A monstrous anger rose in Lu Xun's heart.

He also didn't think about helping Chen Nan fend off a strong enemy.

After all, they themselves came to find fault.

But for the life and death of the Lu family.

They had to.

No matter who the other party is.

He wouldn't let them influence Chen Nan's refining elixir.

Between conversations.

Two figures wearing black night clothes appeared behind Lu Xun.

They are powerful.


A man in black spoke: "Lu Xun, our target is not you.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

Lu Xun frowned: "You know Old Immortal?

"Who are you?"

"Why don't you dare show up?"

He tried to feel the other's breath.

However, the other party's breath all converged.

So much so that even he didn't know who this person in front of him was.

The man in black let out a deep voice: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that the person refining the elixir dies!"

Lu Xun snorted heavily: "As long as there is an old immortal, you don't want to kill Chen Nan!" The

man in black: "Then I will kill you first!" Saying that, holding a long stick, he rushed towards Lu Xun.

Lu Xun's face was full of disdain, and he raised his sword to block: "Do you think the old immortal is afraid of you?" "

A vicious battle began in an instant.

It's not just Lu Xun's side.

The other members of the Lu family were also attacked by the mysterious man in black.

The number of men in black is not very large though.

But the strength is very strong.

In an instant, he killed several people from the Lu family.

Blood flowed like rivers, and screams continued.

The pungent smell of blood filled the air.

It's like purgatory on earth.

However, Lu Xun did not panic at all, and directly asked Lu Yuan to call people.

As an alchemist.

His strongest means is his connections.

If you encounter trouble outside the city, you may not be able to quench your thirst.

But in the city.

Calling people is not a matter of words?

Lu Yuan immediately picked up the summons token and called someone to help.

"Dog master, what is the situation?"

"Why do we have so much help?"

Above the roof.

Guo Yu stood there quietly.

Eagle-like eyes pierced through the darkness and saw the people fighting around them.

Di Ting's eyes were solemn: "The people of the Buddhist gate made a move." He

could sense that the men in black were coming from Buddhism.

Although he had thought that the Buddha Gate would one day discover Chen Nan's existence.

And strangle it in the cradle.

But I didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

"Why did the Buddha Gate kill the eldest brother?" Guo Yu's eyes were full of doubts.

Di Ting thought for a moment: "He is the right answer to change the error.

"His presence will prove that some people have committed unforgivable mistakes."

"But if you erase the correct answer..."

"The wrong answer will become right."

Guo Yu shook his head: "I don't understand what you say, but I have always believed that no one can reverse black and white, and everything is wrong."

Di Ting sighed softly: "How can you imagine the evil in this world?"

"Another master is coming!" Guo Yu looked at the night in the distance and grinned: "Today, our family is really lively!" As if to shoot them!

Di Ting also smiled: "You don't have to do anything today, there will be someone to help us resist a strong enemy." "

The strength of the Buddha Gate Vulture is very strong.

But it is not as strong as the connections of the Lu family.


In layman's terms.

The Buddha Gate did not dare to appear and kill Chen Nan with the appearance of the Eight Classics.

After all, the purpose of Buddhism is compassion.

If they kill someone in the right light.

It will break their image of compassion, selflessness, and exaltation in the hearts of the world.


This battle between the Lu family and the Buddha Gate.

The winner is destined to be the Lu family.

Over time.

More and more strong people are coming in all directions.

Most of them are Earth Ghost Realm, and there are even some Heavenly Ghost Realm powerhouses.

Their appearance suppressed those men in black in momentum.

The people in the Buddhist sect did not expect to meet the Lu family today.

This left them dead and wounded.

But no one chose to run away.

Because their goal was to kill Chen Nan.

The battle continues.


A crimson lightning bolt also descended from the air.

Immediately, there was a loud crashing sound between heaven and earth.

"The elixir has come out!"

Lu Xun's eyes lit up.

In a flash.

The clouds in the air turned fiery red.

It was as if the firmament had been set on fire.

The sky is shining.

This is the vision that came out of the Divine Pill.

It shocked Wubai.

Because they have never experienced such an amazing picture.


A pleasant medicinal fragrance permeated the heavens and the earth.

Seeing this, Lu Xun turned to the black-clothed man in front of him: "Our Lu family only needs this pill, only when the pill is in hand, it will leave, and then whether Chen Nan lives or dies is all up to you." "

Is that okay?"

He could also feel that these people came from an amazing background.

Unwilling to offend easily.

The man in black hesitated: "Good!"

Lu Xun looked at the set of houses in the distance and whispered, "Chen Nan Xiaoer, come out and speak!" "


Chen Nan's figure appeared in mid-air out of thin air, and he looked down at Lu Xun below: "Is it that you are barking non-stop?" What's the matter with calling Grandpa?

Lu Xun's eyes flashed with a chill: "The old man doesn't want to raise his head and talk to others, get down!" The

words fell.

The terrifying momentum swept towards Chen Nan.

But embarrassing to find...

Chen Nan did not move.

This shocked him inside.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nan only had the fifth layer cultivation of the Soul Loving Realm.

But the strength is so terrifying.

So, his figure also flew into the air.

He waved his hand casually.

Lu Bailing and the Lu Qingqing sisters flew out.

Lu Xun threatened, "If you want to save their sisters' lives, hand over that pill!"

"Otherwise, I'll kill them now!"

"Young Master Chen, don't agree to his request!" Lu Bailing looked at Chen Nan, and his eyes flashed with crystal mist, which was a kind of tear called emotion and contentment.

"Our sisters can meet you in this life without regrets, and please don't agree to the Lu family's request."

They didn't know what kind of elixir Chen Nan was refining.

But they know a little.

He definitely can't become the handle of the Lu family to blackmail Chen Nan.

If so.

They have a guilty conscience.

"Chen Nan, do you really want to watch their sisters die tragically in front of you because of a pill?" Lu Yuan appeared beside Lu Xun, and a long sword appeared in his hand, directly on Lu Bailing's neck.

A playful smile appeared on his face: "If you want to see their sisters die tragically, I can fulfill your idea."

"Old thing, believe it or not, Lao Tzu will shoot you?" On the roof.

Guo Yu pulled away the curved bow in his hand.

An icy arrow locked onto Lu Yuan.

This moment.

Lu Yuan felt a cold breath.

Let him be cold all over.



But he endured the uneasiness in his heart and gritted his teeth and said: "Even if you shoot me, I will pull this evil animal on the back!"

Lu Xun's voice was indifferent: "The surname Chen, elixir and snake demon, choose one of the two!"

Chen Nan's face was gloomy.

He naturally didn't want to hand over the elixir to the other party.

But you can't watch Lu Bailing, sister Lu Qingqing die tragically.

He took a deep breath and whispered, "I can give you the elixir, but I have one condition.

Lu Xun sneered: "What qualifications do you have, bargain with my Lu family?" "

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