Chen Nan's hands and feet.

The poisonous scorpion of the millennium is terrifying though.

But it is also difficult to escape Chen Nan's perception.

Using the laws of space can completely force out the poison in Yu Bo's body.

A piercing scream was sent to Tianshe: "Impossible! "


"This is the poison of a thousand-year-old poisonous scorpion."

"It's an incurable poison!"

"How could you guys crack it so easily?"

It was difficult for him to accept it.


He could accept his brother's tragic death.

He couldn't accept it, and Chen Nan only slapped Yu Bo.

It forced out the scorpion venom in his body.

Other words.

The poison of the thousand-year-old poisonous scorpion carefully bred by himself.

Can't resist the random palm of people?

"Don't panic the two Daoists, I'll summon the moonlight to kill them again!" Wuxin's face was full of anger, and he immediately knelt on the ground with a reverent look.

Want to summon Moonlight to kill Chen Nan.

But when he just knelt on the ground, he let out a scream: "The ground is too hot to kneel..."

"You can't have a chance to fight back."

Chen Nan waved his arms.

The sea of fire in the sky transformed into a fire dragon about a kilometer long.

The fire dragon was entrenched on the ground.

The powerhouses of the three religions were trapped in it.

And Chen Nan is stepping on the void.

The moment he lifts his foot.

A step formed by flames will appear in the air.

It's like a road to heaven.

Let him appear on the dragon head step by step.

Like a mighty god.

Condescendingly overlooking the trapped powerhouses of the Three Sects.

See this scene.

Those disciples of Hundred Flowers Valley were all fooled.

There is such a heroic and extraordinary beautiful man in heaven and earth?

Especially Du Huang.

She already knew why her sister was so dead set on this man.

Not to mention looks.


This pretense alone can pinch many women.

Even she was fascinated by Chen Nan at the moment.

Ask this kind of man, which woman doesn't love?

"You shouldn't have come to Hundred Flowers Valley!"

"I shouldn't hurt my woman!"

Chen Nan waved his arms.

The fire dragon spewed out a terrifying flame.

The masters of the three sects released the protective body yin qi and fought hard to resist.

Although resisted the attack of the flames.

But except for the powerhouses of the Body Grabbing Realm.

The powerhouses of the Transformation Realm and the Soul Loving Realm simply couldn't support it for too long.

"I don't believe I can't kill you!" Wan Yan's eyes were shattered, and he tore through the flames with his long sword in his hand, and killed towards Chen Nan.

A trace of disdain flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

He raised his right palm.

Pressed down heavily.

In a flash.

A huge palm of fire appeared out of thin air.

It's like the palm of God.

Under the incredible eyes of everyone, Wan Yan was shot down into the air and suppressed under the palm of fire!

The beautiful eyes of the disciples of Hundred Flowers Valley were full of shock.

How could this man be so violent?

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