Although Chen Nan's previous strength was terrifying.

But he wounded all five of them.

He also took them back to the Imperial Master's Mansion...

That's arrogant!

Too arrogant!

He didn't put the Imperial Master Mansion in his eyes at all.

He is destined to pay a heavy price.


night falls.

The lanterns of the Imperial Master's Mansion were also lit.

The red lanterns emit a faint glow, rendering the surrounding snow red.

It looks very festive.


The emperor master in the room had a solemn expression.

Just now.

He felt a sense of foreboding.

He immediately made a fortune for his son and four grandchildren.

The trigram shows the great murderer.

Although I don't know why the trigram shows the murderer.

But he knows.

My son and four grandchildren are afraid that something bad will happen.

Think of this.

He hurriedly walked out of the room and said loudly, "Where is the housekeeper?"

"Sir, what are your orders?" The old butler trotted in the distance.

Zheng Yu's expression was solemn: "Summon the second elder, let the five of them come back quickly!" "


The old butler respectfully agreed.

And right at this moment.

A guard at the door quickly ran over, knelt down on one knee, and said, "The master, the second master, and the four sons are back!"

Zheng Yu was stunned for a moment.

Obviously, I didn't expect my children and grandchildren to come back so soon.

Could it be that Chen Nan's body was found?

That's not right!

Even if they come back, they don't need to let the guards report, right?

"In addition to the second master and the four young masters, there is also a young man." The guard said nervously: "Second Master and four young masters..." All of them..."

Zheng Yu's pupils trembled violently: "All what?" Guard

: "All seriously injured and caught by the man!"

"Who is so bold as to dare to capture the Zheng family? Is he tired of living? The old butler shouted angrily, his eyes full of anger.

Although there is a prime minister in the capital city, there is a king with a different surname.

But there is one thing to say.

Whether it is a king with a different surname, or a prime minister.

Their power is far inferior to the Imperial Master.

This also led to the fact that the Zheng family could run amok in the capital city.

No one dares to mess with it.

Who ever thought.

Now someone has injured the Zheng family, and returned to the Zheng family alive.

This is clearly a slap in the face of the Zheng family.

Contempt for the dignity of the Zheng family.

"I want to see who ate the bear heart leopard gall, and dared to come to my Zheng family to provoke!" Zheng Yu's face was gloomy, and he walked directly outside.

But just when he came to the gate of the Imperial Master's Mansion.

After seeing the picture in front of you.

The pupils trembled instantly.

The picture in front of him made it difficult for him to accept.

Because his son Zheng Chongyong was kneeling on the ground with his five bodies thrown on the ground.

From a distance, it looks like a bench.

And on top of him sat a young man with Erlang's legs cocked and drinking.

Strong anger erupted in Zheng Yu's heart.

He had never been so angry in his life.

The other four grandchildren also knelt beside him obediently.

"Who are you?" Dare to insult me Zheng Jiazun..." Zheng Yu's face was full of anger, but before he finished speaking, it was as if an invisible big hand had choked his throat.

Let him swallow back all the unfinished words.

"Chen Nan?"

"You're not dead?"

Zheng Yu's scalp was numb and he shuddered.

Although this was the first time he had seen Chen Nan.

But I have seen his portrait.

At a glance, he recognized him as Chen Nan.

It's just...

How is this possible?

Didn't King Yan Luo kill him?

Why is he still alive?

Zheng Yu suddenly snorted.

He thought of King Yan Luo's return to the capital city with a blue nose and a swollen face.

Suddenly creepy.

He was also well aware of one thing.

It is very likely that Chen Nan defeated King Yan Luo.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain King Yan Luo's swollen nose and face when he was beaten.

It's just...

With this handsome-looking young man in front of him, can he really crush King Yan Luo?

He couldn't believe it.

Although he really wanted to see Chen Nan.

But he also didn't want to see Chen Nan alive.

"Why, all of you think I'm dead?" Chen Nan took a sip of wine, with a contemptuous smile on his slightly drunk face.

Zheng Yu was furious: "Even if you are not dead, you should not insult my Zheng family." "

I insulted your Zheng family?" Chen Nan sneered: "Your Zheng family met me outside the city, and they wanted to take my life without saying a word, and I came here just to ask the Emperor Master."

"What right does your Zheng family have to obliterate the lives of others?"

"Just because you are an emperor master, you can be above all living beings and trample on the lives of others at will?"

Zheng Yu snorted coldly: "The surname is Chen, you Hugh want to put a pot on this official here."

"You should understand our relationship."

Chen Nan smiled: "Of course, I understand that when I first went to serve in Guangling Mansion, you sent someone to intercept and kill me, and I knew that we were destined to die forever."

"Blood spews people, this official is frank and bright, when did he send someone to intercept and kill you?" Zheng Yu was embarrassed and angry: "You said that this official intercepted you, where is the evidence?"

"Where are the witnesses?"

"If not, don't blame this official for punishing you for slander!"

Although he sent people to intercept and kill Chen Nan.

But there is no evidence of that kind of thing.

"Sir, there is no one in this sub-sight, who despises the majesty of the Zheng family and is condemned according to the crime!" An old man with a childlike appearance and a fairy wind Dao bone walked out in the Imperial Master's Mansion with one hand behind his back.

The old butler also said, "You should cut a thousand swords to let him know the fate of being an enemy of the Imperial Master Mansion."

A cold light flashed in Zheng Yu's eyes: "Even so, let Elder Er kill this son!" "

Er Han is the strongest worship of the Zheng family.

Has the cultivation of a fifth-level ghost king.

He believes.

Er Han made a move, it was entirely possible to kill Chen Nan.


Zheng Yu did not believe that King Yan Luo was injured and returned because of Chen Nan.

Zheng Chongyong and the others all lit up their eyes.

They have known for a long time.

If Chen Nan dares to come to the Zheng family, he will definitely bear the anger of the Zheng family.

Er Han shot, he may not survive.

"Young man, you have no one in your sight, you despise the dignity of the Zheng family, and today the old man will behead you." Er Han leaned forward with a palm, and a sharp long sword exuded the momentum of destruction and decay, slashing towards Chen Nan.


Chen Nan showed a contemptuous smile.

Craned his neck and took a sip of wine.

gave the other party an optimal decapitation position.


The long sword pierced through the void and slashed heavily at Chen Nan's neck under everyone's indifferent eyes.


Without warning.

The long sword that slashed at Chen Nan's neck emitted a crisp crashing sound.


A dazzling spark bloomed on Chen Nan's neck.

That sword.

It doesn't seem to be cut on the flesh mortal fetus.

Instead, it fell on the indestructible extraterrestrial meteorite.

Let everyone gasp.

Mo said to cut off Chen Nan's first rank.

He didn't even have any injuries left on his neck.

Zheng Yu, Er Han and the others shuddered.

They can't even imagine it.

A person's neck can be so hard.

"Don't you just want my head?" Chen Nan shook his head helplessly: "This little wish, I can fulfill you." Speaking of this, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed his hair and gently lifted it.

The next moment.

His head left his neck under everyone's creepy eyes...

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