Chen Nan was really embarrassed.

He came here to refine elixirs.

Which Cheng thought that he would meet Bai Yu and fry the furnace again.

And also blew her up on himself.

Do you say that you subconsciously reach out and push her away?

It's not human.

Is it human instinct?

The result is good.

Accidentally pressed on the wrong touch.

We knew this was going to happen.

He definitely wouldn't come here to refine elixirs.

"I believe in your evil!" Bai Yu was furious, raised his hand to pump Chen Nan's face, and his mouth burst out with icy anger: "Die for the old lady!" Chen

Nan himself felt quite embarrassed.

But seeing Bai Yu slap himself in the face.

How can this be endured?

I'm the head of the Demon Division.

How can I be slapped in the face by one of your subordinates?

Even if you're a woman.

At best, he smacked me in private...

Don't think about it.

He decisively kicked the other person's slap before it reached his face.


With a scream.

Bai Yu was kicked back into the alchemy room by Chen Nan.

Knocked down a Dan furnace, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"The surname Chen, you dare to hit a woman? Are you still a man? Bai Yu looked at Chen Nan angrily, with an incredible look in his eyes.

She is the only woman in the town demon division.

It is not excessive to say that the group pet of the Demon Division is not excessive.

Mo said ordinary members of the Demon Town.

Even the other three divine catchers loved and cared for her.

Even when out on a mission and in danger, someone comes forward.

And now.

She was kicked out by Chen Nan and flew out more than ten meters.

It was overwhelming for her.

"Come, come on, a demon ran out!" Bai Yu screamed angrily.

The next moment.

Countless powerhouses of the Demon Sect heard Bai Yu's cry and heard the news.

They are all armed with sharp weapons and are waiting for the battle.

There is a dungeon underneath the Demon Division.

There are many powerful demon clan powerhouses there.

Once a demon runs out, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Little Four, who ran out?" Qiye's face was solemn.

The madman frowned: "No, why didn't I feel a demon qi?"

Bai Yu stared at Chen Nan angrily: "Not to mention that the demon ran out, how could you come so quickly?" "




Everyone was speechless for a while.

Dare to be affectionate, this is to trick everyone into coming here!

Don't say it yet.

This kind of lie is in the Demon Town, and Bai Yu dares to say it.

Someone else will definitely be punished.

"Fourth, you shouldn't tell such a lie!" Autumn water opening.

This kind of joke itself cannot be made.

It's just a matter of normal.

And now the Demon Division has a director.

If Chen Nan wants to cure Bai Yukou's crime of being unobstructed.

She will definitely be unlucky.

"The reason why I asked everyone to come over is to let you recognize Chen Nan's hypocritical face!" Bai Yu said indignantly: "He is just a sanctimonious scumbag, and just now he disrespected me." "

Before Chen Nan wrote that bestseller.

White Feather is a sacred name.

But since Chen Nan wrote that bestseller.

Her name is wasted...

Many people looked at her with strange looks written in their eyes.

Full of aggression.

There are even people who privately discuss whether she will be the prototype of the fourth uncle and five essences.

This made her extremely angry.

No face.

That's why.

That's why she gathered everyone here.

Chen Nan made her faceless.

She also wants to make Chen Nan a shame for the Zhen Demon Division.


Those who are barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes.

As long as she adds to today's events.

Chen Nan's reputation is bound to suffer.

That's enough for her.

Sure enough.

Heard Chen Nannan saluting white feathers.

The powerhouses of the Zhen Demon Division all showed strange eyes.

They did not deny Chen Nan's strength.

But the character is debatable.

"I'll tell you, Chen Nan is not a good thing!" Bai Yu hit the railway while it was hot: "I sent someone to investigate Chen Nan's background, and he once got together with the lady of the printing house.

"On top of that, he got together with his ex-wife."

"In addition to these two, there is also his childhood sweetheart in Pingyang Town."

"Of course."

"There are far more than that few of his women."

"He also has a very good personal relationship with the Du Kite of Hundred Flowers Valley."

"Simply scum among scum!"

Chen Nan frowned slightly.

Is the intelligence of the Demon Division so good?

How many women does he know?

Although he was very upset that Bai Yu investigated him.

But there is a reason for this.

These are understandable.

But what he couldn't accept was that he didn't like Bai Yu to tell his private affairs in public.

This is not to keep any feelings for yourself!

This woman is ruthless enough!


Do you think Lao Tzu is a soft persimmon?

When I don't have a temper?


Then hurt each other!

Thinking of this, Chen Nan spoke, "Guan Guan Jiu is in the River Continent, my fair lady is a gentleman." "


"I do have some confidants."

"But I want to ask."

"Have my actions ever broken the laws of Hades?"

Everyone was silent.

There is a saying.

There are capable people, three wives and four concubines.

Chen Nan's little thing is really nothing.

If it weren't for them, they wouldn't be able to take wives.

They also want three wives and four concubines.

Bai Yu said angrily: "You got together with a widowed woman, you slut!"

Chen Nan was amused.

However, it was a sneer: "I think that you are all women, why do you look down on widowed women?" "

Why is it too urgent to fry each other from the same root?"

"As an existence of one of the four divine trappers of the Demon Town, don't you even have this bit of inclusiveness?"

"Is it in your eyes that all unfortunate women deserve to die?"

Chen Nan hates boxers.

But he also punches.

And fist to flesh.

Bang Bang can smash the opponent with two punches and it is difficult to parry.

Sure enough.

Chen Nan's words left Bai Yu speechless.

What she wanted to explain.

but saw the disappointed eyes of others.

Immediately, the heart was anxious, and the brain was down.

Inability to organize speech.

Chen Nanyue said more and more angrily: "The owner of the printing house himself has a very difficult life, I go to warm her lonely heart, help her pass the emptiness and loneliness, what's wrong?"

"We are two lovers, each taking what we need."

"It's huddle for warmth."

"Why is this behavior degrading in your eyes?"


"I admit I accidentally touched your lamp just now."

"But it was your alchemy frying furnace that exploded on me, and I instinctively reached out to push away the misunderstanding caused by you."

"You can mess around."

"But you can't be unreasonable, pour dirty water on me, and say that I am disrespectful to you, right?"

His momentum was amazing, and the oppressive Bai Yu couldn't say a word.


This is not unbelievable.

Rip and pull!

He tore the clothes on his chest in front of everyone.

Broad chest is exposed, and strong pectoral muscles are exposed.

Chen Nan's eyes were full of anger, and he roared angrily at Bai Yu: "Yours is not as big as me, you say I am disrespectful to you?" "

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