"All stand down!"

Chen Nan walked forward, his eyes were indifferent, without the slightest emotional fluctuation: "Old Sixth, your kindness, my brother has received it."


"We can't run away anymore!"

"The eldest husband was born in heaven and earth."

"What is the joy of life?"

"Why fear death?"

"Actually, we people should have died a long time ago."

"Instead of living for 10,000 years like a dog who lost his family."

As soon as the words came out.

The others were all silent.

The dusty past is vividly remembered.

They are not afraid of death.

It's just a little unwilling.

That's why.

They would have fled 10,000 years ago.

Thinking that he could make a comeback and rebel again.


It turned out not to be what they had imagined.

Even if they escape!

But in these ten thousand years, they are better off alive than dead.

Because the overthrow of the reign of the Emperor of the Imperial Capital became more and more out of reach for them.

It made them feel hopeless.

I also regret that I will run away ten thousand years ago.

If there was no escape 10,000 years ago.

They will not have such strong attachments and pain in their hearts.

As Chen Nan said.

This time.

Can't run away anymore.

Even if it dies.

And what are you afraid of?

"You think you can destroy us with a single sword?" Chen Nan's face showed a trace of disdain: "Even if this is the Emperor Sword, let's see who is controlling it!" The

words fell.

He leaned out with one palm.

The next moment.

Gao Yuan's pupils trembled violently.

His body flew uncontrollably into the air.

The face turned the color of pig liver.

It was as if the invisible big hand had strangled his throat.

He kept struggling.

It's all in vain.

"I thought you would pay attention to the situation in the capital city."

"After all, so many things have happened, as long as you pay attention, you can know that it all started because of me."

"For example, three days ago, I went to the Zheng family and killed the Ghost King Realm powerhouse of the Zheng family."

"For example, King Yan Luo was beaten by me with a blue nose and a swollen face."

"Why don't even the Zheng family know that I did it, but you don't?"

"Could it be that the Zheng family blocked the news?"

His face was full of doubts.

I was deeply curious about this matter.

And these words fell in Gao Yuan's ears is tantamount to a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

He couldn't imagine it.

Chen Nan actually killed the Ghost King Realm powerhouse in the Emperor Master's Mansion.

I didn't expect that Chen Nan had violently beaten King Yan Luo.

That was a super powerhouse at the peak of the ninth layer of the Ghost King Realm!

"Of course!"

"It doesn't matter if you say that now."

"The important thing is..."

"I once swore to avenge my third man."

"And now, it's time for me to deliver on my promise."

His eyes widened angrily, and he erupted with terrifying killing intent.


"Come on!"

Chen Nan shouted angrily.

The power of the soul wrapped around the imperial sword.


The emperor sword suspended in the air trembled rapidly, as if it wanted to get rid of Chen Nan's control.

But Chen Nan had the peak strength of the Ghost King Realm.

And he controls the power of the four laws.

Especially the human way and the animal way in the depths of the soul.

It even suppressed the sword spirit of the emperor sword.


The imperial sword flew through the air.

It was like a long rainbow slashing towards Gao Yuan.




Gao Yuan let out a heart-rending scream.

He wanted to dodge.


The body seemed to be stuck in a swamp.

I can't move at all.

I could only watch the emperor sword coming towards him.

"Yue Shan, even if you kill me today, my father will kill you to avenge me..."


The words did not fall.

The emperor sword penetrated Gao Yuan's chest.

Blood spilled into the air.

interrupted Gao Yuan's cruel words.

The chest is pierced and is not fatal to the strong people above the body realm.


But it was the emperor sword that penetrated Gao Yuan's chest.

The terrifying Diwei exploded in his body, causing golden cracks to appear around his wounds.

The rift is spreading in all directions at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The third elder died because of your Gao family."


"It's just a little interest."

"I want to eradicate your Gao family, only in this way can I be worthy of the spirit of the third elder in the sky."

"As you say, you don't need to say that the Gao family won't let me go."

Chen Nan's voice was cold.

The voice just fell.

A terrifying golden light erupted from Gao Yuan's body.

Then it exploded inside him with a pop.

Let his corpse disappear into heaven and earth.

This scene stunned everyone.

Even if they knew that Yue Shan possessed the laws of space, they also got the opportunity of the Vulcan Sect.

But I didn't expect it.

He was unexpectedly powerful to the point of killing the peak of the Heavenly Ghost Realm in seconds.

He even forcibly plundered the imperial sword belonging to the Gao family.


Thinking of what he said before about crushing King Yan Luo.

They were relieved.

Even King Yan Luo was no match for Fifth Brother.

What is a small high source?

Although the internal traitor was discovered.

Avenge Han Zongyuan.

But the atmosphere at the scene was very depressing.

Even if Chen Nan's strength is very strong.

They are not particularly happy either.


They were ready to die.

But now suddenly there is no need to die.

They were a little dazed.


Because they never thought they would survive today.

I didn't even think about what would happen after that.

Chen Nan broke the quiet atmosphere: "Have you ever thought about the future?"

"Revenge, do you want to repay it?"

"Do you want to continue what was not achieved ten thousand years ago?"

The fourth elder sighed lightly: "Ten thousand years ago, the emperor of the capital only cared about cultivation, and did not ask about the life and death of the people, so that the people did not have a good life, if it was not cornered, how could our brothers expose the uprising?"

"And now..."

"The world is peaceful, and the common people have lived a life of abundant food and clothing."

"That thing... Don't mention it! Several

others did not speak up.

But they all agree with the views of the fourth old.

If 10,000 years ago Hades was the current situation.

They will not risk rebelling against the Nine Races.

Chen Nan said softly, "I know that my brothers are unwilling, but have you ever thought about it."

"Actually, we've won."

"If it weren't for our rebellion 10,000 years ago."

"Will there be an immediate situation?"


"The previous emperor will still be busy with cultivation and will not ask about the imperial government."

"Even if the sect leader died tragically, he could not replace the Emperor of the Imperial Capital."

"But ours appeared."

"It also made the current Emperor of the capital realize the importance of people's livelihood."

"Our original intention... Isn't it to let the people live a worry-free life? Speaking of this, he suddenly had a feeling of tears in his eyes.

Inexplicably, two lines of tears slipped from the corners of his eyes.

He subconsciously reached out to wipe it.

only to find.

The right hand was stained red with blood.

It wasn't tears that he shed.

It's blood.

The next moment.

A whirling feeling of weakness swept over.

His heart trembled.

I immediately understood that I was highly poisonous.

He looked at Ji Ba angrily: "You poisoned the wine?"

Ji Ba grinned and showed a crazy smile: "Should we call you Yue Shan, or Chen Nan?"

"Do you really think that I don't know that you killed Fifth Brother and replaced him?"

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