"After compensating for your losses, this cockatiel will not belong to you!"

Chen Nan added: "No matter what it becomes!"

Liu Jun: "Of course.

Chen Nan looked at He Shuqin behind him: "Ready for compensation, right?"

He Shuqin nodded with a pale face.

She didn't believe that Chen Nan said that the cockatiel could wake up.

So a million liquidity was prepared last night.

After that, she transferred money to Liu Jun's bank and bowed to him again to apologize.

Although Liu Jun received an apology and compensation, he still said indignantly: "Hyaktorii, I remember this name, and I will never be able to foster my love bird here in the future."

Meng Yunyang also said to He Shuqin: "Miss He, you have influenced the reputation of our circle with your own strength. I hope you don't forget your original intention, don't feed those birds inferior food in order to make black money. "

This can be regarded as the final conclusion for He Shuqin.

Once the show airs.

The reputation of Hyakutorii will definitely be ruined.


The television camera's camera also recorded what happened at this moment.

Meng Lan faced the camera and showed a serious face: "Audience friends, I am Meng Lan, what you see is happening." Here, I appeal to all friends in the flower and bird shop not to regard love as a means of accumulating wealth. The

words fell.

The videographer also stopped shooting.

She looked at Meng Yunyang and said, "Second uncle, I still have work in Tai, so I will go back first, and I will come to you for tea when I have time!" She

thought that by stopping filming, she would be able to admit her relationship with Meng Yunyang.

But she didn't expect it.

Chen Nan did not stop the live broadcast.

Her words instantly caused an uproar on the Internet.

After all, many people who watched the live broadcast guessed that Hyaktorii was wronged.

Because Liu Jun's people just called the TV station.

Within three minutes, reporters arrived.

That's too fast.

No one believes that there is no in it.

And now.

Meng Lan called Meng Yunyang the second uncle, which made people firm their inner guesses.

Whether it is Liu Jun.

Meng Yunyang.

Or Meng Lan's three parties.

They're all in a gang.

The purpose is to suppress the Hundred Torii Gate.

So many people have joined forces to suppress a weak woman, it is really shameless.


Even many people began to scrutinize Meng Yunyang and Liu Jun's background.


Without warning.

The cockatiel held in Chen Nan's hand let out a faint cry.

The sound is weak though.

But in people's ears, it was like a thunderbolt.

Because everyone knows.

The cockatiel died last night.

Just when people looked at the cockatiel in Chen Nan's hand.

Deep horror appeared in the pupils.

The feathers on the white cockatiel actually changed.



"This... What's going on? Liu Jun's scalp was numb, and his eyes were full of incredulity.

Everyone else also had huge waves rising in their hearts.

It's hard to accept, a parrot that should die.

At this time, not only came to life.

Even the feathers on the body have undergone amazing changes.

Even if you see it with your own eyes.

It's also hard to believe what is happening in front of you.

Meng Yunyang swallowed his saliva furiously: "This is simply a miracle!"

Chen Nan chuckled: "There are so many miracles, but there is a 1 in 10 million probability that the genes of this cockatiel have changed." The

words fell.

The cockatiel in his hand soared into the air and hovered in the air.

It looks like a rainbow, dazzling.

The live broadcast room was boiling.

Although the parrots are all brilliant in color.

But this parrot with colorful feathers is rare.

"I lean, why is this parrot so amazing?"

"It feels like a movie special effect, the beauty is unreal."


at the door of the Bird Gate.

The cockatiel hovered in the air for a moment, and then flew towards He Shuqin.

He Shuqin quickly stretched out his hand and caught the falling cockatiel.

My eyes were full of joy.

Because she had never seen such a parrot.

But for some reason.

But there is a sense of déjà vu.

It's as if I've seen this beautiful bird.

Chen Nan saw what she was thinking on her micro-expression, and his eyes immediately lit up.

Isn't seeing this beautiful bird able to bring back memories of her past life?

If so.

It is possible to study in this direction.

"Son, come to Daddy, come quickly!" Liu Jun's face was full of excitement, and he clapped his hands at the cockatiel and signaled it to fly into his hands.

Meng Yunyang said: "Brother Liu, congratulations, the probability of parrot gene mutation is very low. Your cockatiel has just undergone a genetic mutation that will not only be reborn, but also extend its lifespan.

"It's not too much to say that the spirit bird is!"

Meng Lan asked curiously, "How much can this bird be worth?"

Meng Yunyang shook his head: "The spirit bird has a priceless market, if Brother Liu is willing to cut his love, I am willing to spend ten million, no, I am willing to spend twenty million to buy this Xuan Cockatiel!"

Meng Lan gasped.

I didn't expect this cockatiel to be so valuable.

Liu Jun laughed: "Thank you Elder Meng for your love, but this is my son, how can I sell it to others?" "

Of course.

It's not that it can't be sold!

Mainly... Gotta add money.

With his market situation, let alone 20 million.

If you take it to auction, there will definitely be people willing to buy it for 50 million.

"Do you want to fart?" Chen Nan's indifferent voice sounded: "We have all said before, after compensating for a million losses, this cockatiel has nothing to do with you." "


"Forgot about this?"

These words were like a basin of cold water, directly poured on Liu Jun's head.

He couldn't help but snort.

Only then did I think of the previous agreement.

Seeing the parrot that he had carefully fed for more than ten years playing in He Shuqin's hands, Liu Jun suddenly became angry: "When did Laozi make this kind of agreement with you?"

Chen Nan couldn't help but frown: "Mr. Liu, are you going to backtrack?" I thought that they were all adults, so why did they have to have a bit of contract spirit, right?

Liu Jun roared angrily: "Fuck your mother's contract spirit, this cockatiel is mine, no one can snatch it away from me!"

Chen Nan sneered: "Yes, although we have not made a written note." But just now this camera has all been recorded, even if it goes to court, it can become evidence in court.

Liu Jun's face changed, and then he looked at Meng Yunyang.

Meng Yunyang understood the meaning of the other party, and immediately made a look at his niece Meng Lan.

Meng Lan came to the camera, opened the menu button, and after some operation, a playful smile appeared on his face: "Sorry, the previous video was lost, and the previously recorded picture could not be saved." Chen

Nan was dumbfounded.

The scalp was numb from the shock of her commotion.

Deleting content from the camera in front of more than a million online fans in my live broadcast room?

That's too blatant, isn't it?

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