Chen Nankeng people never feel guilty about themselves.

Not his hard-heartedness.

It's that he feels that everyone who is pitted by him deserves it...

He looked at the hunting ground in front of him.

It was full of killing and mourning.

As well as unbridled ridicule.

On the hill.

Guo Yu stood there quietly.

It is like a sharp sword pointed straight into the sky.

It gives people a sense of déjà vu that can shake mountains and rivers.

The hunt has long begun.

But he was slow to shoot an arrow.

Because he is waiting for the absolute moment.

The timing that can kill those monster beasts instantly.

Seeing that a demon beast was seriously injured, it was slow to react.

Seeing Tuo open the arrow, draw the bow and shoot at the wolf king who has the Yin Harvesting Realm.

A glint flashed in his deep eyes.

Take a bow and pull an arrow.


An arrow travels the distance through space.

It followed the wolf king's ears and ran through its head.

A splash of red blood splashed.

And right now.

The open arrow fell into the Wolf King's right eye.


The Wolf King is dead.

The fatal blow was given by Guo Yu.

Tuo Kai roared angrily at Guo Yu on the hill with a face full of anger: "You dare to rob Xiao Ye's prey? Are you tired of living? "

A lot of people were taken aback.

Although the snatching of the same prey can be allowed during the game.

But Guo Yu openly snatched the prey that was about to arrive.

This is clearly a face that is expanded!

After all, it has been so long since the start of the competition.

Tuo Kai has been pestering the wolf king who picks the Yin Realm.

To kill it, five arrows were fired.

These five arrows also succeeded in severely damaging the Wolf King.

If nothing else.

His sixth arrow will definitely be able to shoot the Wolf King.

He Chengxiang was actually taken first by Guo Yu, a guy from the Yin Realm.

Other words.

The five arrows shot out by Tuokai were all made wedding clothes for Tuokai!

"Little brother is good at archery." Tao Jun laughed.

He didn't expect Guo Yu to dare to hunt prey that should belong to Tuokai.

I didn't expect this son's archery skills to be so amazing.

It's really not to be underestimated.

Guo Yu's eyes were indifferent.

Standing on the hill overlooking Tuo Kai below, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes: "What if you rob your prey?" "

Guo Yu is kind and simple by nature.

But it is not a soft persimmon to be manipulated.

Take 10,000 steps back.

Chen Nan asked him to help Tao Jun win the first place.

This will definitely offend Tuo Kai.

After all, his strength is comparable to Tao Jun.

That's it.

What is the difference between offending early and offending late?

What about a stronger performance?

"Since you want to die, Xiaoye will complete you as a dog thing!"

Tuo Kai was furious, took an arrow and pulled the string, and an arrow directly locked Guo Yu on the hill.


The arrow pierced through the air and shot towards Guo Yu.

Just halfway through.

Guo Yu moved!

He did not retreat, but angrily opened his bow and quickly shot an arrow!

The two arrows collided in the air.

However, there was no case where two arrows fell at the same time.

It was the arrow that Guo Yu shot out that broke the open arrow.

Shoot at the expansion with lightning speed.


How could this happen?

Everyone was dumbfounded, and a huge wave rose in their hearts.

The arrows on the arrows they use are all forged of stainless steel.

But why was the sword that Guo Yu shot out able to break through the arrow forged in steel?

"Get out!"

Expanding his face, he let out a roar of anger.

A terrifying yin qi gushed out from the body, successfully resisting the sword that Guo Yu shot.

Immediately, he angrily opened his bow and wanted to shoot Guo Yu.

But he was quickly stopped by a little brother next to him: "Young Master Tuo must not be, if you want to achieve the final victory, you must save the arrows in your hand." "

A simple word.

Let Taku stop the anger in his heart.

There are only twenty arrows per person in this competition.

And he had already wasted six of the wolf kings before shooting them.

Just now, another shot shot at Guo Yu.

Only thirteen arrows remain in the barrel.

For now.

Every arrow is extremely valuable.

It must not be wasted casually.

"Young Master Tuo, don't worry, our brother will definitely help you achieve the ultimate victory!" A young man with a thief's eyebrow handed Tuo Kai a You Know Look.

Although they could not give the arrows in the barrel to Tuo Kai.

But it can shoot a demon beast at the same time.

Wait for the final blow to let Tuo open the mending knife.

So why can't you get a high score?

Tuo Kai nodded slightly: "If I can achieve the final victory, I will definitely not lose you brothers." "

He is determined to get the Avatar Pill.

As long as you can get the Transformation Pill.

He can then step into the Soul Craving Realm.

Become the only soul-loving realm powerhouse among the young generation of Guangling Mansion.

Until then.

Even Tao Jun was much inferior in front of him.

It can make him a Guangling major.

And not the second young master of Guangling, who is on a par with Tao Jun.

Although Tao Jun did not hear the whispers of the more than thirty young people and Tuo Kai.

You can see them gathered together and whispering.

An instinctive sense of foreboding arose in his heart.

Although his grandfather Tao Guogong was the most respected existence in Guangling Mansion.

But it has no real power.

And Tuo Kai's father expanded although it was a prefectural order.

But it has extraordinary connections and heritage.

It is completely fair with Tao Guo.

That's why.

More people in their circle tend to expand their circles.

If those sons and brothers are inclined to expand at this time, help him win the final victory.

That's definitely a terrible thing for him.

Because the two of them have always been at odds with each other.

Although there were previous wins and losses.

But this time is different!

The bet for the first prize this time is a Transformation Pill.

No matter who got this pill.

The current situation of peaceful coexistence is bound to be broken.

This will affect who can become the strongest of the younger generation in Guangling Prefecture.

It is also related to the dignity between Tao Guogong and Tuoxian Ling.

Now the victory and defeat are not scored.

But the young people have already begun to take sides.

Think of this.

He couldn't help but turn his head to look at Chen Nan who was a hundred meters away behind him.

The eyes became inexplicably solemn.

At first, he didn't put this guy Chen Nan in his eyes.

But now.

But he felt the horror of this son.

This man's city is too deep!

Today seems to be looking for the four brothers of the Song family.

In fact, they want to take advantage of this to blend into their circle.


His purpose for coming here is not pure at all.

He wanted to use a Transformation Pill to break the peace between him and Expansion.

He wanted to provoke a conflict between Tao Guogong and Tuoxian Ling!

Because whoever wins.

The water in Guangling Mansion will be muddied by him.

And he most likely wants to fish in troubled waters!

"I underestimated this guy."

"He's just a-stirring stick!"

"I shouldn't have invited him on a hunt."

Tao Jun regretted inviting Chen Nan to participate in the hunt.

But now.

He had no way back.

Right now.

He saw Chen Nan's friendly smile.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Nan's voice sounded in his mind: "Tao Gongzi don't need to worry, the first place is yours, and no one can defeat you."

Tao Jun's eyes lit up.

Could it be that this guy wants to make himself number one?

It's just...

He looked at Guo Yu on the hill, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Not counting his side, he still has eight people.

Even if you add Guo Yu, there are only ten people.

With these ten people alone, can Yan compete with the more than thirty people behind Tuo Kai?

Yan can win the final victory???

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