Expand with a hideous face.

His heart was filled with endless anger and killing intent.

Since the Tatuo family became the Guangling County Order.

No one has ever dared not to put the Tuojia in their eyes.

Chen Nan poured well.

First, he killed the super powerhouse of the second layer of the Tuo family.

Now he has taken the town demon to Tuo's house at night.

I really don't put Tuojia in my eyes!

"Tuoxian Ling's temper is quite grumpy!"

Accompanied by a playful sound.

Chen Nan was wearing a black brocade robe, and he came slowly in high spirits.

Behind him was also followed by a group of strong men of the Demon Town.

Each of them wore armor and held sharp weapons.

It exudes a strong aura of slaughter.

Tuo Kai roared angrily: "The surname is Chen, what do you mean by this?"

"Do you know what the crime is to lead someone to surround and suppress a fifth-level poor family member without permission?"

"Who borrowed your dog's guts to make you dare to invade my Tuojia?"

Chen Nan ignored him, but focused his gaze on Xuan, and asked calmly, "Tuoxian Ling, are you guilty?"

Xuan's face was full of indifference: "Chen Nan, do you know what is the crime of slandering the imperial court officials?"

Chen Nan sneered: "Is it slandering you, you should be clear in your heart, right?" Extension

: "If the official is guilty, please show evidence."

"If not, please take your people out of the Tuo house."

"This official will report what happened tonight to the emperor, and ask the emperor to uphold justice."

His face was full of anger.

It gives a feeling of unusually suffocating feelings.

"Tuoxian Ling's acting skills are good." Chen Nan chuckled: "Since you don't know what crime you have committed, then I will remind you of two sentences!" "

Since the suppression of the Anti-Heavenly Sect, a total of eighteen thousand two hundred Demon Division Directors have died mysteriously and tragically."

"You dare to say that this case has nothing to do with your Tuo family?"

The dilated pupils trembled violently.

I didn't expect Chen Nan to mention this at all.

I didn't expect that he would find out about the Tuo family.

Without waiting for him to speak.

His son's voice sounded, and he roared angrily: "The surname is Chen, you are a bloody squirting person!" "

My Tuo family and the head of the Demon Suppression Division have no grievances or enmity."

"Why murder them?"

"If my family is related to this case."

"Five thunders for the whole family are not good..."

The words are not finished.

Expand shouted angrily: "Enough!

Kakui looked stunned.

Why did my father stop me from swearing poison?

"Tuoxian Ling, why did you stop Ling Gongzi from swearing?" The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose slightly: "Are you weak in heart?" Expand

said angrily: "The Qing is self-clearing, my Tuo family does not need to use an oath to prove innocence!"

"In that case, then I will tell you all the sins committed by the Tuo family!" Chen Nan waved his right hand, and a chair flew behind him from the living room of Tuojia.

He sat casually on the chair: "Two years before the anti-Heavenly Sect rebellion, Han Dongliang, the director of the Demon Division, once went to the capital city to be responsible for revising and arranging the surnames of the hundred families.

"It was also in that version of the hundred family names that your Tuo family was removed."

"Excluded from the hundred families."

"Therefore, your Tuo family has killing intent on Han Dongliang."

"Because Han Dongliang is the highest-ranking person who participated in the revision of the hundred family names."

"That's why you also hate the position of the head of the Demon Division."


"You said that the surname Tuo was excluded from the hundred families, and all the hatred of the surname was vented on the director of the Demon Division."

"Making the position of the head of the Demon Division a spell."

"No matter who takes office, they will not live more than half a year."

"I have read the biographies of the director of the Demon Division who died mysteriously."

"Found an extremely interesting thing."

"The higher the surname of the hundred families, the earlier they die."

"I've envisioned a lot of possibilities."

"Who would kill based on last name ranking?"

"Except for your Tuo family, a family that has been excluded from a hundred families."

"I'm afraid no one will do such a boring thing!"

As soon as the words came out.

Both Seven Nights and the madman were taken aback.

They have been idle, and have been investigating the tragic death of the director of the Demon Division.

But I didn't find that.

And Chen Nan just took office and discovered this key clue.

It seems that Chen Nan's strength is not only far above them.

Even the ability to adjudicate cases is far superior to theirs.

Not convinced...

It doesn't seem to work!

Expansion gritted his teeth and roared, "You're right, our Tuo family really doesn't like the position of the Demon Town.

"If it weren't for Han Dongliang."

"Our Tuo surname will not be excluded from the hundred family names."

"Just because he had a personal grudge with my ancestor of the Tuo family."

"He excluded the Tuo family from the hundred families."

"I can't wait to cut him by a thousand cuts."

"But what does this prove?"

"Even if we want to kill the head of the Demon Division to vent our anger, do we have the ability?"

Chen Nan: "You really don't have this ability!"


"The book of life and death has this ability!"

Xuan frowned: "Listen to what you mean, are you saying that our Tuo family used the book of life and death to kill the head of the Demon Division?"

"Chen Nan, Chen Nan, the book of life and death is the first treasure in the netherworld!"

"It's the Great Emperor who keeps this thing."

"How can my Tuo family use the Book of Life and Death to kill the head of the Demon Town?"

"However, when the Anti-Heavenly Sect rebelled, five pages of the book of life and death were accidentally lost." The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "If I'm not mistaken, your ancestor of the Tuo family once went to the capital city. A

trace of horror flashed in Expansion's eyes: "How do you know that my ancestor of the Tuo family has been to the capital city?"

"Naturally, it was given to me by your ancestor of the Tuo family." Chen Nan had a smile on his face.

The ancestor of the Tuo family had been to the capital city, and ordinary people did not know about this at all.

Neither the ancient books of the Zhen Demon Division nor the ancient books given to him by Song Linhui were recorded.

But Chen Nan also has a terrifying network.

That was the hall masters of the Anti-Heaven Sect.

This matter was found out by him through the anti-Heavenly Sect's communication card.

After all, those people from the Anti-Heaven Sect are old monsters who have lived for ten thousand years.

"You said that my ancestor of the Tuo family gave you a dream?" Expand was furious: "Nonsense, why did my ancestor of the Tuo family give you a dream?" Are you fools for all of us? He

didn't believe that the ancestor would give Chen Nan a dream.

Who are you?

The ancestors of the Tuo family have been dead for more than 10,000 years.

Will he give you dreams?

He naturally did not believe Chen Nan's so-called dream theory.

But Chen Nan spoke out about the grudge between the Tuo family and Han Dongliang.

Name that the director of the Demon Division died in those five pages of the life and death book.

It still made him feel a sense of foreboding in his heart.

Moreover, he had investigated Chen Nan.

This son has a great heart, and the city is extremely deep.

Since he dared to lead people to surround and suppress the Tuo family, he must have known some clues.

Or else you will cheat him!

Think of this.

He said, "Lord Chen said that my Tuo family murdered the head of the Demon Division, so let's show evidence!"

"I expand though I don't like court battles."

"But I will definitely not tolerate you a junior bullying the Tuo family!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth: "In that case, then I will convince you!"

"Seven nights, the madman obeys the order!"

"Subordinates are here!"

Chen Nan shouted angrily: "Go to the Tuo Family Ancestral Hall and bring the Tuo family tree!" The

words came out.

Expand's face instantly turned pale as wax, and a chill rushed directly to his spine, making him cold!

It's like falling into an ice cave in the cold winter of the moon!

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