Zheng Yu instantly understood why Gao Xi invited him to enjoy the snow in his house.

Say it's snow viewing.

In fact, he wanted to show off in front of him and show off some kind of achievement he had achieved.


He didn't take it to heart either.

As long as the heterogeneous Wang still intends to find trouble with Chen Nan.

He would know what was terrifying about Chen Nan.

At that time, the Gao clan will definitely pay a heavy price.

And take 10,000 steps back.

The influence of the heterogeneous king in the dynasty is not as good as his own.

Even if he has achieved something in a certain field now.

Can it change his position in the dynasty

? Can he be granted the Holy Grace of the Great Emperor?

He smiled slightly, and asked very cooperatively, "What kind of good news?" The

king with the different surname sold a pass and asked, "Brother Zheng, do you remember why the old man can be crowned king?"

Zheng Yu said: "Ten thousand years ago, the anti-Heavenly Sect rebelled, and Wang Ye made great battle achievements, so he became the only king with a different surname in the netherworld!"

Gao Xi said with a smile: "This good news is related to the old case ten thousand years ago."

Zheng Yu couldn't help but say, "Could it be that Wang Ye discovered the whereabouts of the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect?

But a burst of disdain rose in his heart.

Anti-Heavenly Religion has long ceased to become a climate.

Even if the whereabouts of the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect were discovered, even if they were wiped out, they would only be praised by the Great Emperor.

It still can't affect his position in the DPRK.

"I discovered Wu Shu, the second hall master of the Anti-Heaven Sect, some time ago, and sent someone to kill him. Gao Xi took the wine jug and poured a glass of wine for Zheng Yu.

"The Second Hall Master of the Anti-Heaven Sect was killed by you?" Zheng Yu was taken aback.

If so.

That's a big credit.

Gao Xi smiled and said, "Not only that, I also won the communication token within the Anti-Heaven Sect. Moreover, it led to the remaining hall masters of the Anti-Heaven Sect.

"If nothing else, the hall masters who escaped from the Anti-Heaven Sect have already been killed.


Zheng Yu stood up abruptly.

There was a deep horror in his eyes.

If what Gaoxi said is true.

That would be a big credit.

After all, the Anti-Heaven Sect has always been a thorn in the eyes and flesh of the Great Emperor.

If you can wipe out those hall masters of the Anti-Heaven Sect.

At that time, Gaoxi will surely receive the grace alone.

No one can compete with it.

It can even crush his position in the DPRK.

This is definitely an extremely bad thing for him.

He swallowed his saliva nervously and said, "If you can destroy those hall masters of the Anti-Heaven Sect, Wang Ye will definitely be able to get the reward of the Great Emperor."

"It's just, the Anti-Heaven Sect has been passed down for ten thousand years.

"Those hall masters have a lot of means.

"It shouldn't be easy to destroy them!"

He has always wanted to help the Emperor of the Imperial Capital solve his worries and solve the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect hidden in the world.

He had always hoped that the Anti-Heaven Sect would be destroyed.

But at the moment.

However, he did not want the Anti-Heaven Sect to be destroyed by the king with a different surname.

Gao Xi picked up the wine glass, and the piping hot wine entered his throat, turning into a heat that dispelled the chill in his body, and he said with a smile: "King Ben naturally knows that the Anti-Heavenly Sect has many means.

"But King Ben has already made good preparations.

"I sent my eldest son to carry the Emperor Sword, and fifty Earth Ghost Realm powerhouses to ambush at the meeting place. "

After laying a net of heaven and earth, it is expected that the remnants of the anti-heavenly sect will not be able to escape the ascension. Speaking of this, a trace of astonishing killing intent appeared in his eyes.

"Congratulations to Wang Ye, He Xi Wang Ye has made such a miraculous achievement, come, I respect you with this wine!" Zheng Yuqiang smiled and raised his glass.

Although he did not want the anti-Heavenly Sect to be exterminated.

But also know.

After today.

Anti-Heavenly Religion is really about to disappear into the long river of history.

After all, the strength of those hall masters of the Anti-Heaven Sect was very weak.

It is impossible to defeat fifty Earth Ghost Realm powerhouses.

Not to mention.

The eldest son of the king with a different surname also came out with an imperial sword.

Gao Xi picked up the wine glass and touched Zheng Yu, and after drinking the wine in the glass, he raised his eyebrows: "Brother Zheng's smile, it's really a bit far-fetched!" "

Mo Fei, don't you want to see me make such a miracle?" Zheng

Yu smiled: "Wang Ye is serious, the Anti-Heaven Sect has always been a thorn in the eyes of the Great Emperor, a thorn in the flesh, I am naturally happy that you can destroy the remaining hall master of the Anti-Heaven Sect."

"If you are happy, then have a few more drinks and taste the joy of King Ben's victory!" laughed Gao Xi loudly.

The corner of Zheng Yu's mouth twitched.

Would love to lift the table and leave.

Because he can see that Gao Xi is a typical villain.

Gao Xi picked up the wine jug, poured Zheng Yu another glass of wine, and asked curiously: "Brother Zheng, you said that this king has made such a miraculous achievement, how will the emperor reward Gao?"

But it has always been the limelight of the imperial master.


He finally experienced the feeling of turning over the serfs and singing.

That's why.

He will show madly in front of Zheng Yu.

If it is not properly presented.


Yuqiang endured the anger in his heart and said with a smile: "Wang Ye himself is the only Prince of Jiuzhu in the dynasty, and he is above ten thousand people under one person, and Zheng Mou does not know how the emperor will reward you!"

He really didn't know what kind of reward Gaoxi would get.

Gao Xi continued to pretend: "Actually, King Ben did not expect to get any rewards, after all, all the things that King Ben currently has are all given by the emperor.

"As the courtier of the Great Emperor, isn't it my responsibility to solve problems for the Great Emperor?"

A terrified cry was heard in the distance.

The old housekeeper Gao Jinghong ran over in the distance.

But because the melted snow on the ground had already frozen, he just ran two steps and fell to the ground with a pop.

The fallen others fell on their backs and let out a scream.

Even the kings and emperors with different surnames under the pavilion trembled at the corners of their mouths.

It must be painful to feel the fall.

Gao Jinghong couldn't care about the pain in her body.

Struggling to get up and running to the gazebo.

The distance of more than ten meters is not far.

But he fell several times.

So much so that the king with a different surname laughed: "You are an old thing, you can't even walk steadily, should this king let you go back to the countryside to spend your old age?"

Especially when meeting distinguished guests.

I don't like to have people who don't have long eyes to appear in panic.

But today he was in a good mood.

There is no general knowledge of Gao Jinghong.

Gao Jinghong's blue face came to the pavilion, and said with a face full of horror: "Sir, the fifty life jade butterflies we sent out to worship are all shattered!"

It was like a thunder in the ground.

Instantly made the king with a different surname stand up, his pupils full of shock: "What, the fifty life jade butterflies worshiped are all shattered

?" Zheng Yu exclaimed: "Oh, how did this happen, those fifty powerful worshippers were actually killed by someone?"

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