Chen Nan has always been gracious and rewarded.

There is revenge.

Today, the people in the Buddhist gate suddenly killed.

I want to kill him.

He couldn't swallow this evil breath.

Nor can it be swallowed.

After all, he shouldered the heavy task of rebuilding the Heavenly Court.

It is the last hope of countless heavenly gods.

Even if there is Rulai behind the Buddha Gate.

He also has to get stronger step by step.

Then kill the Western world, for those who died in vain, ask Rulai to ask for justice.

This Jokhang Temple in Hades, just take it as a little interest!


is just as the truth says.

Chen Nan directly stepped into the peak cultivation of the Ghost King Realm.

Moreover, it completely controls the power of the four laws of space, fire, water and wood.

With his current strength.

Looking at the netherworld, it is definitely a being standing at the top of the pyramid.

To put it bluntly.

Even if it is the Ten Temples of Hades.

He doesn't even put it in his eyes now.

After all, even if he is a ten-hall Yan King, he is only a ninth-level ghost king.

He also now has the strength of a ninth-level ghost king.

And he also controls the power of the four laws.

The only one who could defeat him was the Emperor of the Capital.

and Houtu Niangniang, two super powerhouses who dominate the netherworld.

If the Emperor of Yudu did not use the Book of Life and Death.

He even felt like he could compete with him.

As for the Houtu Niangniang...

He didn't dare to think about it.

After all, Houtu Niangniang is an extremely high existence in the divine genealogy.

The existence of the same name as the Jade Emperor.

Otherwise, how could there be that oath in the Yang Realm, 'The emperor is on top, and the thick soil is proof'?

A sudden ascension in the realm.

Chen Nan has not been able to adapt to it for a long time.

It feels like a dream.

There was a kind of beggar who suddenly received a huge sum of five million.

It feels very unreal.


This is practice.

There is no eternal law for practice.

There are only a myriad of opportunities and variables.

As long as it can be caught.

Not to mention soaring.

At least the strength will improve a lot.


Chen Nan seized this opportunity to have an epiphany.

And the reason why he was able to seize this epiphany.

In the final analysis, it was the Lu family sisters who caught him...

Looking at the Lu family sisters who snuggled together and fell asleep.

A burst of longing rose in Chen Nan's fiery heart.

He longed to be surrounded by a slight coolness...

Only in this way can the heat in his heart calm down...


eighteen levels of hell.

This is a presence that makes people talk about tiger color.

Because those who have done evil are afraid that they will come here after death.

After all, there is torture on every floor here.

Every form of torture is worse than death.

It is located underground in the capital city.

Filled with darkness and coldness.

And that heart-wrenching scream.

That sound never stopped all year round.

Hei Impermanence came to a dark cave mansion and said respectfully: "Sir, the Lu family has refined the Taiqing Divine Pill, and I have already retrieved it for you."

A loud voice sounded: "Come in!" "

Black Impermanence enters the cave mansion.

What came into view was a burly man with thick eyebrows.

A middle-aged man with a beard.

The whole body exudes an air of not anger but threat.

He is the king of Yan Luo who makes all the living beings in the sun fearful.

He is the fifth oldest among the ten temple kings.

"I really didn't expect that the Lu family actually refined the Taiqing Divine Pill."

"But King Ben underestimated them."

King Yan Luo also did not expect that the Lu family would be able to refine the Taiqing Divine Pill.

This is a bonus.

Black Impermanence hurriedly gave the Taiqing Divine Pill to King Yan Luo.

King Yan Luo took it and looked at it in his palm.

Then put it in your mouth and swallow it directly.

"The Lu family has a good ability in refining elixirs, you should properly reward them with some treasures!" Saying that, he slowly closed his eyes, ready to recover the injury of his soul.

But right now.

King Yan Luo's face changed suddenly, and a stream of red blood spewed out from his mouth.

Hei Impermanence exclaimed: "Sir, what's wrong with you?

King Yan Luo's face was gloomy: "The Taiqing Divine Pill is poisonous!" "

The Lu family wants to murder King Ben's life!"


Black impermanence only feels numb in the scalp.

A thick layer of goosebumps rose all over his body.

Murdering the existence of one of the Ten Temples of Hades?

Didn't the Lu family eat bear heart leopard bile?


"Take someone to Lu's house!"

"Destroy the Lu family!"

King Yan Luo's eyes projected an icy killing intent.

He was very glad that he was a ninth-level ghost king.

If not.

That pill was enough to kill him.


Although that pill failed to kill him.

But it ruined his thousand-year-old deeds.

Hei Impermanence hurriedly said, "Sir, is there some misunderstanding here?"

"I don't believe that the Lu family has such boldness and dares to poison the elixir."

King Yan Luo snorted coldly: "It's not the Lu family, is it still you?" Black

Impermanence's pupils trembled violently: "Subordinates don't dare!" "

Black Impermanence is a little flustered.

After all, that elixir passed through his hand before it reached King Yan Luo's hand.

King Yan Luo: "It doesn't matter if it's a misunderstanding!"

"The important thing is that the elixir ruined the thousand-year-old path of this king."

"If you don't destroy the Lu family, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in the heart of this king."

Hei Impermanence said nervously, "The Lu family's mother is the younger sister of the Emperor Master!" "

Destroying a worldly family is nothing to him.


The Lu family's mother is the younger sister of the Emperor Master after all.

King Yan Luo said in a low voice: "If the emperor dares to interfere in the affairs of the Lu family, even the Zheng family will be destroyed together!" "

Whether it's the Imperial Master.

Prime minister.

Or a heterogeneous king.

These three powerful ministers were to him.

These are just pieces that can be replaced at any time.


"Despicable, let's destroy the Lu family!"


Emperor's Mansion.

Zheng Yu looked solemnly at the star map suspended in the air.

"What did the Lu family do?"

"Why is there a catastrophe?"

Zheng Yu knows the past and knows the future.

The future can be divined in the star chart.

At a glance, he saw that the Lu family was about to experience a catastrophe.

"Come, go to the Lu family, let everyone in the Lu family leave the capital city!" Zheng Yu immediately ordered the butler to go to Lu's house to summon the news.

The words fell.

His pupils trembled violently.

Because he sees.

The bloody light disaster that shrouded the Lu family on the star map was spreading towards the Zheng family.

"Slowly, slowly!"

"Don't go to the Lu family to report the letter!"

The Emperor Master let out a piercing scream.

A visceral fear made him tremble.

He never dreamed of it.

He just wanted to send someone to the Lu family to summon the news, and the bloody disaster affected the Zheng family.

He knows.

This time, the Lu family provoked big people.

Even he can't afford to provoke big people.

Sure enough.

Just after he stopped the butler from going to the Lu family to report the letter.

The bloody light disaster that had originally spread to the Zheng family also retreated.

But it still shrouded the Lu family.

"Is that the adult not tolerating the Lu family?" Zheng Yu clenched his fists, his eyes full of unwillingness.

He didn't want to see his sister doomed.


For the future of the Zheng family.

Even if he knew that the Lu family was about to usher in a catastrophe, he did not dare to obstruct it.

"What crime did the Lu family commit?"

"Why don't you allow the Lu family?"

A series of question marks rose in Zheng Yu's heart.


Black and white are impermanent, leading a group of strong people under King Yan Luo to descend on the Lu family.

Lu Xun's eyes lit up after learning this.

Did the reward come so quickly?

Everyone is ready...

Just when he was full of joy, a thunderous voice sounded in his ears: "Lu Xun, you murdered Lord Yan Luo, and you didn't come out quickly to die?" "

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