He Shuqin's face was stunned: "I just checked, and that cockatiel has lost its breath."

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Don't worry!"

"In front of me, no one, or animal, can die without my permission!" Saying that, he turned around and walked into the house, and picked up the cockatiel that had lost his breath on the bar.

Then he took out a jade bottle the size of a wind oil essence bottle in his pocket.

He opened the cockatiel's mouth and poured the liquid inside.

"What is this?" He Shuqin's face was full of curiosity.

She could smell the liquid that Chen Nan poured into the cockatiel's mouth, and there was a unique fragrance.

Just sniffing it lifted her spirits.

"I'm idle and have nothing to prepare the potion!" Chen Nan casually found an explanation.

As for what's inside the bottle...

But it's not everything.

It is an extremely rare heavenly material and earth treasure in the immortal world.

It is called the Undead Spring Water.

Just one sip can bring people back to life.


The Immortal Realm and the Nether Realm were like two huge storage spaces for Chen Nan.

Not only can he return to the immortal world, the netherworld, at any time.

You can even get the treasure inside at any time.

Like the male protagonist of the portable streaming novel that was popular on the Internet more than a decade ago.

The difference is.

What he carried with him was the fairy world and the netherworld.

"Can this cockatiel really live?" He Shuqin asked with concern on his face.

Chen Nan snorted: "Yes, but it will be noon tomorrow." "


He Shuqin's face was stunned: "The owner of the parrot will come to pick up the bird tomorrow morning, what is the use of waking up at noon?" People probably don't believe that this cockatiel can live, right?

Speaking of this, her face was full of frustration: "I can still take out the compensation of one million, but I am afraid that someone will use this matter to make a big fuss."

"If that's the case, I won't be able to get a foothold in this business!"

Chen Nan smiled and said softly: "Don't worry, someone will definitely use this matter to make a big fuss." The

expression on He Shuqin's face instantly froze.


She couldn't tell whether Chen Nan was comforting her or hitting her.


Chen Nan's Five Organs Temple made a protest, he rubbed his stomach, and said with a smile: "Did you eat?" How about having dinner together?

"Someone has to stay in the store at night, if you don't dislike it, I can order some takeout." At this point, He Shuqin also wanted to open.

Chen Nan: "It's okay!" "


an hour later.

The delivery man brought some food.

BBQ, crayfish, oysters, scallops.

And a couple of beers.

This was difficult for the hungry Chen Nan to resist.

Not to mention.

He hadn't eaten anything like this in over a year.

It's like starving ghosts.

Most of it was solved under He Shuqin's surprised eyes.


Chen Nandao: "I'll go to the car to sleep for a while first, and help you solve the trouble tomorrow."

He Shuqin said with concern: "It's too tired to sleep in the car, or I'll give you a floor!"

"Not a big problem!"

Nothing happened overnight.

The next day it rained and sunny.

The bright sun slowly rose in the east, which also ended Chen Nan's dreamland.

Seeing that the Hyakutorii gate has not yet opened.

He got out of the car and went straight to the breakfast shop around the corner.

A lot has changed in this decade.

But on Panjiayuan's side, time never seems to pass.

It still retains its previous appearance, as if it has returned to the last century.

Especially sitting in front of the breakfast shop eating breakfast.

The world is full of fireworks!


Chen Nan ate fritters and drank soy milk.

There is an inexplicable sense of solidity.

This feeling is not felt in the immortal world and in the netherworld.

Have a full meal.

Chen Nan came to the door of the breakfast restaurant and looked at the middle-aged man who was frying fried fried fritters: "Boss, bring me two more yuan fritters, a tea egg, a bowl of soy milk, how much money do you calculate in total." The

middle-aged man promised and helped Chen Nan pack fritters and soy milk.

"Yo, Dr. Chen?"


A middle-aged woman in her fifties wearing a pink apron came out of it, her face was full of surprise, and she directly held Chen Nan's hands, extremely enthusiastic: "Oh, it's really you!" It's such a coincidence, so what, you eat well?

Chen Nan looked embarrassed.

He didn't know the woman.

And he was now afraid of strange women greeting him.


After all, he didn't understand Qinglong's appetite...

The woman seemed to see his embarrassment, and said with a smile: "You noble people forget a lot, I went to your hospital last year to see a doctor."

"You gave me two injections and cured my head disease for many years."

Chen Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be a healed patient!

He smiled and said, "After that, you haven't had a head disease, have you?" The

middle-aged woman stretched out her thumb: "Hey, don't say, your medical skills are really amazing." After being pricked by you twice, I haven't had a headache for more than a year.

"That's good, that's good."

The middle-aged woman looked at her husband who was packing: "Old man, pack more food for Dr. Chen." Also, you can't collect money from Dr. Chen.

Chen Nan hurriedly said: "That can't work, that can't work, everyone is out to ask for a living, what line is it if you don't pay?"

The middle-aged woman held Chen Nan's hand tightly and said with tears in her eyes: "Dr. Chen is really a good person, a good person!" When I went to see you for a doctor, you also said that life is not easy, and you only charge a consultation fee of one dollar!

"What, if you have to give money, give a dollar!"

It's hard to be gracious.

Chen Nan can only do this.

After paying a dollar, he left the breakfast restaurant with a large bag of fritters, a large bag of soy milk and more than a dozen tea eggs.

But just after he left.

Behind him came the voice of a middle-aged woman.

She told others how good she was doing.

Say you're rejuvenated.

No matter what kind of incurable disease, you can cure it with your own healing.

He also said that he only treats ordinary people, and only receives a consultation fee of one dollar.

Listening to the praise behind him, Chen Nan said to the green dragon in the sea of knowledge: "You guy has also done a good thing!"

Qinglong shivered: "I hope that no matter what happens in the future, you can remember how you feel at this moment!"

Chen Nan jumped like thunder.

He thought.

After praising the green dragon himself, he will be very proud.

After all, this guy is this kind of personality.

But at this time, not only did he not have the slightest pride, but he even shivered.

You can imagine how many immoral things he has done!


Nor can it be said that there is a lack of virtue.

To be precise, you can imagine how much emotional debt he left himself.

Just as he came to the Bird House with breakfast.

But I was surprised to find it.

The entrance to the Hyakutorii gate was surrounded by a large crowd.

He walked over quickly, and a sneer spread in his heart: "It's too bullying to block the door so early, right?"

"See who can have the last laugh!"

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