Watching Chen Nan's carriage disappear into the gradually dimming night.

The smile on the face of the king with the different surname slowly receded, and he turned and walked towards the mansion: "Old dog, you come with me

!" "Yes!" Gao

Jinghong quickly followed the figure of the king with the different surname.

After coming to the study, Gao Jinghong asked the maid to prepare the decanting soup.

Because he could see that the old man had drunk a lot of wine today.

Even if the maid brought the decanting soup.

Neither master nor servant spoke.

"Old dog, you are thoughtful, and you have always been a roundworm in my stomach. The king with the different surname broke the quiet atmosphere: "Do you know what is going on in my heart, sir?" Gao

Jinghong hesitated and said, "You want to get rid of the imperial master." A

smile appeared on the indifferent face of the heterogeneous king: "There is really nothing that can hide from the eyes of this old dog of yours!"

Gao Jinghong said with a smile: "This is all within the responsibility of the old slave." The

heterogeneous king took the sobering soup and drank it twice: "Tell me what you think of

Chen Nan's visit!" Gao Jinghong said: "Old Immortal has investigated Chen Nan.

"He was a little unknown person.

"It's the son-in-law of the Tongcheng Leng family."

"But I don't know what kind of creation I have obtained." "

It's like getting the hang of it overnight." "

Repeated miracles. "

From a grassroots, in just over a year, he became a sixth-level yin.

"Of course. "

The old slave has reason to suspect that the sixth-level Yin difference is just a façade. "

His current grade..."

"It is very likely to be at level seven, or even eight.

"At first I thought he had acquired some kind of creation, or that he had been taken away by someone else.

"Now it seems.

"It was as if there was an invisible palm in the underworld.

"Helping him smooth out the thorns in front of him, let him grow from a grassroots to the head of the Heavenly Supervision Division step by step."

"And that man is the Great Emperor."

"He did this to make Chen Nan the head of the Heaven Supervision Department.

"Prison the world, and prison the people."

"Prison the Son of Heaven, uphold justice." "

It turns out.

"The Great Emperor was thoughtful and vicious.

"There is really a lot of excellence in Chen Nan.

The heterogeneous king's eyes were deep: "You continue!" Gao

Jinghong continued: "The Heavenly Guardian is the sharpest sword in heaven and earth, and every time it falls, it will take human life.

"But this sword is not only sharp in Chen Nan's hands.

"There are also... Temperature. The

heterogeneous Wang frowned slightly: "Temperature?" Gao

Jinghong said helplessly: "Sir, do you know when the Tianji was established?

In his life.

As of today.

Two things were out of his control.

To his surprise.

One of them.

The eldest son died tragically, and the imperial sword was lost.

The second is that Chen Nan became the director of the Heavenly Supervision Department.

If it weren't for Chen Nan coming to the door today.

He didn't know that the Heavenly Supervision Division had been established.

Gao Jinghong: "We don't know when the Superintendent was established.

"But one thing is clear.

"Yesterday, our Gao clan lost the Emperor Sword.

And today Chen Nan came to the door. "

There is also a proposal to copy the Emperor Sword.

"Don't you think this is too coincidental

?" "The old slave has reason to suspect that the Great Emperor must have known something."

"After all, only you, the Emperor Master, and the old slave know about the loss of the Emperor Sword, the Emperor Master, and the three of us.

"The old man naturally won't leak the loss of the emperor sword.

"As for the old slave..."

"There is no reason to leak this matter, after all, the loss of the imperial sword is a capital crime for the Nine Clan.

"Once the emperor blames him, the old slave family will not escape death."

"So, take the simplest method of elimination. Emperor

Master Zheng Yu leaked the matter.

"If the old slave is not mistaken, the emperor master must have informed the emperor of this.

"Although he gave the Gao family ten days to find the imperial sword.

"But this man is yin and yang.

"It's not surprising to do this kind of thing.

"He wants to inform the Great Emperor of this matter and let the

Great Emperor destroy my Gao Clan Nine Clan!" "But the Great Emperor thinks that my Gao Clan is full of loyalty, and does not want to behead my Gao Clan.

"It is precisely because of this that Chen Nan will appear at the right time. "

The so-called copy emperor sword is fake at all.

What he wanted to convey was that the Great Emperor already knew that the Emperor Sword was lost.

"But I don't want to cure my Gao family for the crime of annihilation."

"Chen Nan said before he left that he would come back to copy the Emperor Sword seven days later, which would be the last favor of the Great Emperor to our Gao family!"

"As long as we retrieve the Emperor Sword within seven days."

"Even if Zheng Yu's turtle grandson, who was stabbed by a thousand knives, informed the emperor of this.

The Great Emperor would also laugh it off.

"We won't punish the Gao family.

"This is also the reason why the old slave said that Chen Nan's sword has temperature!" The

king with the different surname undeniably snorted: "You are right, Chen Nan has the talent of heaven and heart, and he is indeed a warm descendant."

"Chen Nan is a person who can deal with it. "

Speaking of which.

A pang of fear rose in his heart.

If someone else becomes the head of the Heavenly Supervision Department.

Today, I will definitely insist on observing the Emperor Sword.

If so.

The loss of the imperial sword cannot be hidden.

Waiting for the Gao clan must be the destruction of the nine clans.

"However, we must retrieve the Imperial Sword within seven days.

"It's too difficult. Gao Jinghong looked sad.

Hades is vast and boundless.

It took them ten thousand years without finding out the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect hidden in the world.

Not to mention finding a sword in the vast world.


king with the different surname directly pinched the jade cup in his hand, and his eyes were extremely cold: "Losing the emperor's sword is a capital crime, it is I who failed the holy grace, even if the emperor wants to destroy my Gao clan, I have nothing to say."

"But I can't accept that someone betrayed Ben Wang."

"The emperor master is dignified, and he said that he would help my Gao clan keep secrets for ten days.

But he turned around and informed the emperor about this.

"Even if my Gao clan is going to die.

"I also have to make the Emperor Master pay a heavy price.

He erupted with icy killing intent.

Immediately, he said, "This matter is grasped at both ends, while continuing to search for the lost imperial sword."

"Since the Great Emperor gave us seven days.

"We have to go all out and not let the emperor down."

Speaking of this, his face was full of grievances: "Because I know that the Great Emperor does not want to destroy my Gao family."

"He couldn't help himself, too.

"Though he can change the law and protect my high house."

"But doing so is bound to be opposed by the courtiers." "

As a courtier, how can the Great Emperor be criticized by the courtiers for the sake of my Gao clan?"

he sighed deeply, and a sharp killing intent erupted in his eyes: "Secondly.

"You send a team to Surabaya City.

"If I'm not mistaken.

"Surabaya City should be Zheng Yu's ancestral home, right?" Gao

Jinghong nodded: "Yes, even if Zheng Yu became an imperial master and an extremely powerful minister, he did not move his household registration to the capital city." He now goes back every year to pay homage to his ancestors. The

heterogeneous surname Wang: "In that case, then let's go to the ancestral grave of the Zheng family to put incense on the pillar, and by the way, dig

out the coffin of the ancestor of the Zheng family to bask in the sun!" "Hey, you said, if King Ben personally dug out the coffin of the ancestor of the emperor to bask in the sun, would the emperor master be very moved?"

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