Qi Ye said, "After the emperor master left the palace with a different surname, he did not go to the imperial palace, but returned to his own palace.

Chen Nan nodded slightly.

He can be sure.

Zheng Yu already knew about the loss of the imperial sword by the Gao clan.

Normally speaking.

He would definitely inform Emperor Yudu of this.

But that's not actually the case.

"With the relationship between Zheng Yu and the heterogeneous Wang. "

He will definitely hide the loss of the Emperor Sword.

"But it's only temporary.

"Failing to report knowledge is also a felony."

"The emperor master must have given the king with the different surname a few days to use to find the emperor sword. "

Think of this.

A plan rose in Chen Nan's heart.

Although this move is not enough to take down Zheng Yu.

But it will never make him feel better.

The most critical is.

He was able to take this opportunity to destroy Wang Gaoxi, who had the different surname.

Let the Gao clan pay for Han Zongyuan's life.

And this plan is actually very simple.

He informed the Emperor of the Gao clan's loss of the imperial sword.

Then he could use the hands of the Emperor of the Capital to get rid of the Gao clan.

It can also let the emperor treat Zheng Yu with a charge of not reporting it.


after dinner.

Chen Nan came to the room where he usually practiced.

Then he took out the Son of Heaven Order and informed the Emperor of the Gao Clan about the loss of the Emperor Sword.

He did not say that the imperial sword was obtained by himself.

This explanation is not clear about the origin of the imperial sword.

After all, the king with the different surname used the imperial sword to kill the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect.

If you admit that the imperial sword is in your hands.

Wouldn't that be three hundred taels without silver here?

Did you admit that you had an affair with the remnants of the Anti-Heavenly Sect?

Chen Nan received the holy intention of the Emperor of the Capital: "The time is ripe.

"The sword of the Heavenly Supervisor can appear in the eyes of the world."

"You are solely responsible for this case. "

See this.

Chen Nan couldn't help but gasp.


Yudu wants to show the hidden sword of the Heavenly Supervisor?

Then I can pretend.

Oh no,

then you can be righteous and bright and heterogeneous to the end.


to successfully complete the task!" Chen

Nan replied, and then put away the Son of Heaven Order.

His brain was spinning fast.

"Same as I thought. "

The Great Emperor didn't just want to kill the Emperor Master.

"The king with a different surname has already been murderous.

"It's just.

"The king with the different surname is a small person to him.

"In terms of the degree of threat, it is far less than that of the imperial master.

"But if he can find the handle to destroy the king with a different surname, he will not be merciful."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have been given full charge of the case." Chen

Nan was clear.

The Emperor of the Imperial Dynasty meant to execute the Gao family according to the law.

"The Gao family must be destroyed

!" "But!" "

You can't just destroy them."

"They also have value in exploiting."

Chen Nan looked out the window at the thick snow, and a sinister smile flashed in his eyes.

"Under the whole world, there are only a few who know that the emperor sword is lost.

"The Emperor Master is definitely one of them.

"It could even be the only outsider."

"Let's say I go to the palace of the different surname on the pretext of maintaining the imperial sword.

"The king with the opposite surname will definitely find all kinds of excuses to prevaricate and send me off."

"But again, he'll be alert." It

was even suspected that Zheng Yu had leaked the loss of the Emperor Sword.

"So, wouldn't it be possible to make them eat dog?" "

If both of them lose the fight, I'm going to strike..."


Interesting, interesting!" At

this time, Chen Nan had already understood his thoughts.

A plan for the pit people was made.

He took out those fragment laws that No. 6 Zaicang had given him in the storage magic weapon.

This is the law of soil fragments.

Not much, though.

But it's also much stronger than nothing.

After doing that.

Chen Nan instantly disappeared into the room.

The next moment.

He appeared next door to Lu Bailing, Lu Qingqing's sisters' room.

appeared on the bed in the room.

Appeared between the two sisters.

The sudden scene frightened the sisters.

After seeing Chen Nan, they all smiled and threw themselves into his arms.

Ask for stickers...

Chen Nan did not call Xuan Xuan.

Although he also knows.

Just call her and she'll be the first to come.


Is Chen Nan the kind of person who sees the mood?

Although some slag.

But they are not shameless people.


He would definitely not call Xuan Xuan.

Of course.

If You Xuan knew what happened on their side.

You have to join in.

He should... Will not refuse the other party.

After all.

It's really cold on this long cold night.

As a warm-hearted, huddle to warm her body and mind.

Isn't that his business?


the next day.

Sunny day.

Compared to the cold of the previous day.

It's noticeably warmer today.

But only temporarily.

After all, there is a saying among the people, if it snows, it is not cold, but it is cold when it melts.

Looking at the bright sunshine outside.

Lu Qingqing suggested: "Young Master Chen, the sun is shining today, how about we go to the city?"

The physiques of the two sisters have also changed, and there is the enthusiasm left by Chen Nan in their bodies.

It can help them ward off the chill.

Lu Bailing's eyes also showed a trace of longing: "If you can go out, then there will be no regrets in your heart!"

That's why I came to the red dust to practice.

It's a pity.

It's winter, and their race has decided that they can't live like ordinary people in this long winter.

Moreover, their sisters were forcibly captured by the Lu family.

Even though it has been some time since he came to the capital city, he has never seen the prosperity of the capital city.

"Since the two sisters want to go out, I will accompany you." Chen Nan agreed to the proposal of the two sisters.

Although the prosperity of the capital city was nothing to him.

Even compared to the people, it is still very backward and poor.

But this was the first time that the Lu sisters had made some kind of request to him.

Mo said it was a trifle.

Even if the Dao Mountain is a sea of fire, he will not frown.

The two sisters were overjoyed.

He kissed Chen Nan on the left and right cheeks respectively.

Then get up to wash, dress, and change.

Considering that it was still very cold outside, Chen Nan went to Bai Yu and You Xuan to borrow two white coats, and then left the residence with the two sisters.

Holding the two beauties left and right, they came to the main street of the capital city.

There were various shouts on both sides of the street.

There are colorful puppets.

Sugar Man.

There are also merchants who carry sugar gourds and sell them.

These are all things that the Lu sisters have never seen.

For the things they were interested in, Chen Nan bought them all.

Let the eyes of the two sisters be full of touching affection.

I also felt something called happiness spreading in my heart.

It was swollen and seemed to be about to overflow.

It's very comfortable.

Along the way, he met a clothing store, and Chen Nan walked directly into the two sisters, and the colorful costumes made the sisters shine.

They've never seen so many styles of clothing.

Chen Nan smiled and said, "If you like it, try it, if you don't want to try, then buy them all." "

Right now.

A disdainful voice came from the rest area on the side: "Buy all the clothes here?

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