The grand prefectural gate gate.

Two groups of soldiers in red armor stood there quietly.

It exudes an aura of slaughter.

Even Chen Nan couldn't help but be moved when he saw it.

It's not just because of the killing aura in them.

More importantly, these people turned out to be powerhouses in the late stage of the Soul Gathering Realm.

That's a bit outrageous.

Know when he first came to Hades.

The strongest person he came into contact with was Yuan Zun.

And at that time, Yuan Zun was just a cultivator at the peak of the Soul Gathering Realm.

Even facing Yue Shan of the Transformation Realm, and the green-eyed zombie were powerless.


After coming to Guangling Mansion, I found out.

The Soul Gathering Realm is really everywhere.


The strength of a state capital is not at all comparable to that of Tongcheng.

In fact, this is also reasonable.

Tongcheng is equivalent to a county-level city in Yangma.

Not even a prefecture-level city.

Guangling Province, on the other hand, is comparable to the capital city of Yangjian.

Tian Bo explained: "They are from the Town Demon Division! "

The Zhen Demon Division is an independent existence of Guangling Mansion."

"They are only responsible for some bizarre and weird cases in the rivers and lakes."

"And if you want to join the Demon Division."

"Must have cultivation above the Soul Gathering Realm!"

Chen Nan was relieved.

Immediately, he followed Tian Bo into the prefectural gate.

At this time, many officials from Guangling Prefecture had already gathered on both sides of the prefect's Yamen.

Most of them are the yin difference of three products, four products, and five products.

Without exception.

Except for the three-pin yin, he looks a little young.

The yin difference between the fourth and fifth grades are all some middle-aged and elderly people.

After all, it is very difficult to become a high-level yin.

After Chen Nan appeared.

Those yin differences all revealed incredible eyes.

They had heard that the new sixth-level Yin Difference was very young.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a young man in his twenties.

It's just that.

I felt that he only had the eight-layer cultivation of the Transformation Realm.

Many people showed great disdain.

Because the cultivation of many people present was far above Chen Nan.

Of course.

There were also some people who showed awe at Chen Nan.

Although this son is young.

But the gesture released a strong and indifferent momentum.

He did not show timidity because he first entered Guangling Mansion.

Say nothing else.

This boldness alone is very moving.

Then Chen Nan followed Tian Bo to the public hall of Yamen, the prefect of Guangling Prefecture.

Yuan Zun sat in the main hall wearing an official uniform.

On his side was a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, with an indifferent face.

He was also wearing a sixth-level yin official uniform.

And the eyebrows are very similar to Song Ziwei.

You don't have to think about it.

He must be Song Ziwei's biological father.

Guangling Prefecture Daotai Song Linhui.

In addition, there are some high-ranking officials of the prefect of Guangling Prefecture, Yamen.

Chen Nan noticed the killing intent released in Song Linhui's eyes when he looked at him, but he was not afraid, and he bowed and saluted: "Xiaguan Chen Nan has seen Lord Yuan, he has seen Lord Song!"

Yuan Zun laughed: "I and the others belong to the sixth-level Yin Difference, Lord Chen does not need to salute!"

Chen Nan took out a letter and said respectfully: "Half a month ago, Xiaguan received a letter of appointment from the Great Emperor and asked Xiaguan to report to Guangling Mansion!" "

I'm coming back to life!"

The master stepped forward quickly and handed the official document to Yuan Zun.

Yuan Zun took it and looked at it twice, and then said, "Since I received the letter of appointment half a month ago, why did Lord Chen come here to report today?" The

words came out.

The atmosphere above the public hall suddenly fell into freezing.

Everyone felt that the air was a little thinner.

There is an almost suffocating feeling.

Because many people know that Chen Nan was intercepted.

And the mastermind who intercepted him sat next to Yuan Zun.

Now Yuan Zun openly mentioned this matter.

It is tantamount to tearing his face to Song Linhui.

Sure enough.

Song Linhui's expression became more and more gloomy.

It seems that he didn't expect Yuan Zun to ask this question.

Is this a declaration of war on yourself?

Of course.

None of this matters.

What matters is how Chen Nan answers.

His answer directly determined his future situation in Guangling Prefecture.

It also decided whether he and Song Linhui were enemies or friends.

"Lord Hui, this matter is the fault of the subordinate official!" Chen Nan bowed and said, "Xiaguan met a few cats and dogs when he came to Guangling Mansion.

"They tried to bite me, and they were chased and beaten by the subordinates!"

"Blame me for being too young and vigorous."

"You shouldn't be familiar with a group of cats and dogs."

"It is precisely because of this that the time for the subordinate official to report to work has been delayed."

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone felt their scalps tingle.

There was a shuddering feeling.

No one expected Chen Nan to be so bold.

Compare the people who intercepted him to cats and dogs.

This is simply in front of Song Linhui.

Hit Song Linhui's face madly in front of the faces of everyone in Guangling Mansion!

This young man!

When it's really too unsightly, don't put Song Linhui in the eyes!

At the moment when Chen Nan killed Ji Tai Mei.

He and Song Linhui stood on the absolute opposite side.

He couldn't have left him with any mercy.

Compared to the shock of others.

Yuan Zun knew Chen Nan's character of daring to love and hate.

He said, "Even if there is a reason for the incident, then it will be revealed for the time being."

"I want to ask Lord Chen about something."

"Do you know who is trying to murder you?"

"If there is evidence, you can show it."

"Although you don't have any official position now, you are a sixth-level yin of the imperial court after all."

"Dare to murder the sixth level Yin of the court."

"This is already a capital sin against the Nine Clan!"

Song Linhui's heart trembled.

He thought that Yuan Zun just wanted to take the opportunity to knock and knock him.

Unexpectedly, he wanted to kill them all.

This old thing is really getting more and more out of sight.

Don't put yourself in your eyes!

Chen Nan smiled: "The dog bit us, how can we bite back?"

"If that's the case, what's the difference from a dog?"

"Are you right, Song Daotai?"

He looked at Song Linhui with a smile.

As soon as the words came out.

A thick layer of goosebumps rose on countless people.

What is a slap in the face?

This is a slap in the face.


Everyone felt the blood boiling.

Guangling Mansion has not had such a strong yin gap for many years.

His appearance can definitely make Guangling Mansion lively.


Behind the bustle, many people are destined to become victims.

A shallow smile appeared on Song Linhui's face: "What Lord Chen said is very true, if the dog bites us, we naturally can't bite back!"

Although he had a smile on his face.

But a monstrous killing intent rose in his heart.

Chen Nanxiaoer, you killed my person.

Now he humiliates his official in person.

It's really deceiving.


After all, the power of words is the manifestation of the incompetent.

You will soon have to pay for your arrogance and arrogance!

"Don't say that!" Yuan Zun diverted the topic and said, "Since the Great Emperor sent you, then we will naturally follow the Great Emperor's decree and arrange you to a suitable post."

Speaking of this, he looked at Song Linhui: "Lord Song, in your opinion, which post should Lord Chen go to?" "

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