
Wang Lan agreed to Chen Nan's proposal.

Because she knows.

Chen Nan definitely had something important to do.

And the only thing she could do was cooperate with him.

Cooperate with him as much as possible.

Under nightfall.

Twelve carriages marched in the dark.

Although it was night.

But there was a full moon in the sky.

Moonlight is like water.

It illuminates the way forward.


Chen Nan also appeared in the den of thieves' in Falling Yan Mountain.

Spiritual power covers the entire den of thieves.

He found a powerhouse at the peak of the Soul Gathering Realm.

As well as more than a hundred mountain thieves.

At this time they are drinking in large bowls and eating meat in large chunks.

There are also several leaders who are playing with the women kidnapped from the mountain.

How strong the women screamed.

The thief inside is so excited.

Don't treat them like human beings at all.

There was even a one-eyed dragon who was cutting the flesh and blood of a young man next to him with a knife to drink alcohol.

His face was full of intoxication.

It's like tasting rare delicacy.

The young man, on the other hand, was convulsing and his eyes were torn.

The severe pain made him unbearable.

However, his tongue was cut off, and he couldn't make any sound at all.

The scene was horrible.

It's like an Asura field.

"What are you?"


Someone discovered Chen Nan's existence.

With a scream.

A large group of mountain thieves, armed with sharp weapons, swarmed out of the main hall.

In an instant, Chen Nan was surrounded.

"Who are you?" Why do you want to break into Luoyan Mountain at night? With a loud voice, one was almost two meters tall.

A strong man wearing a black animal skin coat with thick eyebrows and big eyes walked out.

In one hand, he carried a wine jar about half a meter high.

The eyes are as deep as the stars.

"Why did Daoist friends break into the mountain late at night?" The middle-aged man spoke: "Everyone knows that I Wu Fa has a bold personality and likes to make friends. But when you break into the mountains late at night uninvited, you can't help but put me Wu someone in your eyes, right?

Chen Nan was stunned for a moment: "Wu Fa, Wu Tian? Your brothers' names are quite overbearing!

Wu Fa frowned: "Have you seen my brother?"

Chen Nan: "I've already sent him on his way!" "



"If I do something simpler, you may be able to catch up with him."

As soon as the words came out.

The surrounding bandits all gasped.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nan actually killed the second master.

You must know that the second leader has the peak cultivation of the Yin Realm.

"I'm going to kill you to avenge the second master!"

A mountain thief shouted and slashed at Chen Nan.

Chen Nan's eyes were indifferent.

Kick out.

In a flash.

The mountain thief strangely turned into a pool of flesh and blood and fell to the ground.

The sudden scene frightened the thief of Falling Yanshan Mountain to gasp.

Especially Wu Fa.

The eyes are extremely solemn.

As a peak powerhouse of the Soul Gathering Realm.

He didn't even feel any fluctuations in Yin Qi.

"You Luoyan Mountain bullies men and women, and you do all kinds of evil."


"I will destroy you for the Tianxing Dao!" Chen Nan's eyes were fierce and exuded a strong killing intent.

If these people are robbing the rich and helping the poor because of their livelihood.

Then tonight he will only take the bowstring of the Sun God's bow.

But that's not the case.

They lost their conscience and did everything evil.

That's it.

Chen Nan didn't mind killing either.

"If you don't measure your strength, just rely on you, and you also want to flatten my Falling Goose Mountain?" The one-eyed dragon who had eaten human flesh before looked disdainful, and he held it in the air, and a black mace about two meters long appeared in his hand.


He turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of Chen Nan.

Hundreds of pounds of maces in his hands whistled out.

Under everyone's disdainful and playful eyes, he smashed Chen Nan's head.

Just as everyone thinks.

When Chen Nan's head would be smashed by the mace.

A jaw-dropping thing happened.

There was a crisp cracking sound above the mace.

The sound is not loud though.

But falling on everyone's ears there is a feeling of thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Why didn't Chen Nan's head get smashed.

On the contrary, the mace also made a cracking sound?

Don't wait for everyone to come back to their senses.

The mace in the one-eyed dragon's hand turned into countless pieces of iron, falling to the ground with a clanging sound.

This moment!

The audience fell like a dead silence.

Everyone had a tingling scalp.

Creepy looked at Chen Nan.

The mace smashed on his head and shattered.

Is his head so hard?

If even the head is so hard.

How terrifying should his strength be?

Even Wu Fa felt an inexplicable fear.

Even if he had the peak cultivation of the Soul Gathering Realm.

But if the mace lands on his head.

He had to die instantly.

"You can die!"

Chen Nan snapped his fingers.

All mountain thieves, including Wu Fa.

As well as those who guard the mountain gate.

The thief in the back kitchen.

In an instant, it turned into a blood mist and disappeared into heaven and earth by the wind.

Chen Nan did not go to the hall to visit those who had been robbed, but went straight to the back kitchen.

The back kitchen is drying some bacon.

Of course.

Chen Nan is not trying to make these bacons.

Instead, the rope that dries the bacon exudes a vague divine power.

Although only three meters long.

But Chen Nan knew.

This rope is the bowstring of the Sun-shooting God's bow.

I don't know what kind of material this rope is woven from.

It has an earthy yellow hue.

It doesn't look good.

But Chen Nan could sense that it contained terrifying power.

"I didn't expect that such a fetish would be reduced to the point where people can dry bacon!" Chen Nan sighed lightly, and by the way, he collected those bacons into the storage magic weapon.

Then the bowstring was unwound.

The figure disappeared out of thin air on the Falling Goose Mountain.

He soon caught up with the caravan.

Sitting in the carriage at the rear.

"Hmm, give it to you as a gift." Chen Nan handed the bowstring of the Sun Shooting God Bow to Guo Yu.

And at the moment he took out the bowstring.

Guo Yu showed a painful expression again.

"You can drop blood to confess the Lord, and it will relieve your pain." Listen to whispers.

Guo Yu nodded, and after dripping blood to recognize the Lord, the bowstring merged with him.

Regardless of each other.

Just as the truth says.

After he confessed his blood dripping blood, the pain in his head disappeared.

Although there are still memories of strangers forcibly inserted into his head.

But at this time, for him, it is more like looking at those strange pictures as a bystander.

Guo Yu looked at Chen Nan, his eyes full of doubts: "Big brother, what is going on here?"

"Why can I see so many memories that don't belong to me?"

Chen Nandao: "It may be that you have something to do with this thing!"

Guo Yu nodded slightly, feeling that what Chen Nan said was reasonable, and then said with a smile: "Big brother, I thought I was the man who had the least feminine affection."

"But I have only now discovered that there are men who are less popular with women than me."

"I found it in that memory that didn't belong to me."

"That man is bent on immortality."

"In order to live forever, he went to a magnificent immortal palace to obtain an elixir of life."


"Guess what?"

"Although he asked for the elixir, he was secretly eaten by his wife."

"Then abandoned him and flew to the Guanghan Palace."


"I can't even keep my own wife."

"This man is really so unproductive!"

"I wondered, how can such a worthless man have the face to live in heaven and earth?"

"He's a shame on us men!"

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