Chen Nan had a kind of egg sadness.

He said before that Yue Shan asked him to take care of You Xuan.

Mainly because he wanted You Xuan to stand on his side and say a few good words for himself.

Thus allowing Ji Ba to give the antidote to himself.

It turns out.

His trick worked.

Ji Hachi also gave him the antidote.


You Xuan relied on him, which he did not expect.

Seeing Chen Nan's depressed look, Ji Ba couldn't help frowning: "The surname Chen, what do you mean, are you not willing to take care of Xiao Jiu

?" "Could it be that the fifth brother asked you to take care of her out of thin air?"

Everyone focused their eyes on Chen Nan in unison.

If he dares to admit that what he said before is false.

These people are considered dead.

They will also rise up and attack.

Kill him to avenge Yue Shan.

"I don't mean that, I just feel that living with my aunt may have a lot of inconvenience.

"Of course, if the master is willing to live with me, then I welcome it with both hands." Chen Nan's face was full of embarrassment, although he was not afraid of these people.


These people had more or less helped him answer his questions before.

Moreover, Zai Cang also told him about the medicinal herbs under the statue of King Fudo Ming.

Before he believed him, he asked Ji Ba to hand over the antidote.

If at this time, he said that he was not a descendant of Yue Shan.

More or less unauthentic.

Isn't it just taking care of a woman?

It doesn't matter anymore.

Not bad for this person.

Number Four sighed softly, his eyes full of sadness: "Today's gathering, it will be difficult for us to see each other in the future, right?" said that a wooden teleportation token appeared in his hand.

Several other people also took out their summons tokens one after another, their eyes full of reluctance.

Zai Cang looked at the token in his hand: "The old one does not go and the new one does not come."

"Say goodbye today to the past.

"Live well!" said this sudden force, and the wooden card turned into powder in his hand.

Everyone else also had relieved smiles on their faces.

They all crushed the communication wooden cards in their hands.


breeze blows.

The powder disappeared into heaven and earth with the wind.

This also portends it.

Starting today, the Anti-Heavenly Sect has truly disappeared into the long river of history.

It turned into a speck of dust and melted into this vast world.

"Brothers, the rest of your life is precious!" Old Fourth arched his hand towards everyone, resolutely turned around and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Old Seven waved his hand with his back to everyone.

He didn't speak.

But the back is very lonely.

"The surname is Chen, if you bully Xiao Jiu, I will definitely not spare you lightly. Ji Ba left a cruel word, and then took off into the air and disappeared in front of Chen Nan and the others.

Zai Cang did not leave, but looked at Chen Nan with a smile: "Get acquainted again, Zai Cang, the owner of Qingyunlou."

"We can be regarded as old acquaintances!" Chen Nan smiled bitterly.

Zai Cang snorted, and pieces of earthy yellow chips appeared in his hand when he raised his hand: "Wang Yunchuan once told me that you want the law of fragments, which is all the laws of fragments in my Qingyun Tower."

"Although I don't know what you want it to do, I don't mind adult beauty." "

As for refining elixirs..."

"It depends on your mood. Speaking

of this, he patted Chen Nan's shoulder, and then glanced at Di Ting.

Immediately, it took off into the air and flew towards the capital city.

"Senior Aunt, let's go back too!" Chen Nan looked embarrassed.

You Xuan nodded with a red face, and a gentle voice came out of his mouth: "It's not nice to call a senior aunt, it will make people feel strange."

"Besides, you just got the chance of the fifth brother.

"I didn't worship the teacher.

"Just call me sister!"

Chen Nan hesitated, but still snorted: "I'll call you Ninth Sister!"

You Xuan's face was full of happiness, and he subconsciously put his arm around Chen Nan: "Let's go, go to your house." Chen

Nan took off into the air and flew towards the capital city with You Xuan.


Di Hearing also transforms into a dog.

Following Chen Nan and You Xuan, he sent a message: "This woman is not a good person.

"Although you take her for a sister.

"But she wants to eat you."

Chen Nan: "Doesn't this just prove that she is a woman with vision?" There

was a trace of resentment in Di Ting's voice: "For a while, I couldn't tell whether you were praising her or yourself."

Chen Nan: "Just say, I'm not excellent!" Di

Ting smiled: "Change your name, don't call it Chen Nan, just call it Xiu'er!" Chen Nan: "

I feel like you're mocking me."

He didn't talk to him: "I have realized."

"You want to play with her, and the snake sisters." "

Feel the collision of hot and cold. "

Am I right?"


corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched: "Don't teach me badly, I don't have this kind of thought." "

At this time.

You Xuan's voice sounded: "Brother, have you ever been married?" Chen

Nan cleared his throat and said slightly embarrassed: "There are good people in the family, but they have not been married." "

I'm about to bring You Xuan home.

Therefore, the affairs of Lu Bailing and the Lu Qingqing sisters do not need to be hidden.

I heard Chen Nan say that there are already good people in the family.

A trace of loss flashed in You Xuan's eyes, but he continued: "A man as handsome and handsome as his younger brother with outstanding ability will definitely have no shortage of good people around him.

"Dare to ask the other party which family's wealth can actually get the favor of his younger brother?" Chen

Nan showed an embarrassed smile: "Two snake demons."

You Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then showed a meaningful smile: "You are bad, you actually played demon."

"Not to mention, you, like Fifth Brother, like to play with unexpected species."

"However, shemales are different.


Especially the snake demon, aren't you too cold?" Chen Nan's

face turned green.

It's not cold and I don't like it yet.

You Xuan continued, "You are still young, you must know how to take care of your body.

"You can't just be tempted.

"Be sure to take care of your body.

"That's right.

"My sister can't live in your house for no reason, but this aspect can share your worries." Speaking of this, he was handed an intriguing look.

Chen Nan was embarrassed and couldn't wait to find a seam to drill into.

You Xuan's words were too direct!

He couldn't stand it a little.

Without much thought, he hurriedly said: "Ninth sister, although you and I are worthy of sisters and brothers, in my heart, you are my elder, and it is not appropriate for us to do this."

You Xuan gave him a disgusted look: "I'm not afraid, what

are you afraid of?" "Could it be that you don't dare

to see people?" "Or, are you afraid that your sister will eat

you?" Chen Nan laughed angrily: "Why don't I dare to see people?" You

Xuan raised his eyebrows: "If we play together, I promise to make you feel different!"

Chen Nan was speechless.

But a big question mark rose in my heart.

She understands men too well, right?

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