Food is indeed poisonous.

But not fatal.

At best, it will put people into a coma.

This surprised Chen Nan.

Unexpectedly, traitors appeared in the caravan of the Wang family.

At the same time, he understood why the bridge over the official road was destroyed.

This is someone who wants to force the people of the Wang family to enter the Falling Goose Mountain.

So that it fell into the hands of those thieves!

As for who is the traitor.


Except for the person named Wang Fu, there should be no one else.

"Pretend to be unconscious for a while."

"Don't act rashly."

Chen Nan summoned Di Lian and Guo Yu.

If the thief of Falling Goose Mountain is just asking for wealth.

He certainly wouldn't meddle in it.

But if you want to kill for money.

Then he must take care of it.

Although it is a meeting of Pingshui.

But the eldest lady of the Wang family is kind-hearted.

He would never watch her being murdered by thieves.

Just when those in the Wang family caravan were eating dinner and vigilant around.

One after another, some people closed their eyes and fell into a coma.

It took less than a minute.

Everyone fell into a coma.


Wang Fu, who fell into a coma, opened his eyes and saw a sinister smile on his face.

He looked at Wang Lan.

Unabashedly fiery inside.

Unexpectedly pinched Wang Lan very shamefully...


He took out a cloud-piercing arrow in his arms.

Direct release!


Accompanied by a sharp sound.

A fireworks bomb blooms in the night.

Almost five minutes later.

The sound of horses' hooves came from deep in the mountains.

A moment later.

The second leader of Luoyan Mountain, Wu Tian came with more than twenty mountain thieves, holding a blade and coming with great momentum.

Wang Fu quickly picked up a horse and moved the carriage to it.

Let the circle reveal an opening.

"Wang Fu, things are doing well!" Wu Tian looked at Wang Fu with a look of satisfaction: "According to the agreement, we will not touch these goods in Luoyan Mountain, but Wang Lan, this woman, needs to be brought back to the mountain and become the eldest brother's lady."

"As for the Wang family's affairs."

"If you can destroy Wang Lan's father."

"We, Luoyan Mountain, will support you to become the patriarch of the Wang family."

Wang Fu was overjoyed: "Thank you Second Master..."


Without warning.

A long sword pierced through his chest.

A big cut appeared before his eyes.

Yin Hong's blood was constantly dripping.

He looked back in horror.

I don't know when.

Wang Lan had actually come to her senses.

Eyes full of frost.


Wang Lan pulled out the long sword inserted in Wang Fu's body, gritted his teeth and said: "I have long suspected that there is a traitor in the family, but I didn't expect it to be you!" "

The Wang family's business during this period was very unstable.

Several times the escort goods were robbed.

That's why.

Wang Lan would personally escort the goods to Guangling Mansion.

She wanted to see who had betrayed the Wang family.

The Wang family's cargo route was informed to the villains.

It's just that.

She didn't expect that.

That person turned out to be Wang Fu.

This is her own cousin!

Wang Fu fell to the ground in horror.

Blood spat out of his mouth.

He didn't expect Wang Lan to be wary of him.

"Eat inside and outside."

"My royal family treats you well."

"You want to eat away at the inheritance of my royal family."

"It's not even Miss Liben."

The more Wang Lan spoke, the more angry he became, and the long sword in his hand swept through the air, accompanied by a heart-rending scream.

Wang Fu's hands were neatly cut off.

"Second master help, second master help!" Wang Fu's face turned sallow and he begged Wu Tian.

Wu Tian slashed with a sword.

Wang Fu's head soared into the air.

Then it fell heavily to the ground.

Wang Fu stared at Wu Tian with horror in his eyes.

Never dreamed.

He actually died at the hands of the other party.

After slashing Wang Fu's first rank with a sword, Wu Tian looked at Wang Lan with a smile: "I really didn't expect that Miss Wang was also a person who didn't let her eyebrows!"

"You know it's probably a trap, but why do you jump into it?"

"Do you think that you alone can fight against so many of our brothers?" Speaking of this, a disdainful smile appeared on his face.

Wang Lan asked calmly, "Who said I only have one person?" The

words did not fall.

Those who were already unconscious suddenly opened their eyes.

With lightning speed, he grasped the weapon beside him and stabbed into the chest of those thieves.

In an instant.

Those mountain thieves brought by Wu Tian all died in anger.

The situation was turned around in an instant.

Wu Tian looked at Wang Lan incredulously: "I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that this woman of yours would have this kind of means."

"If I'm not mistaken, you should have given them the poison in advance, right?"


"Even so, so what?"

"How can you mortals alone defeat me?"

"Young Master, I'm a powerhouse at the peak of the Yin Realm!" He laughed loudly and burst out with a powerful aura.

Feel the breath released by Wu Tian.

Wang Lan and the others were full of solemnity.

Cultivators are supreme beings to mortals.

Any cultivator can control the life and death of mortals.

Looking at everyone's terrified eyes, Wu Tian said, "If you promise to join us in Falling Yan Mountain, I can let you have a way to live."

"Or else."

"Today next year will be your festival."

His eyes were as cold as a knife.

Let everyone panic.


A middle-aged man roared angrily: "The Wang family treats us well, you don't want us to do the things of sellers seeking glory, even if you kill us all, we will definitely not let you hurt my young lady." Speaking

of this, he slashed at Wu Tian with a long knife in his hand.

"Find death!"

Wu Tian's eyes froze, and he kicked the other party out more than ten meters.

In front of the practitioner.

Ordinary people are really like ants.

Wu Tian spoke: "Miss Wang, my eldest brother has been in love with you for a long time, if you are willing to go up the mountain."

"I can release you people."

"Otherwise, I'll have to send these people on their way."

"You are the eldest lady of the Wang family."

"The future patriarch of the Wang family."

"You don't want them to die a tragic death in front of your eyes, right?"

He had a playful smile on his face.

Wang Lan's face was earthy.

She naturally didn't want to follow the other party to climb the mountain.

Because she knew that once she went to Falling Goose Mountain.

Then it is impossible to leave a step in this life.

But she had no doubt about Wu Tian's words.

These bandits really do what they say.

If you don't listen to him yourself.

He would really kill these people from the Wang family.

She hesitated, her eyes firm: "Okay, as long as you release these people from the Wang family, I will follow you up the mountain."

"Miss, you can't do this!"

"Yes, Miss, it can't be like this!"

Everyone in the Wang family was full of nervousness, and they didn't want Wang Lan to become the lady of Luoyan Mountain because of herself.

Wang Lan said indifferently: "I have decided, you will quickly leave this place with the goods!"

"In any case, you can't delay the delivery..."

The words are not finished.

She saw Wu Tian kill a middle-aged man with a sword.

Because the distance is closer.

Blood even stained her face.

"I'm sorry, I was just joking with you." Wu Tian grinned and showed a creepy smile: "These people, I don't plan to let any of them go!"

Chen Nan cleared his throat and slowly walked out in the dark: "Including our brothers?" "

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