Since the acquaintance.

It was the first time Chen Nan had seen Guo Yu so alarmed.

I couldn't help but feel a little nervous for a while.

Guo Yu said anxiously: "Do you remember the eldest lady of the Wang family caravan, Wang Lan?"

Chen Nan looked resentful: "We followed the Wang family caravan into Guangling Mansion and lived together for more than half a month, how could I not remember her?"

Guo Yu said, "When I came back before, I met people from Guangling County who arrested Wang Lan, saying that she had deliberately murdered and was about to be beheaded in three days." "

Wang Lan deliberately murdered? What the hell is going on here? Chen Nan was taken aback.

Although we have only been together for more than half a month.

But Wang Lan left a deep impression on him.

She does not have the arrogance of other big ladies.

On the contrary, it is very low-key.

Very kind.

He didn't believe that Wang Lan would kill people.

Guo Yu shook his head: "I only heard that Wang Lan deliberately killed people, and has already confessed his guilt."

"I don't know anything else."

"Big brother, you have to save Miss Wang!"

"I don't believe she would deliberately kill someone." His face was full of anxiety.

Chen Nan tried to calm his emotions.

I think they met mountain bandits in Luoyan Mountain.

The other party used those members of the Wang family caravan as an excuse to force Wang Lan to go to the mountain to become the lady of the village.

She could accept that.

It is conceivable that the other party will definitely not kill innocents.

Now Wang Lan has been arrested.

It seems that there must be something unknown.

"Let's go, let's go to Guangling County to inquire about intelligence!" Chen Nan immediately took Guo Yu to Yamen in Guangling County, a place only two streets away from the prefect Yamen.

Coming to the gate of Guangling County, Chen Nan directly showed the token on his body: "Chen Nan, the director of the Town Demon Division, visit the Tuo County Commandery, please go and pass on the message!" "

Lord Chen, please!"

The Yan Yan did not dare to turn Chen Nan away, and took him to the rest place of the county magistrate.

He immediately went to ask the county order to expand.

A moment later.

An old man over sixty years old, with a thief's eyebrows and a thin figure, appeared in Chen Nan's eyes with a smile: "What wind blew you here, Lord Chen?" Behind

him was also a familiar face of Chen Nan.

It is the son of expansion.


Seeing Chen Nan and Guo Yu, Tuo Kai did not hide his inner anger.

If it weren't for these two people getting in the way.

He will definitely finish first today.

Get that Transformation Pill.


He finished fourth today.

It was a huge shame for him.

Chen Nan ignored Tuo Kai, arched his hand towards Tuo Kai, said hello, and then said: "Tuo County Ling, I came here today because I want to ask you for advice." "

Expansion hasn't spoken.

Tuo Kai's voice sounded: "Lord Chen, you are the head of the Demon Division, and you are in charge of some bizarre and strange cases.

"And my father is only the Guangling County Commandery, I'm afraid the case in his hand is not related to you, right?"

Extended raised his hand to signal his son not to say more, and asked politely: "I don't know which case Lord Chen came for?"

Chen Nan: "Wang Lan."

Expand frowned slightly: "Lord Chen is talking about the eldest lady of the Wang family caravan?"

"Good!" Chen Nandao: "Miss Wang Family is kind to me, I heard that she was suspected of a murder case, I specially came to inquire, I don't know who she killed?" Expanded

: "She killed more than a hundred mountain thieves in Luoyan Mountain.

Chen Nan frowned: "Killing the thief is said to be meritorious and the government should reward her, but why arrest her?" It doesn't make sense, does it? "

Whether Wang Lan killed the thief of Luoyan Mountain, he knows in his heart.

After all, those bandits died at his hands.

But the other party used this as an excuse to detain Wang Lan and even convicted her.

It really doesn't make sense.

Expanded: "Lord Chen doesn't know something, the mountain thieves of Luoyan Mountain have long surrendered and defected to the official office, saying that they are mountain thieves, rather than militia.

"Therefore, Wang Lan is guilty and fruitless in killing the thief of Luoyan Mountain."

"So Lord Chen should be able to understand, right?"

Chen Nan suddenly realized: "It turned out to be like this!"

"It's just one thing I'm curious about."

"Did the government send an official document to inform the people of the surrender of the people of Falling Yan Mountain?"

Expand: "The official document has been reported to Yuan Zhifu, is under approval, and has not yet been published. This

statement makes sense.

Although the expansion is a prefectural order.

However, this kind of thing must be approved by the prefectural government.

So as to make publicity.

"Also, can Tuoxian Ling know the means of the group of people in Luoyan Mountain?" Chen Nan continued: "Although the people of Luoyan Mountain have surrendered, they are still doing the business of robbing homes and houses, bullying men and women!" Expand

shook his head slightly: "Luoyan Mountain is thousands of miles away from Guangling Mansion, and what happened there, Xiaguan has never known.


"Even if they are guilty, they should be convicted by the government!"

"Instead of being killed privately!"

Chen Nan: "The Tuoxian decree is reasonable, even if the people who fall into the Yanshan Mountain should be cut by a thousand cuts, they should also be dealt with by the government, only in this way can the authority of the law be reflected."

"It's just that Chen Mou has something to puzzle."

"There are some cultivators among the mountain thieves of Falling Goose Mountain."

"And they have hundreds of people."

"The eldest lady of the Wang family caravan is just an ordinary person."

"Can she kill those people in Luoyan Mountain?"

"Doesn't Tuoxian Ling feel that there is something strange about this?"

Expansion smiled: "This matter is indeed very strange.


"It doesn't matter."

"The important thing is that Wang Lan has signed the pledge."

"In three days, I will ask for a chop at the mouth of the vegetable market."

A brilliant light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes: "Could it be that just because Wang Lan has already signed the pledge, Tuoxian Ling will slander an innocent person without asking the reason?"

He didn't believe Wang Lan would plead guilty.

Because she has never been involved in this case at all.

After all, he was the culprit who killed more than a hundred mountain thieves in Luoyan Mountain.

You don't have to think about it.

Expansion is most likely a trick.

Otherwise, Wang Lan would not have signed the pledge.

Tuo Kai was furious: "The surname is Chen, how does my father judge the case, do I still need you to teach?"

"Do you really think that if you become the head of the Demon Division, you can despise our family?"

"I'll tell you."

"This is Guangling County Ya, not your town demon division."

"I can't help you spread wild here!"

"Don't be rude to Lord Chen!" Expand his face full of majesty, and then looked at Chen Nan with a smile: "If Lord Chen has any dissatisfaction with Xiaguan's judgment, you can go to Yuan Zhifu to participate in Xiaguan."

Chen Nan was furious.

He was tempted to ask the extension, is it useful for you to play?

Your Tuo family has a hereditary county order.

Don't say that Xiang Yuan Zun participated in you.

Even if you go to the capital city, it is useless for you to participate in the emperor, right?


This old thing is a bit tricky!

Knowing that the case had other internal circumstances, he concluded that Wang Lan was guilty.

It's not funny!


Expand suddenly said: "I know that Lord Chen will be rewarded with kindness, and if you want to repay Wang Lan's kindness, I have a way to let you get your wish."

Chen Nan asked, "What way?" "

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