"Why does your complexion look a little bad?"

Coming to the parking lot, Jian Ning noticed that Chen Nan's complexion was a little abnormal.

"You think I knew by luck that there was jadeite in that piece of material?" Chen Nan smiled and shook his head: "I used the secret method to probe those materials, and casting the secret method is very consuming for me. "

Casting Qi Technique consumes a lot of mental power.

Even if Chen Nan had the cultivation of the first layer of the refining period, he couldn't bear it.

Although he consumed a lot of mental power, he fortunately made 25 million.

Jian Ning was relieved, and after getting into the car, she said, "What are your plans next?"

Chen Nan said, "I am thinking about buying a suite, preferably a villa."

Jian Ning's eyes lit up: "How about going to the mid-level villa area?" The greenery of our community is very good, and the price is not very expensive, 10 million is completely enough.

"Do you still have unsold villas in your community?" Chen Nan was curious, the villa in the mid-levels had been sold before he was imprisoned, under normal circumstances, a villa in a good location should not worry about selling.

Jian Ning said: "It must have been sold, but there are still some second-hand quasi-new houses." If you want, I can contact the housekeeper of the community to see those listings.

"Okay, you get in touch, let's go take a look!"

In fact, even if Luo Guangyao didn't come to the door, Chen Nan thought about buying a bigger house.

After all, their home is a small three-room.

It is especially crowded for a family of five to live together.

Especially the sisters Chen Xiazhi and Chen Hanlu were huddled on a bed of one meter and five meters.

Jian Ning immediately called the private housekeeper of the community, inquired about how many houses were on sale in the community, and then told the other party to return to the community within half an hour.

Chen Nan had a smile on his face: "Do you really want our family to live in the mid-level villa area?"

"There is no hope, I just feel that everyone lives in a villa area, and it will be convenient to visit the door in the future." Jian Ning's face rose with a red glow, like a cloud dyed red by the setting sun in the west.

It looks beautiful.

Chen Nan asked with a smile: "When you say visiting the door, which door do you mean?"

Jian Ning was stunned, only then realized that Chen Nan was driving again, and then let out a sigh: "You really don't have a face!"

Chen Nan shrugged: "Don't you just like me like this?"

Jian Ning was speechless.

Although she doesn't like Chen Nan, who plays hooligans, very much.

But one thing to say, he is really quiet like a decent gentleman, she doesn't like it so much...

Just as the white BMW was heading towards the city.

Chen Nan keenly noticed that a black car was followed behind.

"We're being targeted!" Chen Nan smoked.

Jian Ning looked in the rearview mirror and said, "You're right, this car has been following us!" Why did they follow us? Do you want to rob? "

Chen Nan made 25 million, which will definitely attract the attention of some people.


With a low engine sound, the black car instantly surpassed Jian Ning's white BMW, and then began to slow down, looking at the posture clearly wanting to force Jian Ning's car to stop.

Jian Ning was a little nervous: "What should we do?"

"Stop, I'd like to see who they are." The corners of Chen Nan's mouth flashed with disdain.

Even though he is very weak now, he does not put the other party in his eyes.


Thinking that Chen Nan was not an ordinary person, Jian Ning was relieved a lot, turned on the double flashing lights and parked the car on the side of the road.

"Stay in the car and don't move."

Chen Nan took a cigarette, pushed the car door and walked out.


Four burly middle-aged men with clubs in their hands also came down from the black car in front.

They had playful smiles on their faces, and they looked like they were sure of Chen Nan.

"What about Dong Haoze?"

Chen Nan recognized two of them as Dong Haoze's bodyguards and was a little disappointed by his behavior.

A bodyguard smiled viciously: "The surname is Chen, my young master said, if you hand over the twenty-five million, today's incident will be as if nothing happened."

"If not, we don't mind breaking your limbs and turning you into a waste for the rest of your life!"

The other also wore a cold smile: "Yes, the money itself does not belong to you, in my opinion, you still have the knowledge to hand it over quickly."

"There's no need to become a cripple for money that doesn't belong to you!"

Chen Nan sneered: "Just because the four of you also want to abolish me?" "

Hey, what's wrong with the four of us?" It's not that Xiao Ye looks down on you, it's enough to deal with you and me alone! The man at the head looked disdainful.

Another asked: "The surname Chen, do you want money or death?"

Chen Nan: "Children make choices, adults want them."

"Since you toast and don't eat and punish wine, then don't blame our subordinates for being ruthless!" The bodyguard at the head roared angrily, picked up the club in his hand and rushed towards Chen Nan.

Chen Nan stood there quietly.

When the other party appears more than three meters in front of him.

The cigarette butt in his hand burst out!


The cigarette butt that was instilled with true qi was extremely fast, and it hit the middle-aged man's chest directly.

The next moment.

It makes the scalp numb and the creepy picture happens!

It was as if he had been hit by a speeding truck.

Spit out blood, draw a parabola in the air, and then smash heavily on the roof of that black car!

The roof of the black sedan was dented, and six windows exploded in an instant.

Along with the double flashing warning lights on, there is also a shrill horn sound.

"Quick... Run... This guy is a tall... Hands... We can't beat it..." The bodyguard's face was sallow and sunk on the roof of the car, and he felt like the bones in his whole body were broken.

This scene stunned the other three.

Use a cigarette butt to blast people out for several meters?

Is this guy the devil?


The three did not dare to fight, turned around and ran.

Chen Nan's strength was obvious, and it was not something they could offend at all.

You have to leave as soon as possible, or the consequences are unimaginable!

"Did I say to let you leave unscathed?"

A cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes, and he raised his foot and kicked a few stones, hitting the ankles of the three people.

Accompanied by three screams.

The three fell directly to the ground as if the brakes failed, and their faces came into intimate contact with the earth.

"Go back and tell Dong Haoze that if he still has a thief's heart and wants to find trouble with me, don't blame me for not missing the love of the two hundred and fifty yuan!" Chen Nan left a word, and then disappeared into the sunset with Jian Ning in a car.

After Chen Nan left, the four bodyguards came back to their senses in horror.

One of them took out his mobile phone and dialed Dong Haoze's number, and said nervously: "Young Master, we missed, not Chen Nan's opponent!"

Dong Haoze was furious after hearing this: "The four of you don't claim to be masters, don't you boast that you can fight ten with one?" Why can't even Chen Nan beat it? You guys are fucking waste, right?

The bodyguard said uneasily: "Young Master, if I guessed correctly, then Chen Nan may be a first-class master. "

Wow!" Dong Haoze was furious, he didn't expect Chen Nan's strength to be so strong.

"Young Master, Chen Nan asked me to convey a word to you." The bodyguard said nervously: "He said that if you still have a thief's heart and trouble him, don't blame him for not thinking about the two hundred and fifty yuan love!"

Dong Haoze jumped like thunder, feeling Chen Nan's humiliation: "It's just a first-class master, dare to despise me like this?" Does he really think that my Dong family is a bully? "

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