Lu Qingqing nodded solemnly, and did not hide his inner desire: "Although the temperature on Young Master Chen's body is very high, it can make us feel warm."

"But it's just warming our shells."

"It can't warm our hearts."

"It is impossible to go deep and warm our souls."

"Only raw rice cooked and matured can cure the symptoms and root causes."

Lu Bailing's heart itched when he listened.

Because she also knows what her sister said.

Snakes are afraid of cold.

Although Chen Nan was countered by the laws of the fire system.

Although lying next to him is warm and comfortable.

But as Lu Qingqing said.

It is only their shells that are warmed.

It does not warm their hearts and souls.

Although she also longed to be warmed in her heart and soul, Lu Bailing still maintained her sanity: "Qingqing, I know what you think.

"However, I can't allow you to do this to Young Master Chen."

Lu Qingqing asked incredulously, "Why?" Don't you long to be warmed?

Lu Bailing shook his head: "Think!"

"I transformed into an adult before you."

"More than you desire the nourishment of love."


"We are human now!"

"The biggest difference between shemales is that people know how to respect others."

"We can't take advantage of Young Master Chen's coma and do something to him that he doesn't want to do."

"If so."

"This is not a return of grace."

"This is revenge."

Lu Qingqing's face was full of anxiety: "Young Master Chen is not chaotic, he is a real righteous gentleman, and he just put his arms around our sisters to sleep for two consecutive nights."

"It hasn't touched us in the slightest, it can be seen that he still can't accept the combination of shemales in his heart."

"If we don't cook raw rice and cook mature rice."

"When he gets rid of the fire poison, he will definitely sleep in a separate bed with us."

"By then, we really won't have a chance!"

"Are you willing to slip away the fat from your mouth?"

Lu Bailing's face was frosty: "Enough!"

"Even if Young Master Chen sleeps in separate beds with us, it is his right."

"He is our lifesaver."

"We must not do anything that embarrasses him."

"If you are obsessed, Hugh blames my sister for not thinking about brotherhood!"

Lu Qingqing was also angry: "Lu Bailing, you say that you respect Young Master Chen's opinion, but when you spoke, did you ever think about whether he was willing?"

Lu Bailing was speechless.

Some things are out of her control.

Just like Chen Nan.

He obviously got the Law of Fire.

But it was still countered by the laws of fire.

Last night, she was also overwhelmed by her heart.

That's when I speak...

"Forget it, our sisters have lived together for so many years, there is no need to quarrel because of a man!" Lu Qingqing sighed: "Sleep." "

Even if she longs for the nourishment of love.

But for her.

The most precious thing is the sisterhood with Lu Bailing.


may be due to drinking too much alcohol.

This night was not good for Chen Nan.

It feels like someone is arguing in your ears.

So much so that I woke up feeling like I had a splitting headache.

Just when he wanted to sit up.

But he found two slender legs on his body, one left and one right.

Smooth as jade, it makes people think.

If that's all, that's it.

What made it even more difficult for him to accept was that.

Lu Bailing and Lu Lu Qingqing each stretched out a hand and squeezed him...

Because the two are snakes.

Body temperature is very low.

Therefore, his whole person felt cold.

Very nice.

Gently break the hands of the two.

Chen Nan tiptoed over and got out of bed, got dressed and left the bedroom.

And just before Chen Nan left.

Lu Bailing, who was originally sleeping, and the Lu Qingqing sisters both opened their eyes.

The two of them were red-faced.

His eyes were full of shyness.

Lu Qingqing whispered, "Young Master Chen doesn't seem to be disgusted that we pinched him."

Lu Bailing's eyes dodged, and his heart thumped like a deer: "Isn't this a good thing?"

Lu Qingqing nodded excitedly, and then looked at Lu Bailing affectionately: "Sister, I want to post it." "


the front yard.

Guo Yu got up early.

Breakfast is being prepared in the kitchen at this time.

Children from poor families head their heads of household early.

These words can be fully reflected in Guo Yu.

He had just turned eighteen.

But the cooking is good.

Today's breakfast is hand-rolled noodles.

Put some shredded meat and vegetable leaves.

Before he came out of the pot, Chen Nan smelled the fragrance that came to his face.

"You're really good at cooking." Chen Nan praised.

Guo Yu's face was full of pride: "That's not it, my mother told me when I was a child that if you want to capture a woman's heart, you must first capture her stomach."

"I studied cooking for my future wife." Saying that, he put a bowl of noodles and handed it to Chen Nan.

He asked, "Have you ever cooked for a woman?" "

A simple word.

Let Guo Yu be stunned in place.

His face was full of pride.

Tears of grievance appeared in his eyes.

Even the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

He wanted to cry and looked at Di Ting: "Brother dog, if you can't speak, don't say it, okay?" If you don't talk, I won't take you for a dumb.

"I'm not cooking without you."

"Don't talk so hard, okay?"

"The dog doesn't eat the food you cook."

Chen Nan, who was eating noodles, was suddenly stunned.

Dogs don't eat?

So what am I?

I didn't offend you again.

What are you scolding me for?

He became angry and kicked Di Ting out: "Die on the side!" Di

Ting looked at Chen Nan with a grin: "The surname Chen, don't be shy, I advise you to break through quickly, you sleep with that pair of snake demons for a long time, sooner or later something will happen."

"What can happen?" Chen Nan gave it a roll of his eyes, then took the bowl and went to the tree in front of the kitchen door to eat.

"Did you sleep soundly these two nights?" "

What's the problem?"

Last night, although dreaming that someone was arguing in his ears.

But overall his sleep quality is still good.

There is a saying.

He hadn't slept so soundly in a long time.

The reason is none of it.

He has already arrived in Guangling Mansion.

As long as it is possible to investigate the truth of the tragic death of the director of the Demon Division.

As long as you can find the lost book of life and death.

It will definitely do wonders.

It is very likely to become a seventh-level yin difference and thus enter the capital city.

This was getting closer and closer to his goal of meeting Houtu Niangniang.

Di Ting said calmly: "Although you sit still, you did not move the pair of snake demons.

"But how do you know if they didn't do anything after you fell into a coma?"

Chen Nan raised his head sharply: "What did you say?" I'm in a coma?

Di Ting raised his eyebrows and showed a gloating smile: "How else?"

Chen Nan swallowed wildly.

Falling asleep and being unconscious are two concepts!

He looked nervously at Di Ting, and asked with a stumbling voice, "Lu... Did the Lu sisters do something to me after I fell asleep? "

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