It has to be said.

Qinglong's vision is still very online.

Wang Mengqi is both in appearance, figure, and temperament.

All belong to the beauty of the best in a million.

Although divorced, with a child.


Can this be considered a disadvantage?


In Chen Nan's view, this is not only not a disadvantage.

It's even a plus.

Because once a divorced woman falls in love with a certain man, she will behave very painfully.

And the most important point.

This kind of woman knows better than those little girls.

"Mom, I want to celebrate my birthday with Uncle Chen." Li Xiang subconsciously put his arm around Chen Nan.

Although Li wants to call Chen Nan dad in private.

But he had an agreement with Chen Nan.

You can't call it that in front of your mother.

There is no why, either.

It was Uncle Chen who said that if he called it that way in front of his mother.

I won't give him a lollipop in the future.

Don't buy him Lego...

Wang Mengqi showed a hint of embarrassment.

Tell the truth.

She didn't like Chen Nan very much.

Although he has extraordinary medical skills.


Every time I look at her, the look in her eyes makes her feel very different.

Being a woman.

She naturally knew that this man was hungry for her body.

But she had no interest in him.

She didn't like the kind of bearded man.

If her son hadn't come here after school, she wouldn't have asked Chen Nan to help her take care of her son.

Of course.

She did not lose Chen Nan at this point, and the rent has not increased from the first eight thousand to one month.

This is absolutely unique in all of Kyoto.

After all, the rent of houses of this size along the street has reached 15,000 today.

"Li Xiang, the birthday is naturally to be spent with the closest people." Chen Nan rubbed Li Xiang's head dotingly: "You go home with your mother, and tomorrow Uncle Chen will buy you a cake alone to celebrate your birthday." The

words came out.

Wang Mengqi showed a surprised look.

Change to the past.

Chen Nan would definitely propose to celebrate his birthday with his son.

After all, this man has always wanted to get close to himself.

But now.

But it feels like a different person.

That's quite surprising.

"Uncle Chen, you are also my closest person!" Li Xiang raised his head and said, "Although we are not related, you play with me and write homework longer than my mother."

"Please, just come home with me for your birthday?"

Chen Nan's face was full of embarrassment.

It can be seen that Qinglong really cares about this little guy.

Otherwise this guy wouldn't be so clingy.

Wang Mengqi forced a smile: "If Mr. Chen has nothing else to do at night, come home with us and eat together!" "

She doesn't like Chen Nan.

Think the man looks at her aggressively.

But her son's words stung her heart.

Oh, yes!

To work.

She really lost a lot of time with her son.

So much so, let Chen Nan take advantage of the void.

This made her heart sour and jealous.

Of course.

She was also grateful to Chen Nan.

It is precisely because of Chen Nan's company that his son's childhood will not be so lonely.


Isn't it natural to invite Chen Nan home for a meal?

Chen Nan didn't want to go.

After all.

Everything is about means.

He wanted to play with one hand.

But now I can't refuse.

After all, Li Xiang's eyes made people unbearable to refuse.

He said, "Okay, you two go home first, and I'll change my clothes and go to your house for dinner."

Li Xiang was overjoyed: "Uncle Chen, if you don't come, then I will ignore you again in the future!" Saying that, he took his mother's hand and left the medical center.

Chen Nan came to the mirror and couldn't help but shake his head after seeing his image.

His hair is long and combed in a small braid.

With a goatee.

He also wears a wooden bracelet on his wrist.

Dressed in loose Chinese-style clothing.

The whole looks very greasy.

It's not the style he likes.

He found clothes from ten years ago in Senfu, then he cut his hair short and shaved his beard off.

The whole person suddenly looked fresh and not greasy.

It has also returned to its former handsomeness.

After taking a shower.

He changed into his old clothes and locked the door of the infirmary.

He did not go directly to Wang Mengqi's house.

After all, today is Li Xiang's birthday.

It is very rude to come to the door empty-handed.

He walked toward the toy store as he took out his phone.

Dialed the phone of his old friend Li Mu.

After all, this is his only friend on earth.

As for the others, they had already gone to the Immortal Realm ten years ago.

The phone rang a few times and was connected, and then an excited voice came: "You're back?"

Listening to the familiar voice, Chen Nan smiled: "How have you been all these years?"

Li Mu laughed: "Laozi has gained more than thirty pounds over the years. "

Very good."

Li Mu asked, "What about you?" How many ghosts have you played in Hades over the years?

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched: "You, if you can chat, let's talk more, if you can't talk, that's it." "

Hahaha!" Li Mu let out a hearty laugh: "Where are you now?" "


"Done!" Li Mu said, "I'm on a business trip outside now, and when I go back, let's get together with my brothers."

"Okay, come back and talk."

Chen Nan said and hung up the phone, and then looked around.

Leave for ten years.

The city has not changed much.

Especially the old town, which has long become the city's business card.

He also watched the economies of various countries and the strength of JS through the Internet.

Although not much has changed on this side of the old town.

However, Daxia has become the number one power in the world's comprehensive strength ranking.

The data far exceeds the old M.

Of course.

The most outrageous thing is what happened last year.

The national football team is out of the loop.

Write history, win in one fell swoop, and become the champion of the World Cup.

Although Chen Nan doesn't watch the ball much.

But I was also shocked.


went to the toy store and bought a remote-controlled car.

Chen Nan bought some more fruits and then came to Wang Mengqi's house.

He's been here many times.

But every time I come, I send Li Xiang home.

Haven't been in.

This is also the reason why Qinglong has such a deep obsession with Wang Mengqi.

Ding dong!

Not long after pressing the doorbell, Li Xiang's cheerful voice came from inside.

When he opened the door and saw Chen Nan's appearance.

Li Xiang's mouth turned into an O-shape.

Although the man in front of him was very strange, he recognized it at a glance.


He didn't expect Chen Nan to be so handsome.

"Hun, your birthday present!" Chen Nan smiled and handed the remote-controlled car to Li Xiang.

Li Xiang was overjoyed, grimaced at Chen Nan, and whispered, "Thank you, Dad!"

"Son, is it your Uncle Chen who is here?" Wang Mengqi tied her apron and walked out of the kitchen with a plate of oil-stewed prawns.

Just when she put the oil-stewed prawns on the dining seat, the corner of her eyes saw Chen Nan with short hair and wearing a refreshing casual dress.

I couldn't help but lift my spirits.

"Are you Dr. Chen?" Wang Mengqi looked at Chen Nan incredulously.

She never expected it.

Chen Nan will look so clean and handsome after cutting his hair short and shaving his beard.

Especially his deep eyes.

Where is the licking dog inferior, nervous look.

Like the king of beasts, proud of the mountains and forests.

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