There was an explosion on the first day of office.

Chen Nan felt that his luck was terrible.

But what he didn't expect was.

Everyone else had calm expressions.

As if it has become commonplace.

Qiye replied respectfully: "Lord Hui, there will be an explosion in our town demon division every three to five, not because of the enemy's attack, but because of the old fourth alchemy.

Chen Nan's face was full of curiosity: "White Capture will quickly refine pills?"

Seven Nights said, "The fourth elder has only come into contact with alchemy in the past two years, talent..." Okay, it only took two years to refine the Caiyin Pill. The

corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched.

It took two years to refine the Cai Yin Pill.

You call this talent?

Although Bai Yu is also an alchemist.

But Chen Nan never thought of teaching her alchemy.

After all, this lady is not a good person.

Even if the teacher Bai who wrote it himself has the same name as her.

There is no need to use such a strong killing intention on yourself, right?

Not to mention that the woman said that when she died, she would break her bones.


I didn't know that I thought I had disrespected her.

"This coiled dragon stick will belong to me in the future!" Chen Nan put away the coiling dragon stick and said to the old man in the Divine Weapon Pavilion, "Trouble the Divine Weapon Pavilion to help me refine a curved bow."

"You have to be tough, the harder the better."

"The height is also three meters!"

Guo Yu is good at shooting old ladies...


Guo Yu is the reincarnation of Houyi and is good at archery.

Although he helped him find the bowstring of the Sun-shooting God bow.

But the bow is in a lost state.

It is necessary to help him get a tough curved bow temporary package.

Right at this moment.


With hair dishevelled.

Bai Yu, who was full of anger, appeared outside the hall, and she roared angrily: "Chen Nan, blame you!"

"If your appearance hadn't affected my aunt's state of mind, how could my aunt have fried the oven?"



"Not a dog!"

"I curse you to die quickly."

"After you die, if I don't feed your ashes to the dog, I won't be called White Feather!"

She attributed the reason for her frying furnace to Chen Nan.

Chen Nan frowned slightly, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes: "You woman is still endless?"

"Just because of my presence you blew up the furnace, you imposed this on me?"

"Do you ever feel like you're unreasonable?"

Bai Yu pinched his waist with both hands, and his eyes widened angrily: "You know a fart!"

"Alchemy is a very complicated job."

"It takes full commitment."

"You can't let things affect your mentality."

"And your appearance affected my mentality."

"You say it's not to blame, who are you to blame?"

Chen Nan sneered: "You really think you know how to refine pills?

"Do you really think that your failure to refine pills is a bad state of mind?"

"Stop making excuses for yourself."

"To put it bluntly, you can't do it."

"Can't you understand?"

"It took two years to refine the Yin Pill, your talent is weak!"

"It's not suitable for alchemy at all!"

"Let's find a man to go home and teach his son!"

"Don't lose the alchemist's face!"

He is very gentle with women on weekdays.

Very gentlemanly.

But Bai Yu deceived people too much.

First of all, he said that he was the secret of the fourth uncle and five essences, which made him faceless.

Now he has imposed the reason for the failure of alchemy on himself.

Why should I suffer from her nest?

You have to go back.

Otherwise, Zhen Youji still thinks that he is afraid of this woman.

"Grandma is also an alchemist of the Demon Town, you actually said that I don't know alchemy?" Bai Yuqi's lungs were about to explode: "Listen to what you mean, you know alchemy, right?"

"Come on, let's compete."

"It's better than alchemy."

"Let's see who can refine the Yin Harvesting Pill in the shortest time."

"If you can refine it, my aunt worships you as a teacher."


"I'll be your maid."

Chen Nan laughed unkindly: "How embarrassing it is to let your subordinates be maids!"

Bai Yu spat viciously: "Bah! "


"Do you think you can beat me?"

Chen Nan: "Isn't it known after a competition?" "

Hear that.

Everyone was taken aback.

How many meanings does this mean?

Could it be that Chen Nan also knows the art of alchemy?

It shouldn't be!

Alchemy is very expensive.

The reason why Bai Yu was able to refine the Yin Pill within two years was due to the cultivation of the Demon Division.

To put it simply, she has today's achievements, all of which are piled up with money.

Although Chen Nan also made a lot of money by relying on Bai Yu's book.

But compared to what the Zhen Demon Si spent on Bai Yu, it was a drop in the bucket.

"Good, just than!" A sinister smile flashed in Bai Yu's eyes: "If you lose, then from now on you will be your aunt's servant!"

"You must obey my orders unconditionally!"

"Yes!" An intriguing smile appeared on Chen Nan's face.

This woman is too deceitful.

Don't put him in the eye at all.

She had to be taught a lesson.

Let her know what she is capable of.

The province bites like a mad dog when he sees himself.

Seeing that the two made this kind of gambling agreement, Qiye's face turned pale, and he quickly said: "Adult three..."

Chen Nan raised his hand to interrupt him: "Don't try to change any decision I make!" "

He's bland.

But this plainness seems very arrogant in the eyes of everyone.

Even if Chen Nan is very strong.

But strength and alchemy are two different things.

There are countless strong people in this world.

But not a strong person can become an alchemist.

Although Bai Yu can only refine the Yin Pill.

But it is not something that Chen Nan can defeat.

"Then ask your colleagues to witness the competition between me and Lord Chen!" Bai Yu looked at Chen Nan and revealed a sinister smile: "Master Chen, let's move to the alchemy room, shall we?"

Chen Nan: "Please!"

Bai Yu snorted coldly, strode forward, and took Chen Nan to the alchemy room.


The other three Divine Hunters, as well as the officials of the Demon Division, also followed.

Who doesn't like to watch the excitement this year?

The open dan room was a mess.

The three Dan furnaces on the ground were covered with thick dust.

The smell of burning medicinal herbs was still wafting in the air.

Bai Yu looked very generous: "There are three Dan furnaces here, Lord Chen is the head of the Demon Division, so it's up to you to choose first!"

Chen Nan: "Ladies first!" "

Okay then." Bai Yu was also not polite, and chose the best Dan furnace among the three Dan furnaces.

Chen Nan chose a boxy Dan furnace.

For him.

It makes no difference which Dan furnace is used.

After selecting the Dan furnace.

Bai Yu took Chen Nan to the next room.

The room has rows of cabinets for medicinal herbs.

She chose a medicinal herb for refining Yin Pill inside.

Chen Nan selected a hundred medicinal materials for refining the Transformation Pill at one time.

He wouldn't refine the Yin Pill like Bai Yu.

That's too unchallenging.

Not fun at all.

He wanted to refine some Transformation Pills to help him break through the shackles of the Transformation Realm.

If you can break through to the Soul Craving Realm.

It should be able to suppress the fire poison in the body with its own strength, right?

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