Wang Qian'er nodded slightly: "There are many medicinal materials in the world, and there are some species with similar medicinal effects. "

Blood Spirit Roots are exceptionally rare."

"It is the best choice for refining the Taiqing Divine Pill."

"It is also because the blood spirit root is too rare and there is no trace to be found."

"Only later did the main medicine of the Taiqing Divine Pill be replaced by a snake demon."

Chen Nan couldn't calm his heart.

He was previously troubled by the matter of the Taiqing Divine Pill.

Because he didn't want Lu Bailing, Sister Lu Qingqing was refined into pills as medicinal herbs.

But I don't want to offend King Yan Luo.

And at this time.

He had a great solution in his heart.

It can destroy the Lu family.

Don't worry about offending King Yan Luo.

That is to refine a Taiqing Divine Pill by yourself.

Think about it.

He frowned: "How do you know about the Taiqing Divine Pill?"

Wang Qian'er smiled: "This is what the father guessed."

"Now it seems that he is right, the grudge between you and the Lu family comes from that pair of snake demons."

Chen Nan was relieved.

Unexpectedly, Wang Qian'er's father could guess this.

"Tell Ling Zun for me, I owe the Wang family a favor on this matter." Chen Nandao, "But I still want the Wang family to do me a favor." Wang

Qian'er: "Senior Chen, please say."

Chen Nan: "Help me find the other four auxiliary medicines for refining the Taiqing Divine Pill."

"Good." Wang Qian'er didn't think about it, and directly agreed.

The Wang family itself is engaged in medicinal herbs and elixirs.

Finding medicinal herbs is not difficult for them.

Wang Qian'er just walked on the front foot.

Qiye returned home and said to Chen Nan: "Sir, I just got the news that the Lu family sent some experts to the northern wilderness half a month ago to find the Forgetful Grass.

"Now those people have found the Forgetful Grass and are on their way back."

"In seven days we will leave the northern wilderness."

A cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

Sure enough, the Lu family found the Forgetful Grass!

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "I will go to the northern wilderness, and the four of you will stay in the capital city to continue to investigate the whereabouts of Lu Bailing and the Lu Qingqing sisters."

"Remember, don't act rashly when you find it."

"Unless they're in danger."

"If that's the case, some tough measures can be taken."

Saying that, he gave the Son of Heaven the Order to the Seven Nights.

No way.

Seven Nights, their strength can be regarded as a first-class master in Guangling Mansion.

But in the capital city, he can only be regarded as an ordinary person.

After all, there are too many strong people above the body realm here.

It's really hard to fight.

The four of them really may not be able to defeat the Lu family.

But with the Son of Heaven order.

All the powerhouses in the entire capital city will obey his command.

"Remember that until the critical moment, you must not use the Son of Heaven order!" Chen Nan instructed again.

Qiu Shui suggested: "Sir, the northern wilderness is a dangerous place in the netherworld, second only to the Nai River.

"It is said that there are many powerful ghosts living in it who have escaped from hell."

"Or let's accompany you to the wilderness!"

He and Bai Yu had already stepped into the Ghost Realm.

Even the northern wilderness can break through.

Chen Nan: "No need, if you go, it will only become a burden for me, I can go by myself."

Everyone lowered their heads in shame.

Can't you speak tactfully?

Although you are also right.

But can't you just think about how we feel?

Chen Nan called Shangdi to listen.

He borrowed Guo Yu's curved bow again.

After leaving the North City Gate, he soared into the air and disappeared into heaven and earth.

Forget the worries about the grass, he is determined to get it!

The Blood Spirit Root must also be pocketed!

I will save the demon that your Lu family wants to kill!"

I'll refine the elixir that your Lu family wants to refine!"

And all you have to do is wash your necks!

Waiting for death to come!


at the same time.

Lu Zheng's father and son came to the Wang family.

The meaning of coming here is simple.

Take down the Putuo flower of the Wang family.

After all, their people have already found the Forgetful Grass.

Seven days later, you will be able to reach the capital city.

At that time, the ancestor of the Lu family would be able to refine the Taiqing Divine Pill.

Although they also knew that at this time, the Dengwang family would definitely bite a hundred Body Grabbing Pills.

But they don't seem to have any other choice.

"Which gust of wind blew Patriarch Lu, you? You can go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything! Wang Yunlong joked with a smile, and immediately ordered his subordinates to prepare tea.

Lu Yuan opened the door and said, "Don't hide Brother Wang, our father and son came here for that Putuo flower."

Wang Yunlong suddenly realized: "It turns out that this is the case, Patriarch Lu, please later, I will let people call the little girl." After all, you know, I don't care about the family business for a long time.

Lu Yuan frowned.

A trace of unhappiness flashed in my heart.

The reason why they came to the door did not go to the Wang Family Medicinal Herb Store.

It is because he knows that Wang Yunlong is introverted and is easier to negotiate.

But I didn't expect it.

He actually wanted to call his daughter Wang Qian'er.

This is definitely the most difficult existence among the young generation in the capital city.

Not to say cultivation.

It's about business.

Soon Wang Qian'er came to the banquet hall, and after seeing Lu Yuan's father and son, he immediately saluted: "The junior meets Patriarch Lu!"

Lu Yuan smiled and said straight to the point: "Miss Wang, our father and son came here for that Putuo flower."

"I heard the dog say, the Wang family wants my Lu family to refine a hundred Body Grabbing Pills?"

"So what."

"A hundred pills is not a small amount."

"Can it be less?"

"How about eighty?"

Although it was not him who refined the elixir.

But the ancestors also worked hard to refine elixirs.

He had to reduce the pressure on his ancestors.

After all, a hundred pills is really not a small amount.

Even the ancestor would have to refine a hundred Body Grabbing Pills for three months, or even half a year.

Wang Qian'er said apologetically: "I'm sorry Patriarch Lu, our Wang family has already sold that Putuo flower to others.

Lu Yuan frowned.

He naturally did not believe Wang Qian'er's statement.

I think she is trying to raise the price with this argument.

"Okay, just a hundred Body Grabbing Pills." Lu Yuan finally chose to compromise, after all, the Lu family had already obtained six of the seven medicinal materials for refining the Taiqing Divine Pill.

Only this Putuo flower is missing.

You can't delay alchemy because of a Putuo flower, right?

Wang Qian'er said with regret: "Patriarch Lu, even if you promise to help my Wang family refine a hundred Body Grabbing Pills, but..." Putuo Flower has really been sold to someone else! "

Hear that.

Lu Zheng directly furious: "Wang Qian'er, just stop, your Wang Jiaxiu wants to open the lion with a Putuo flower." "

Our Lu family doesn't eat your set!"

"A hundred Body Grabbing Pills is already a lot."

"Accept it when you see it!"

"Mess, don't be so rude to Miss Wang!" Lu Yuan snorted heavily, and then compensated to Wang Qian'er: "Miss Wang, please forgive the dog's rudeness."

"As for the price of Putuo, we can discuss it again."

"You make a price, as long as my Lu family can do it, I will definitely go all out."

Wang Qian'er sighed helplessly: "Patriarch Lu, I can swear to the heavens, what I said today is true, that Putuo flower was really sold to others." "

Listen to this.

Lu Yuan's face immediately turned green!

The duck that reached the mouth flew like that???

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