Although he knew that Wan Duzhi wanted to kill with a knife.

But Chen Nan was not angry at all.

There are two reasons for this.

Everyone has given this great opportunity to themselves.

If you are still angry.

Is that still human?


Wanduzhi's method of killing people with a knife is too obvious.

Even if you kill him yourself.

There is no need to worry about King Qin Guang finding trouble for himself.


This is equivalent to giving Chen Nan an excuse to kill him justifiably!

Di Ting secretly shook his head.

I'm afraid I never dreamed of it.

It was clear that Chen Nan had a great opportunity, and he had to be killed by him.

If you know, you will definitely vomit blood in anger, right?

The more than ten powerhouses in the air all fixed their gazes on Chen Nan.

One of the old men spoke: "Little friend, Wan Duzhi wants to kill you with our sword, so I hope you can make a wise choice."

Another gray-robed old man spoke: "Yes, the Water God Sect has a total of two inheritance treasures, and now that you have obtained the Gonggong Sword, you should be satisfied."

"There's no need to lose your life because you avoid water beads!"

"Chen Nan Xiaoyou, do you know the truth that Pifu is not guilty and has a crime?" A middle-aged man spoke: "You have already obtained the Gonggong Sword, can it be that you still want to get into the water beads?"

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Recognize the point and hand over the water beads."

"Otherwise, you will not only lose the Gonggong Sword and Water Evasion Bead, but you will even lose your life!"

"If this is the case, I am afraid that the gain is not worth the loss!"

They had all noticed that Chen Nan had killed four cultivators of the first level of the Ghost Realm.

I know that this son's strength is very strong.


Not a last resort.

They did not want to be enemies with Chen Nan.

Chen Nan looked at the blue water bead in his hand, and an intriguing smile appeared on his face: "Although Wan Duzhi wants to borrow a knife to kill, but..."

"I don't think the knives he borrowed are sharp enough."

As soon as the words came out.

Those more than ten powerful Ghost Realm powerhouses were all furious.

Feeling violated.

They fell from the air.

Surrounded Chen Nan, Bai Yu and Di Tingtuan.

An old man's eyes were filled with killing intent: "The surname is Chen, what do you mean?" Are you defiing our existence? "

He's murderous.

It made Bai Yu inexplicably nervous.

I can't wait to cut Chen Nan with a sword.

You know that you want to kill with a knife.

Isn't it enough to throw the water beads out directly?

Why provoke these people with insulting words?

Wan Duzhi sat alone on a large stone in the distance, and a jade gourd appeared in his hand.

He gulped down his wine.

Look at the picture in front of you with a smile.

Kudos for your wit.

He had a hunch.

Even if Chen Nan was besieged by so many people at the same time.

With the strength he has shown before.

It is also very likely to kill everyone.

Achieve the ultimate victory.

After all, his strength is really strong.


Even if Chen Nan can win the final victory.

He will also be seriously injured.

Once then.

He could easily kill Chen Nan.

Recapture the water droplets.

Chen Nanxiao looked at the strong people around him, his face full of defiance: "Yes."

"I'm defying your existence."

"I didn't put a dozen of you in my eyes at all."

"You are all brothers in my eyes."

"If I want to kill you, it is tantamount to probing for something."


A silver-haired old man was furious, and a black long sword appeared in his hand: "Although your strength is good, I and the other sixteen are all cultivators of the third layer of the Ghost Realm, how can I allow you to provoke like this?"

"I'm going to learn your strength!"

The words fell.

He disappeared in place.

Holding a long sword, he went straight to Chen Nan and slashed away.

Chen Nan narrowed his eyes slightly.

When the other person approaches.

He punched out.

The heavy fist that permeated the law of fire instantly melted the old man's long sword and smashed fiercely into his chest.

The old man's face was as pale as wax.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nan's fist instantly melted his long sword.

Don't think about it.

He instantly flew back towards the rear.

Watching Chen Nan's fist get farther and farther away.

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief.

He saw an evil smile on Chen Nan's face.

A sense of foreboding instantly enveloped his heart.

Next second.

He felt like his body was out of control.

With lightning speed, he flew back under Chen Nan's fist.


The old man let out a heart-rending scream.

Then under everyone's terrified eyes, it accurately fell under Chen Nan's fist.


Accompanied by a dull sound.

The old man's head was blown up directly.

Become a headless corpse.

Chen Nan chuckled: "The third layer of the Ghost Realm? "


"But that's it!"

In addition to listening.

Everyone felt their scalps tingle.

The head is buzzing.

That was a super strong person in the third layer of the Ghost Realm.

Looking at the entire netherworld, he is also a master among the masters!


Who would have thought that he would die so miserably?

Who would have thought that he would be killed by Chen Nan with one blow?

Even if you see it with your own eyes.

They couldn't believe the absurd and bizarre scene in front of them.


They still underestimated Chen Nan's strength.


They came for the treasures of the Water God Sect.

Now Chen Nan has obtained two inheritance treasures of the Water God Sect.

Whether it is water beads.

Or the Gonggong Sword is a legendary treasure.

Even if this person is super strong.

It's a hard bone.

You have to take him down.

"Fellow Daoists, this person is powerful, and I must fight with the enemy." An old man with a childlike appearance pointed at Chen Nan: "I think so, let's kill this person first, and then decide the issue of the ownership of the Gonggong Sword and the Water Avoiding Bead." The

words came out.

Everyone else nodded slightly.

Although they come from different camps.

But at this time, it must be condensed into a rope to deal with Chen Nan at the same time.

If it's a wheel war.

It will definitely be killed one by one.

Fifteen people hit it off.

They squeezed their hands together, and the long sword flew out and slashed at Chen Nan in all directions.

They had already seen that Chen Nan was invincible in close combat.

That's why a long-range attack is used.

In a flash.

One after another terrifying sword qi filled the air.

It gives a strong visual impact.

Chen Nan stood there quietly.

Blazing flames erupted from the seven tips.

It's like the arrival of the god of fire.

The terrifying heat spread out, making it unbearable.

He did not hide.

Nor resisted.

Let those long swords sink into your body.

Just when those fifteen powerful Ghost Realm powerhouses thought that Chen Nan would be stabbed into a hornet's nest by a long sword.

A jaw-dropping scene happened.

After those long swords entered Chen Nan's body, they were like stones sinking into the sea.

All melted into Chen Nan's body.

The next second, Chen Nan moved.

His tiger body shook.

A chain formed by the laws of fire flew from his hand to the right.

Lightning fast.

It was like threading a needle, instantly penetrating the chests of two powerful Ghost Realm three-layer powerhouses.

In an instant.

Those two powerful Ghost Realm powerhouses turned into flying ash and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The other twelve were stunned.

I felt despair like never before.

They couldn't figure it out at all.

Chen Nan only had a second-layer cultivation in the Soul Loving Realm.

But why is the strength so terrifying?

Why can you easily kill a strong person in the Ghost Realm?

How can there be such a terrible pervert in this world?

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