Chen Nan ignored the cockatiel and looked at He Shuqin: "Did you have anything to do in the morning?" I mean, if you're okay, go help me move!

"I'm going to move the infirmary next door."

Wang Mengqi had already made her words very clear yesterday.

The hospital was no longer leased to him.


He doesn't need to be stalked.

Isn't it just moving!

No big deal.

He Shuqin said: "Your medical hall should indeed change to a larger place, I don't have anything to do in the morning, so let's go and help you move!" "

If it weren't for Chen Nan today.

She will definitely be discredited.


What does it mean to help him move?


next door to Chen's Medical Center was originally a shampoo room.

But because the business is not good.

So it's hard to sustain.

It closed a month ago.

The landlord renovated the storefront and has been renting it out.

But because the rent was too high, I couldn't rent it out.

After returning to the medical center, Chen Nan called the landlord's phone.

After explaining his idea of leasing, the landlord immediately expressed his willingness to reduce the price of 25,000 yuan by 2,000 yuan.

This store is a little bigger than what Chen Nan is renting now.

However, the landlord suffers from chronic gastritis and has seen Chen Nan before.

"You give me an account number, and I'll transfer the rent to you." After discussing the rent, Chen Nan directly transferred the rent to the landlord, and then took out the key to the next store in the drawer.

The landlord does not live in this area.

So he couldn't come to see the house at the first time.

So he left the key in the Chen Medical Center.

If someone comes to see the house, let Chen Nan help open the door.

But the landlord is also an open man.

When he delivered the key to Chen Nan last month, he brought two huazi and two bottles of Maotai.

It's hard work.


Although there are not many things in the medical hall.

But it took more than three hours to move it all.

I haven't had time to catch my breath yet.

Wang Mengqi came to the medical center dressed in a black suit and stepped on high heels.

I saw Chen Nan hanging the plaque of Chen's Medical Center on the door frame next door.

I saw Chen Nan and He Shuqin sitting under the eaves eating ice cream.

An inexplicable unhappiness rose in my heart.

The reason is nothing...

Chen Nan is her licking dog.

Now suddenly give up on her and don't lick her, but lick other women.

She was very upset.

Seeing Wang Mengqi appear, Chen Nan ate the ice cream in a green mood and stood up: "Miss Wang, you came just right, I moved everything out of the house, you can check and check!"

Wang Mengqi stared at him with an indifferent look in her eyes: "Why did you open the pharmacy next door?" Do you want my son to continue playing with you when he comes back from school?

"No, no, no!" Chen Nan looked a little embarrassed: "There are two reasons for opening next door, one is to rashly open the medical hall to another place, and some patients will definitely not find me when they come to see the doctor."

"After all, I've been here for almost ten years!"

"Second, even if I want to drive somewhere else, I can't find a suitable place in a short time."

Wang Mengqi said in disgust: "It's better to be like this, I don't want my son to continue to be with you, that is not conducive to his growth."

"Also, don't think anything wrong with me."

"It's impossible between us." Saying that, he stepped on his high heels and locked the door angrily, driving a white car and disappearing into the street.

"This woman is really self-righteous!" At the door of the medical hall, He Shuqin ate ice cream: "Dr. Chen, you have excellent medical skills, and you are a good talent, how can you like her?"

"Also, driving and wearing high heels, this kind of woman is simply unreasonable."

She's also not the kind of person who likes to chew the root of her tongue.

But seeing Wang Mengqi's attitude towards Chen Nan, he felt inexplicably unhappy.

"Yes, yes, this woman is not worthy of him." The cockatiel on He Shuqin's shoulder said, "Only you can be worthy of him under heaven, and the two of you are a pair created by heaven and earth."

"You're like that lock."

"And he's like that key."

"Even if I don't plug it in beforehand, I can know."

"Only He can open your heart."

He Shuqin looked stunned, obviously did not expect this bird to be able to say such tiger and wolf words, after returning to her senses, she said: "Doctor Chen, or let's roast it!"

Chen Nan: "I feel OK!"

The cockatiel flew to the side and stared at Chen Nan seriously: "I thought that your kid is not a good person, and your key can fit many locks."

"So far, at least twenty locks have been opened."

"As for how many locks this key has tried to open..."

"A conservative estimate is also a few hundred!"

Chen Nan's face was confused.

How does it know that it has opened more than twenty locks?

If everything it says is true.

It is conservatively estimated that trying to open hundreds of locks gave him a headache.


This is all done by the green dragon!

"Chen Nan, I know who this bird is!"

"It's the moon old."

"Old Moon was reincarnated as a bird!"

The green dragon made an excited sound.

Chen Nan suddenly snorted.

He never expected that the reincarnation of the old moon turned out to be a bird.

He summoned Qinglong: "What you said is true?

The green dragon said solemnly: "Yes, I can feel its soul, it is the reincarnation of the heavenly god."

"Coupled with what it said before, I can tell you very responsibly that it is the moon elder."

Chen Nan's face was full of surprise.

Unexpectedly, I accidentally saved a bird, and it turned out to be the reincarnation of Elder Yue.

Then he seemed to have thought of something.

A monstrous anger rose in his heart: "If it is really Yue Lao, doesn't it mean that as it said before, my key has tried to open hundreds of locks?"

The green dragon didn't make a sound.

"Don't play dead, answer my question!"

"Dog stuff, nothing!"

Chen Nanqi gritted his teeth.

But there was nothing they could do.

Seeing that it was already noon, he looked at He Shuqin: "Miss He, it's time for dinner, do you want to have a meal together?" Thank you for helping me move.

"Okay!" He Shuqin showed a gentle smile.

She really likes to get along with Chen Nan.

The reason is none of it.

Chen Nan can be regarded as her lifesaver.

Two years ago, she had a tumor on her chest, which this man had cured through massage.

And she always remembers the healing process.

This man's eyes were very clear and clean when he looked at her, without the slightest distraction.

It's also because of a good start.

The two gradually became friends.

Not to mention that Chen Nan also helped her a lot today.

Even if Chen Nan didn't invite her to lunch together, she would take the initiative to mention it.

Lock the door of the infirmary.

Chen Nan started the car and headed towards a Sichuan-Chongqing hot pot restaurant.

It was the taste of his nostalgia in Hades.

On the co-pilot.

He Shuqin hesitated, plucked up enough courage, and said with a red face: "Doctor Chen, you... Do you have a girlfriend?

Chen Nan's face changed suddenly.

Why did she ask if she had a girlfriend?


Shouldn't she want to challenge my weakness and chase me?

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