Heard Guo Yu's voice.

Chen Nan snorted violently.

Secretly rejoiced that Guo Yu appeared in time.

Otherwise, he will completely sink and surpass his childhood idol Xu Xian.

Although he also had the idea of surpassing Xu Xian.

But I'm not ready yet...

Don't think about it.

He hurriedly got out of bed, and while tidying up his messy clothes, he said: "The two sisters will rest in the room first, and I will come when I go!" "

Say and run away.

Although Lu Qingqing had some regrets, a happy smile appeared on her face: "Sister, I finally know the beauty of love!"

"Love can make us hot-blooded animals!"

"If you don't believe me, you can try it at night."

Lu Bailing's face was full of nervousness: "I'm a little scared!"

The corners of Lu Qingqing's mouth rose: "Even if you are afraid, it should be that Young Master Chen is afraid of our two sisters, after all, the two of us, and he is only one, and he can't cure him?"


Guo Yu watched Chen Nan walk out in disheveled clothes, and suddenly had a shocking feeling: "Big brother... Are you finished?

"That's too fast, isn't it?"

"Die on the side!" Chen Nan snorted angrily.

With his abilities.

Definitely not so fast.

But there was something he didn't expect.

He didn't expect Song Linhui to gain insight into his intentions so quickly.

And he sent all the books he wanted.

Come to the vestibule.

Chen Nan saw the four brothers of the Song family.

The cultivation of the four brothers has broken through.

It's just that there is obvious fear in his eyes.

Because they learned about Chen Nan's horror in their father's mouth.

Afraid of being secretly put together by Chen Nan.

"Brother Chen, this is the book that my father specially sent to our four brothers, all of which are ancient books from ten thousand years ago, I hope they can be useful to you." Song Feiheng said slightly nervously.

Chen Nan nodded: "Thank you four for personally sending the book, and after I solve the case of the Zhen Demon Division, I will take time to continue refining the elixir, and I dare not say anything else."

"Promise to let all four of you step into the Soul Thirsty Realm."

With his ability, it was not difficult to raise the strength of the four to the Soul Craving Realm.

A few brief chats.

The four brothers of the Song family left Chen Nan's house.

Chen Nan moved the boxes of books to the room.

After opening.

Some yellowed ancient books are seriously visible.

The covers of some books have been burned beyond recognition, and even the names cannot be seen.

Lots of books.

That adds up to more than a thousand.

The recorded things are even more chaotic.

Chen Nan also told the Lu sisters about the mysterious death of the director of the Demon Division.

Let them help them organize some available books on their own.

One person and two demons wandered in the mountain of books.

"Sister, I found the origin of our surname!" Lu Qingqing suddenly let out an excited shout.

"Our surname Lu ranks 70th among the hundred family names."

Hear this.

A wry smile appeared on Chen Nan's face: "Do you demon clans still trace their roots?"

Lu Bailing said, "Young Master Chen doesn't know something, although we are demons, our ancestors have been guided by the strong people of the Terran race and given names.

"So the last name is also important to us."

Lu Qingqing nodded solemnly: "Sister is right, although there are many demons in the world, there are also demons with surnames, and demons without surnames."

"We don't know if the surname Lu is strong and decaying now."

"But one thing is not hard to know."

"There must be the names of our ancestors in the Lu family tree."

Chen Nan was relieved: "I'll see how much the surname Chen ranks in."

Lu Qingqing handed the surname of the hundred families to Chen Nan.

Chen Nan took it and looked up.

At first glance, I saw the tenth surname Chen.

"It's the same as the sun?" Chen Nan was a little surprised.

Although I know that the surname Chen is a big surname.

But I didn't expect it.

The surname Chen is also ranked tenth in the netherworld.

It was quite unexpected.

He flipped through it casually, until he saw the end.

He felt that there was not much difference between the hundred families of the netherworld and the yang.

There are surnames in the yang, and there are all in the netherworld.

When he saw the revised list of people from the hundred families.

A flash of essence flashed in his eyes in vain: "Wait! "

Han Dongliang?"

"Is this Han Dongliang the same director of the Demon Division when the Anti-Heaven Sect rebelled?"

Chen Nan read a lot of biographies of the director of the Town Demon Division.

Among them is Han Dongliang.

Han Dongliang unfortunately died in battle when he resisted the Anti-Heavenly Sect.

After him.

But all the directors of the Demon Suppression Division who took office died mysteriously.

It's just that.

Chen Nan did not expect that Han Dongliang had revised the surnames of the hundred families.

Think of Zhao Yu, who died seven days after taking office.

A flash of essence suddenly flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

He seemed to have some eyebrows.


He was not sure that Han Dongliang, who revised the surname of the hundred families, was the director of the Demon Suppression Division who died in the war.

He had to find out if they were alone.

If it's a person.

The case of the mysterious death of the director of the town demon division was completely solved.

Don't think about it.

His soul power enveloped all books.

Look for clues related to Han Dongliang.

It's a pity.

No clues were found related to Han Dongliang.

This situation is also understandable.

After all, the hundred family names were revised and ten thousand years ago.

Just after revising the Anti-Heavenly Sect, he rebelled.

A lot of books were burned.

There is a cultural gap.

"It seems necessary to go to the Guogong Mansion."

Chen Nan knew.

If you want to grasp Han Dongliang's information, Guogong Mansion is the only place.

After all, the Guogong Mansion was established after pacifying the Anti-Heavenly Sect.

They must know something about 10,000 years ago.

Don't think about it.

He changed into a black brocade robe and brought Guo Yu.

I went to the market to buy some pastries and the like as souvenirs, and then came to the Guogong Mansion.

After explaining his identity.

The servants of the Guogong Mansion invited Chen Nan and the two to enter the mansion.

After taking the two to the living room, he turned around and asked Tao Wenyuan, the Duke of Tao.

"Master Chen, you came here too suddenly, and the old immortal didn't prepare a banquet!" Tao Wenyuan let out a hearty laugh and walked into the living room.

He had made an agreement with Chen Nan at the execution ground.

Wait for Chen Nan to come to the Guogong Mansion for good wine and food reception.

But I didn't expect him to come so quickly.

Chen Nan got up and saluted: "The junior came uninvited, and I hope that Old Master Tao will not blame!" "

Sit!" Tao Wenyuan made an inviting gesture and said, "If Old Immortal is not mistaken, Lord Chen's trip should be for official business, right?"

Chen Nan was straight to the point: "Yes, the junior is investigating the mysterious death of the director of the Demon Division, and this case involves Han Dongliang, but the junior has gone through many ancient books and has not found Han Dongliang's information."

"So come to the Guogong Mansion to try your luck."

Tao Wenyuan frowned: "Is Han Dongliang related to this case?"

Chen Nan was overjoyed in his heart: "Old man Tao knows about Han Dongliang? "

Han Dongliang and my ancestor of the Tao family are friends of the eight worships." Tao Wenyuan's eyes were slightly solemn: "Ten thousand years ago, the Anti-Heaven Sect rose up in the netherworld, and it is not too much to say that it is blooming everywhere, and my Tao family ancestor and Han Dongliang stepped forward at the same time.

"If it weren't for Old Han's death in battle, the title of Duke of Guo would not have been our Tao family at all."

Chen Nan endured the excitement and asked, "Old man Tao, may I ask if Han Dongliang has revised the surnames of the hundred families?" "

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