"The old man has the power to the opposition."

"A great courtier."

"Peach and plum all over the world!"

"Loved by the people."

"Even if you want to kill me?"

"Do you have the guts?"

"Do you know the consequences of killing your husband?"

Emperor Shi's eyes widened angrily.

Even if King Ming didn't behead Chen Nan.

But he didn't put Chen Nan in his eyes.

With the title of Great Emperor's Master alone, no one in the whole world dared to touch a single hair of him.

"Zheng Yu, do you really think that no one under the sky can cut you off?"

Accompanied by an indifferent voice.

Prime Minister Lin Yuan and Wang Gaoxi with different surnames broke through the air.

They landed beside Chen Nan and nodded towards him.

Kind of said hello.

The appearance of these two people made the emperor master frown.

It seems that I didn't expect to see the two here.

Lin Yuan: "You secretly colluded with the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect to murder the son of a king with a different surname, not only that, but even secretly possessed the imperial sword, can you confess?" Hearing

Lin Yuan's words.

The emperor master's eyes first appeared stunned, and then turned into anger: "The surname Lin, you want to spray people with blood, I Zheng someone is dignified, how can I secretly collude with the remnants of the anti-heavenly sect?" The

heterogeneous king said angrily, "Dignified?

"You still have the face to say the four words dignified?"

"Since you are dignified, then why is the emperor sword of our Gao clan in your house?"

A strong killing intent rose in his heart.

I can't wait to cut the emperor master by a thousand cuts.

"What? The emperor sword of the Gao clan is in my house? The emperor's face was stunned, and he was completely put in order.

The head is very confused.

The king with the different surname gritted his teeth and said, "I just found the emperor sword of my Gao clan in your mansion, and I have already reported this matter to the emperor."

Prime Minister Lin Yuan said, "Lord Zheng, the Great Emperor is very disappointed in you, let this official come and correct you!" "


"Absolutely impossible!" The emperor master's eyes were scarlet, like a mad lion: "How can the emperor sword of the Gao clan be in my Zheng someone's house?"

"This is someone planting a frame!"

"Yes, absolutely!"

"I want to see the Emperor!"

He had no idea what was going on.

But he knows.

If what the other person says is true.

Even if he is the master of the Great Emperor.

Have students all over the world.

Deep in the support of the people.

There is no escape death today.

"The Great Emperor has put this official in charge of this case, I'm afraid you won't see the Great Emperor!" Lin Yuan's face was expressionless: "Lord Zheng, as an emperor of the dynasty and an extremely powerful minister, I hope you dare to act and admit your crimes!" "

Admit you Immortal Plate!" The emperor master was furious: "This official is innocent, does the innocent understand?" Someone planted a stolen file to frame this official! "


The king with the opposite surname holds a long sword.

Kill directly to the Emperor Master.

Although the strength of the emperor master is not in the Ghost King Realm, it is indistinguishable from the king with a different surname.

The two fought together.

The scene was extremely intense.

The king with the different surname attacked frantically while saying, "Framed?

"What force under the whole world can overpower this king?"

"Apart from your imperial master's people, who can kill those offerings of this king?"

"Didn't you kill me, who else took the imperial sword?"

"Get out!" The emperor master forced back the king with a different surname with a sword, and his eyes were full of killing intent: "I don't deny what you said, in the whole world, except for this official, no one can compete with you."

"But does that mean that this was done by this officer?"

"There is no basis for words, there is a kind of evidence you produce!"

The king with the different surname widened his eyes angrily: "This king found the imperial sword in your mansion, and this is the best evidence!"

Emperor Shiqi's face turned green, and he looked at Chen Nan on the side: "This son has the peak strength of the Ghost King Realm, and he has also injured King Yan Luo, I have reason to suspect that he killed your son, seized the Emperor Sword, and framed his own official." "


The heterogeneous Wang beheaded again: "You can doubt anyone, but you can't doubt Duke Chen."

The emperor master became angry: "The surname is Gao, why do you trust Chen Nan so much?" Have you been brainwashed by him?


"What did Chen Nan send when he went to your mansion?"

"Why did you dig my clan's ancestral grave after that?"

The heterogeneous king attacked madly: "Do you know who Duke Chen really is?

"He's the head of the Heavenly Supervision Division!"


As soon as the words came out.

The Emperor Master's pupils instantly trembled violently.

His eyes were full of shock.

He didn't expect it at all.

Chen Nan turned out to be the director of the Heavenly Supervision Department.


He didn't know when the Heavenly Supervisor Division was established.

This point creeped him out.

Because he is an imperial master.

All the decrees of the Emperor of the Imperial Capital had to be consulted with him.

As for the establishment of the Heavenly Supervision Division, he did not know about it.

Lin Yuan's voice sounded: "Lord Zheng, just grab it!"

"You are a master of the Great Emperor and an extremely powerful minister."

"This official doesn't want your end to be too miserable."

The implication is clear.

If you continue to resist.

Then you will be directly corrected.

"I want to see the Emperor!" Emperor Shi's eyes were scarlet.

Lin Yuan: "The Great Emperor has decreed that your crime will be made public to the world.

"Even if you see the Great Emperor now, what can you do?"

As soon as the words came out.

Emperor Shi suddenly felt his scalp tingle.

A strong shock rose in my heart.

This shock was far more shocking than seeing the Dharma Body of the Immobile King being destroyed.

His face was full of madness: "Why is this?

"Why, exactly?"

"Why didn't the Great Emperor give me a chance to prove my innocence?"

Chen Nan's voice sounded: "Have you ever thought that the Great Emperor does not care whether you are guilty or not, but wants you to die?" "


"Stop!" The emperor's eyes were scarlet: "I am the master of the great emperor, a teacher and a friend, an extremely powerful minister, and the reason why the people of the world can live a worry-free life is all the credit of my own official." "

How could the Great Emperor kill me?"

Chen Nan: "Because you shouldn't collude with Buddhism!" The

Emperor Master's eyes trembled violently.

He didn't believe the Emperor wanted to kill him.

But now.

He believed Chen Nan's words.

After all, Chen Nan was the head of the Heavenly Superintendent Department and represented the Emperor of the Imperial Capital.


Just before he came to his senses.

Wang with a different surname stabbed a sword into the chest of the emperor master: "Go and die!" "


The emperor spat out blood.

He could feel that the opponent's long sword was highly poisonous.

Directly hit his soul hard.

Let him despair, unwilling.

"Son, avenge your father!" Wang Lao with a different surname was in tears.


Without warning.

A sword light cut off the head of the king with the different surname.

"Duke Chen, why did you behead me?" The head of the heterogeneous king fell to the ground, and his eyes were full of horror.

He didn't know what was going on.

I don't know why Chen Nan cut off his first rank.

Chen Nan cleared his throat, slightly embarrassed: "Just do it, I accidentally cut off your head!"

"Nope!" The heterogeneous king lost his voice and screamed: "You are a warm person, you will definitely not cut off the head of the old immortal for no reason!"

"I want to know why."

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose, revealing a sinister smile: "Have you ever wondered why I know that the Emperor Sword is in the Emperor Master's Mansion?" "

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