After returning home, my mother started looking online for ways to make those raw seafood.

Chen Nan also returned to the bedroom on the top floor and dialed Jiang Jiancheng's phone: "Lao Jiang, I heard that the Roche Group has selected six places in Jeju to prepare for opening?"

"I also just learned about this and was thinking of reporting it to Mr. Chen." Jiang Jiancheng said: "I have asked people to rent houses in those six places, and now I am negotiating contracts.

"Okay, you can help me handle the hotel affairs, and I will call you the funds when the time comes!" Chen Nan still has more than 20 million in his hands, which is completely enough for the start-up capital.

Knock knock!

There was a knock on the door.

Chen Nan hung up the phone and looked at the door: "Come in!" The

door opened, and Chen Hanlu appeared in his eyes, with a shallow smile on his face: "Brother, do you want to see the underwear I bought yesterday?"

Chen Nan snorted.

In broad daylight, isn't this pure nonsense?

"Well, I'll help my mother prepare lunch." Chen Nan found an excuse to slip away directly.

Chen Hanlu said with disdain: "Nothing!" "


Jian Ning's family, who were invited, came to Chen's house for dinner.

Of course.

They didn't come empty-handed, either.

Old man Jian also brought two bottles of good wine, and Jian Ning prepared a set of excellent skin care products for the sisters Chen Xia to Chen Hanlu.


Although the sisters still behaved lukewarmly.

But they all had a good impression of Jian Ning.

The atmosphere on the Chen family's side is very good.

But Luo Guangyao, who lives in 92 villas, is in a gloomy mood.

He stared at his secretary Bai He with a gloomy face: "What did you say?" Our six restaurants have all appeared in Shannan dining? Have you found out the origin of this Shannan restaurant? "

Roche Catering is not only famous in the province, even if you look at the national chain restaurants, it can also rank in the top ten.


He had never heard of the name Shannan Restaurant.


Shannan Restaurant appeared opposite the restaurant he was going to open, and he immediately felt a smell of conspiracy.

Bai He said, "Back to the boss, I have already found out." Shannan Catering was only registered and established yesterday, with a registered capital of 10 million, and the legal person is Chen Shan.

"What? It turned out to be him?

Luo Guangyao's face was full of surprise.

Although Chen San said that he would be driven out of Jeju.

But he never took that phrase to heart.

In his opinion, Chen Shan is just bragging, if he really has this ability, he will not live in the family home of the shantytown steel mill.

There will be no barbecue stalls.

It will not let Chen Xiazhi secretly drop out of school and go out to work to make money.


Who would have thought that he would invest 10 million to register the brand company of Shannan Catering.

And it is specially opened opposite Roche Catering.

This is really a declaration of war with him head-on!

Thinking of this, Luo Guangyao's face flashed with disdain: "Although I don't know how he established the brand of Shannan Catering, I know that he is not my opponent after all."

Bai He said on the side: "What the boss said is that catering is different from other industries, which not only requires a background, but also a good reputation."

"And our Roche restaurant has a deep heritage and a super high reputation."

"Not to mention some of the welfare policies given by the Jeju government after our Roche Restaurant settled in Jeju, not to mention all utility bills, but also exempt from all taxes!"

"To put it bluntly, we occupy the right time and place, but Shannan Catering is only a newly established catering company."

"How did they beat us?"

Luo Guangyao grabbed Bai He's hand, took her into his arms, and held her chin with one hand: "I like your mouth, it can always speak to my heart."

Bai He breathed quickly and said nervously: "Boss, don't be like this, I'm already married, I can't do things that are sorry for my husband!"

Luo Guangyao laughed: "That's why I want to help your husband fill the loneliness in your heart!" After all, I made you husband and wife separate, and I have to take care of the work and life of my employees. You tell me? Speaking of this, he kissed it directly.

Bai He half-pushed and half-followed.

In fact, when she followed Luo Guangyao to Jeju, she had already thought about the woman who wanted to be the boss.

Even if the dewy couple.

But there are also many benefits.


The sofa became their battleground.

But in the middle of the process, Bai He's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Luo Guangyao grinned and said, "It seems that your husband called."

"Ignore it..." He..." Bai He's face was full of flattery, and she was not in the mood to answer her husband's call at all.

"If you don't pick up, your husband will definitely be worried, in my opinion, take it!" Luo Guangyao directly connected the phone for Bai He and handed the phone to the other party's ear.

This action caused Bai He's dissatisfaction, but he still tried to say in a calm tone: "What's wrong?"

"Wife, have you eaten?" How is it working over there? Tired or not?

As soon as Bai He wanted to speak, Luo Guangyao snapped his pupae, causing her to let out a low groan uncontrollably.

It also made a trace of resentment flash in Bai He's eyes.

It seems that he didn't expect Luo Guangyao to engage in a sneak attack.

But there is one thing to say.

It's like... It's quite exciting...

Bai He's husband asked on the other end of the phone: "Wife, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, I... I'm fine. Bai He replied endured the storm.

"Why do you feel short of breath? Are you running late? So what, you run first, I won't bother you, we'll talk when we go back! "

Uh-huh, love your husband." Bai He said and hung up the phone directly.

Luo Guangyao smiled and asked, "Who is the husband in your mouth?"

"Of course it's you! You are my good husband.

Bai He closed his eyes and was very engaged.

But at the moment when she inadvertently opened her eyes.

A piercing scream came out of his mouth.

Originally full of peach blossoms, her face was full of frost.

Not a single bloodshot can be seen.

"Hey, what's the call?" Luo Guangyao was furious.

"Ghosts, there are ghosts, you have a female ghost on your shoulder!" Bai He broke the link with Luo Guangyao, his eyes full of horror.

Luo Guangyao smiled angrily: "I have a female ghost on my shoulder? You're hysterical, right?

"No, I don't have hysteria." Bai He was terrified: "There is really a female ghost on your left shoulder, she is wearing a red dress and embroidered shoes, and her long hair is over her waist, I really saw it!"

Luo Guangyao looked at his left shoulder and uttered a contempt in his mouth: "Don't say that there is no female ghost, even if there is really me, I am not afraid." You can even have a shot with her! Speaking

of this, he laughed: "Come on little baby, I'm almost fine, let's continue!" "


Without warning.

The chandelier in the villa suddenly flickered.

There was a crackling sound of electricity.

The eerie and cold aura instantly spread in the villa.

Luo Guangyao's heart trembled.

Lying groove, shouldn't it be the ghosts of 95 villas?

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