It is the so-called fair lady gentleman.

For women.

Who doesn't like to be handsome.

Strong and strong.

And competent people?

Chen Nan's appearance can satisfy many women's fantasies about the opposite sex.

Plus he is prominent.

It's hard not to attract people.


However, there were some misunderstandings between Bai Yu and Chen Nan.

Forget those misunderstandings and leave conflicts aside.

She will also like Chen Nan.

But before that.

She had never calmed down to admire Chen Nan.

It was at the moment when she just had a good impression of Chen Nan.

She inexplicably felt a sense of suffocation.

Even breathing became heavy.

"What did you do to me?"

"Why can't I breathe?"

"Wouldn't you want to declare a personal vendetta?" Bai Yu looked at Chen Nan with anger on his face.

Chen Nan looked innocent: "Communiqué personal vendetta? How can I do something that lacks morality?

"Do you do less of the things that lack morality?" Bai Yu's eyes were full of contempt.

It's clear.

She tore up her clothes to Chen Nan, saying that her chest was inferior to him and she was worried.

Chen Nan sighed: "Okay, I admit that I shouldn't have humiliated you like that, but I can tell you very responsibly that you have now surpassed me in that matter."

Bai Yu frowned.

A strange expression.

I don't understand what Chen Nan means.

Chen Nan touched the tip of his nose and explained: "You were a horse before, in the final analysis, it was caused by the blockage of the meridians in the body, as long as you find a massage master, you can help you unblock and let you have a hot body." "

Bah!" Bai Yu said in disgust: "Rogue, scoundrel, don't you want to say that you are a massage master?"

"It doesn't matter." Chen Nan cleared his throat and said slightly embarrassed: "You were seriously injured before, and when I helped you repair the wound, I unblocked your meridians by the way."

"In other words, the main reason why you feel suffocated is because your clothes are too tight..."

Bai Yu's pupils trembled violently.

She quickly lowered her head.

The picture in front of her made a huge wave rise in her heart.

Before, whether sitting, or standing.

She could clearly see her lower abdomen.

But now.

The lower abdomen is blocked.


Really big!

She finally fulfilled her dream of being a woman.

Finally became a sound woman.

Think of this.

She almost didn't shed tears of emotion.

It's just that when he saw Chen Nanhu staring at him and staring at him, he immediately snorted coldly: "What to see?" Believe it or not, grandma pulls your eyeballs out and feeds the dogs?

"You can't necessarily pick out his eyes."

"But he can pick you into submission!"

"Even let you call him daddy!"

Σ (゚д゚lll)

Chen Nan scalp numbness.


How did the dog brother become more and more faceless?

How can such shameless words be said?

Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, and then became angry: "Die the lustful dog!" Saying that, he slapped his hand to the truth, and he wanted to rip his cramps to the bone.

Di Ting immediately dodged behind Chen Nan and looked at Bai Yu with an evil smile: "Little girl, I didn't talk nonsense, this guy's strength is really strong."

"Ten fingers are as flexible as the devil, guaranteed to make you kneel and beg for mercy."


Bai Yu spat viciously, his eyes full of disgust: "Both of you are raccoons, neither of them is a good thing!"

Chen Nan's face was full of innocence: "Bai girl, I don't seem to have offended you, right?"

Bai Yu said indignantly: "If you are a good person, how can this dog next to you be so shameless?"

"In my opinion, he must have followed you to become like this."

Di Ting instantly appeared behind Bai Yu, and tears of grievance appeared in his eyes: "You are right, I used to be pure, but since I followed this guy, I have become a nasty look." Speaking

of approaching Bai Yu, he gave people a sense of déjà vu seeking comfort.

Bai Yu suddenly showed a hint of unbearability.

Look at this dog.

What a skinny look.

It can be imagined that it is not good to follow Chen Nan and not eat enough to drink.

This awakened a motherly love in her heart: "If you don't want to follow him, you can follow me in the future..."

Before she finished speaking, Di Lian interrupted her with a smile: "Girl, the smell on your body is so good, can you let me lick it..." Ah, you engage in sneak attacks, you can't afford to play! "


Chen Nan saw that Di Ting was slapped by Bai Yu and flew out tens of meters.

"Lust dog, you better not come to provoke me, otherwise grandma will definitely give you some color!" Bai Yu glared angrily.

Then he looked at Chen Nan and said coldly: "Return the Gonggong Sword to me." "

She's got the Gonggong Sword.

Do not want to remain on the island.

After all, the ruins of the Water God Sect have seen the light of day again.

It has already aroused many super powerhouses in the capital city.

Even if Chen Nan is very strong.

She also didn't think Chen Nan could defeat them.

Chen Nandao: "The Gonggong Sword can be given to you, but not now, if you are afraid to stay on the island, you can leave here!" "

I heard it before.

The Gonggong Sword is the only way to find the laws of the water system.

If you return the Gonggong Sword to Bai Yu.

So how did he find the law of the water system to counter the law of fire in his body?

"Although I, Bai Yu, am a female streamer, I am not enough to do such a thing as abandoning my companion!" Bai Yu snorted angrily.

Then take out a clean dress and go behind the stone to change.

Although there is still some blood on the face.

But the improvement has returned.

It is to get used to the walking posture of the dragon walking tiger.

It's a little awkward to walk.

Feeling unstable in the center of gravity.

"Sister, can you give me the clothes you changed?" Listen to the opening.

Chen Nan showed a disgusted gaze.

Brother dog, what does this mean?

Unexpectedly asked for Bai Yu's changed clothes?


How did he become so dirty?

It's not...

Don't you make people see me as a filthy person?

I'm a little impudent at best!

But I'm not dirty!

Bai Yu's scalp was numb from the nausea of listening to the words.

She looked at Chen Nan.

There is an unconcealable disgust and disgust in his eyes.

In her opinion.

This dog must have become so dirty with Chen Nan.


The voice of the listening voice sounded again.

His voice was deep, giving people the feeling that an old god was present: "As long as you can give me the clothes you have changed, I can give you a big opportunity."

"If you are not willing to give me all your clothes, it is okay to give me your belly pocket."

Chen Nan frowned.

With his knowledge of the truth.

This product will definitely not hit Bai Yu's belly pocket for no reason.

He must have meant something else by saying this.

Think of this.

He cleared his throat and said, "Bai girl, or you will give your belly pocket to Brother Dog, it's a big deal that I will buy a few more compensation for you when I go back."

Bai Yu was furious: "Even if I die, I won't give my belly pocket to this colored dog!"

Di Ting showed a meaningful smile: "Don't talk too much, I have a hunch that you will soon give me your belly pocket!" "

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