
"This cockatiel was poisoned?"

He Shuqin was taken aback: "Impossible, who would harm a bird for no reason?" What's the picture?

She didn't believe that anyone in the world would be so vicious as to poison a bird.

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Figure what?" Definitely the benefit!

"If you think about it, have you offended anyone."

He Shuqin's face turned pale and said with a bitter smile: "My shop has been open in Panjiayuan for three years. "

Since I started this store."

"The number of flower and bird shops in Panjiayuan has decreased dramatically."

"Now there are only ten left."

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Can I understand why the young lady is in Versailles?"

He Shuqin: "No, no, the main thing is that you just asked me if I offended anyone."

"I thought about it, just as the so-called peers are enemies, if someone really poisons them."

"It should be people from nine other flower and bird shops."

Chen Nan looked around, made sure that there was a monitor facing this side, and said, "You can take a look at the monitoring in the store to see if a stranger has fed this cockatiel."

He Shuqin's eyes lit up: "I'll check the monitoring." Saying that, he quickly turned on the computer monitoring, but this is a lot of work.

After all, the customer has been keeping this parrot in the store for half a month.

And the business in my own store is very good.

Many customers come to the restaurant every day.

Plus that cockatiel can imitate human speech.

Almost everyone teases it when they arrive.


Want to find out who poisoned it.

It's really difficult.

Chen Nan secretly shook his head.

If it weren't for Qinglong saying that she was the eldest daughter of the Jade Emperor in her previous life.

He categorically couldn't believe it.

This IQ is also nobody.

He cleared his throat: "You don't have to check from this parrot when it comes."

"You can think about when this parrot developed a loss of appetite."

"Then look back."

He Shuqin was stunned, and quickly said, "Yes, yes, you are right!" Said

looking forward from yesterday's surveillance.


The day before yesterday, at noon, the surveillance was black and white.

He Shuqin's expression was solemn: "I remembered that at ten o'clock in the morning the day before yesterday, the entire park line was overhauled, and the electricity was cut off for half an hour."

"Yes, yes, yes."

"The bad guys must have come to poison at that time."

"Because after that, the mental state of this cockatiel was abnormal."

Chen Nan nodded slightly, and then gave his opinion: "It is already clear who poisoned it, if I guessed correctly, the so-called line maintenance must be a pretense."

"The purpose is to take advantage of the power outage to poison this cockatiel."

"As for who has such a great ability, let the entire park line overhaul..."

"You should know this better than I do, right?"

He Shuqin's pupils trembled violently: "It's Yunyang Flower and Bird Shop." "

This store is famous throughout the park and has been established for more than thirty years."

"As far as I know, the property manager of the park is Meng Yunyang's cousin."

"As long as the property manager speaks, power outages and maintenance are just a matter of one sentence."

Chen Nan nodded slightly, and asked again: "How much is this cockatiel worth in the market?"

He Shuqin said: "Xuan cockatiels are a common species, generally more than a thousand, but because this cockatiel can speak, its value has skyrocketed!"

"If this parrot is auctioned, the price can reach seven figures."

Chen Nan was secretly frightened.

A parrot turned out to be worth millions.

It's really out of Dapu.

Although he is also rich.

But they are not willing to spend millions to buy a bird.

Chen Nandao: "If this parrot has an accident with you, how will you compensate the customer?"

He Shuqin sighed: "Compensation is twice the market price, which is about equal to the auction price!"

Chen Nan took a cigarette, but did not light it: "If I'm not mistaken, this cockatiel has lived for eighteen years. "

Although he has not restored all his cultivation.

But it is also possible to judge how many years this cockatiel has lived by its bone density.

Of course.

Here I have to praise the green dragon.

He has read many books about birds.

The purpose is to perform in front of He Shuqin.

And the content in those books is now shared by Chen Nan.

"Did it live that long?" He Shuqin sighed: "It seems that this little guy can't die!"

Chen Nan continued, "If I'm not mistaken, if you help customers feed this cockatiel, the daily remuneration should not be low, right?"

He Shuqin snorted: "Two thousand yuan a day!" "

The reason why her shop is so popular among the many flower and bird shops.

The main business is to help customers feed the birds.

After all, some people sometimes can't take care of their pets because of work and life.

She also made a lot of money because of this.

Chen Nan: "Two thousand yuan, what kind of income is it in your store?"

He Shuqin: "This is the highest daily price bird I have ever raised."

Chen Nan looked stunned: "Big sister, haven't you seen it now?"

"Someone wants to hurt you!"

"Punch you with a dying basalt parrot and discredit your shop."

The talking Xuanwu parrot is certainly worth a lot.

But after death it will be worthless.

Get the most out of it.

The best thing to do is to die unjustly.

"So what should I do?" Hearing that someone wanted to make a big fuss with this cockatiel, He Shuqin immediately panicked: "Doctor Chen, can you see that someone has poisoned, there must be a way to bring this parrot back to life, right?" "

Please help me do it?"

Speaking of this, crystal tears appeared in his eyes.

If things are really the same as Chen Nan said.

Then the consequences are unimaginable.

Not only did she have to compensate the other party for a million expenses.

Even the word of mouth accumulated over the years will come to naught.

Right at this moment.

A young man pushed the door and said with a smile: "Sister, professional matters still have to be handed over to professional people!"

"A man who treats people, does he know how to treat birds?"

"Look who I brought in!"

"This is the most famous veterinarian in Kyoto, Zhang Xiaotian Zhang Veterinarian!"

Seeing that his younger brother He Qinglin invited the most famous veterinarian in Kyoto, He Shuqin's eyes lit up and immediately greeted him: "Veterinarian Zhang, you came just right, and please help me heal this cockatiel."

"If this can be done, I will definitely give you a big red envelope."

Although she invited Chen Nan over before.

But she didn't expect her brother to invite Zhang Xiaotian.

After all, this is the most famous veterinarian in Kyoto.

Zhang Xiaotian is over fifty years old, wearing a Chinese-style costume, which looks very calm.

He glanced at the cockatiel in the cage: "It's just eating some indigestion food, it's not a big problem for old age, and you can recover by taking two pills."

Chen Nan: "Before taking the pills, can you sign an agreement."

"For example, if any accident happens if this parrot eats the pills, you will bear all the consequences?"

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