The sudden slap directly knocked Wang Mengqi to the ground.

His forehead hit the coffee table.

Blood suddenly flowed red.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing my mother's beaten head break and bleed.

Li Xiang let out an angry scream, held the cake knife and rushed to his biological father Li Chen.

Although Li Chen is his father.

But in his heart, he is not as good as a stranger.

Because he saw Li Chen very few times.

And every time he acted like a bad guy.

He even scolded his mother.

"Little bunny, tired of living, right? You actually want to kill your own father? Li Chen snorted heavily, raised his foot and kicked Li Xiang out for several meters.

If it weren't for Chen Nan's quick hand, he quickly caught Li Xiang in the air.

He had to hit the wall.

But even so.

Li Xiang also cried in pain.

Seeing her son's pale face and crying pear blossoms with rain, Wang Mengqi suddenly felt like a knife in her heart.

She glared at the other party angrily and gritted her teeth: "Li Chen, this is your son!"

"It is said that tiger poison does not eat, why are you doing such a cruel hand?"


Li Chen spat viciously, his face full of hideousness: "Who can prove that he is my son?" "

I..." Wang Mengqi's face was stunned.

She never expected Li Chen to say such a thing.

Li Chen said angrily: "When you divorced, you promised me that my son would not find another man until he was eighteen."

"You look now, he's only eight years old, and you're taking other men home to eat and drink."

"How can you trust you?"

"How do you make me believe that he is my son?"

Chen Nan said politely: "Mr. Li, there must be a misunderstanding in this matter, the relationship between me and Miss Wang is not what you imagined..."

The word 'like' has not yet been spoken.

Li Chen glared angrily: "Shut up, is there a part of you talking here?" "

It's just dirt buns from the countryside."

"Don't pee to see what virtue you have."

"I'm telling you, you'd better stay away from their mother and son."

"Otherwise, Lao Tzu will see you and hit you once!"

"Come on, come on, I kind of you move me to try!" Chen Nan stuck his head out.


Li Chen grabbed the red wine bottle and smashed it under Wang Mengqi's terrified eyes.


The wine bottle smashed on Chen Nan's head and shattered in response.

The red wine inside instantly stained Chen Nan's white shirt.

It looks shocking.

But Chen Nan was not panicked at all.

He even grinned and showed a creepy smile: "You started beating people first!"

Li Chen's eyes widened: "It's Lao Tzu who beat you, what can you do to me?"

"Could it be that you dare to return it..."

The words are not finished.

Chen Nan directly grabbed him by the collar and pulled him sharply into his arms.

Li Chen let out a scream, and his body lost its center of gravity and leaned forward towards Chen Nan.


Chen Nan slammed his knee on the opposite door.

With Li Chen letting out a heart-rending scream, the bridge of his nose instantly sunk and blood flowed.


Then he was kicked by Chen Nan and flew out of the door.

The whole process is completed in one go, like moving clouds and flowing water.

After Li Xiang saw it, not only did he not feel fear, but his face was even full of excitement, so much so that he forgot his previous agreement with Qinglong: "Dad, continue to fight, he is not dead!" The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

What kind of thoughts did Qinglong instill in this little guy!

"Wang Mengqi, you violated the previous agreement, I want to take back the custody of my son!" Li Chen stood up with a face full of blood, and his eyes were full of anger: "And you are a little sluggish, if you don't kill your old son, you won't be surnamed Li!" Immediately

covered his nose and quickly fled Wang Mengqi's home.


Wang Mengqi closed the door heavily and glared angrily at her son: "Why did you call him dad just now?"

Li Xiang didn't seem to expect that his mother, who loved him, would be angry.

This had never happened in his memory.

So much so that he did not come to his senses for a long time.

There was also a hint of fear in his eyes.

Seeing that her son did not make a sound, Wang Mengqi locked her gaze on Chen Nan, gritted her teeth and asked, "Did you privately let my son call you father?"

"The surname is Chen, do you feel that you are really excessive?"

"Do you know what that daddy means to me?"

"The reason why I got custody of him was because I had agreed not to find another man until he turned eighteen."

"And now, the custody of my son is about to be taken back by that scum!"

"It's all because of you!" Saying that, he squatted on the ground holding his head and sobbed helplessly.

"Qinglong, this is all your sin!" Chen Nan felt that his head was about to explode: "Otherwise, I'll go to the immortal world to wander around, or go back to the netherworld, you can solve this mess yourself."

Qinglong directly admitted: "Brother Nan, I was wrong!"

"I'm not good at handling this kind of thing."

"Please help me solve this mess!"

There was a hint of guilt in his voice, and there was no longer the smell of hanging children.

Chen Nan sighed secretly.

The green dragon was mistaken.

This is something that can only be done on its own.

He looked at Wang Mengqi, who was squatting on the ground and crying with a headache, and said softly: "Miss Wang, I am indeed wrong about the title, and it is too late to say this."

"But it's because of me."

"I definitely won't let Li Chen take Li Xiang away from you."

"Mom doesn't cry, mom doesn't cry!" Li Xiang came to his mother with a choked voice: "I really want Uncle Chen to be my father, and I want him to live with us!"

Wang Mengqi cried even louder.

Is Chen Nan really to blame for this?

If it weren't for his failure to give his son a complete family.

How did things get to this point?

Chen Nan didn't say anything more.

I got up and went to the bathroom, brought a broom and mop, cleaned the dregs of the wine bottles on the floor, and cleaned the red wine all over the floor.


Wang Mengqi also stopped crying and sat on the sofa with a tissue to cover the wound on her forehead.

Her pretty face was pale, and she couldn't see any joy, anger or sorrow.

My son's birthday became like this.

Not what she wanted to see.

Chen Nan cleared his throat and said slightly embarrassed: "Is there a medicine box at home?" Let me help you deal with your wounds!

"No need, I can do this little thing myself." Wang Mengqi looked at Chen Nan expressionlessly and said, "Our cooperative relationship is late.

"When the rent is due at the end of this month, you can move out!"

"Or you move out tonight!"

"No matter where you go, just leave Kyoto."

Li Xiang pursed his mouth, tears rolling in his eyes: "Mom, why did you drive Uncle Chen away?" I don't want him to leave!

Wang Mengqi broke down emotionally and let out a piercing scream: "I'm thinking about him, if he doesn't go, he will die, he will die, do you understand?" "

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