
"Shouldn't this young man's head get into the water?"

"Just he still wants to fend off King Kong? It's just out of your own hands!

"Yes, King Kong's strength is obvious to all, he defeated five half-step grandmasters in one move, you can imagine how strong it is, just this guy who has not dried up his milk, he actually said to resist King Kong?"

"This guy is just crazy!"

The faces of the Wu family changed.

They thought that removing the stone lock and preventing Chen Nan from breaking through the three levels would prevent him from looking for death.

Who ever thought.

He would have died in this way!

"Uncle, you can't go, you're not this guy's opponent!" Wu Qianru stretched out her hand and pulled Chen Nan, and her big watery eyes were full of pleading.

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Don't worry, no one can hurt me." Said and withdrew his hand.

"Although I don't like your arrogance, I King Kong never does anything to bully!" King Kong looked at Chen Nan with indifferent eyes: "You go quickly."

"I don't want to hurt you and be ridiculed by the quacks for bullying the small!"

Chen Nan stopped five meters away from King Kong and took out the lighter.


The flames burned.

He lit a cigarette and took a sip with a drunken face.

A puff of smoke was then puffed out.

The smoke turned into an S in the air.



Everyone was stunned.


This is a master of playing with cigarettes!

It's just that.

Could it be that you want to choke King Kong to death with smoke?

Just before everyone could react.

Chen Nan let out another puff of smoke.


The smoke turned into a B.

King Kong's eyes widened angrily: "Are you calling me a fool?" Everyone

else was dumbfounded.

An inexplicable uneasiness rose in his heart.

King Kong's reputation in the rivers and lakes is very loud.

On the one hand, because of his transcendent strength.


His temper was tyrannical and moody.

Who if they provoke him...

The end was tragic.

Chen Nan provoked King Kong at a young age, which was already the greatest disrespect for him.

Not to mention.

He also showed off his skills and insulted King Kong.

With King Kong's temper, would he spare Chen Nan?

Chen Nan put his hands in his pockets and held a cigarette in his mouth.

It gives people a kind of unruly riffraff: "The rivers and lakes are very big, don't sit in the well and watch the sky, even if you are Guo Mo's disciple, you should not be blind!"

"In that case, then I will let you taste my iron fist." King Kong is enraged, he is a stormy figure in the rivers and lakes.

Although he has never stepped into the realm of a great master.

But there were only a handful of people under the Great Grandmaster who could defeat him.

Now he is ridiculed by a young man in his twenties sitting in a well and watching the sky.

How could he endure?

Chen Nan: "Before I start, I still have a condition.

King Kong: "Leave you a whole corpse?"

"If you really have this ability, whether you leave the whole corpse or not depends on your mood!" A disdainful smile appeared on Chen Nan's face, and he immediately said, "My conditions are very simple, if you lose to me, follow me from now on!"

King Kong laughed angrily: "If you can defeat me, why not follow you?" "

He just said angry words casually.

He didn't take Chen Nan's words to heart at all.

I don't think Chen Nan can overcome him.

Chen Nan put his hands in his pockets and said indifferently: "Then make a move!"

King Kong smiled viciously: "It's still you who make a move, I'm afraid that I will kill you with one punch."

Chen Nan shook his head and said lightly: "Everything has a causal primary and secondary relationship.

"For example, if you come to challenge the Wu family, I will keep it."


"You deserve to make a move."

"You're really fucking good at pretending!" King Kong raised his eyebrows angrily, and his face was covered with bruises.

The next moment he moved.

One step crossed the distance between the two in an instant.

In all or expectation.

Or thriller.

or unbearable eyes.

Raise an iron fist as big as a sandbag.

Fiercely smashed towards Chen Nan.

Chen Nan stood there quietly.


Don't hide either.

It gives people a sense of déjà vu as if they are scared and stupid.

And just when King Kong's fist was less than a meter away.

Chen Nan instantly flew out with a kick.

It seems like an ordinary kick, but it is a punch that blocks King Kong's anger.



"How so?"

"He actually resisted King Kong's punch?"

Everyone felt their scalps tingle and shuddered.

No one expected it.

Chen Nan didn't move in place, and actually blocked King Kong with one foot.

What kind of strength does this have to be able to resist King Kong?

Even if you see it with your own eyes.

It's also unbelievable.

"Wow, uncle is so strong!" Wu Qianru cheered like a child, and her eyes were full of adoration.

Wu Tianquan and Wu Dazhi were both full of incredulity.

Recalling the previous request that Chen Nan proposed to break through the three levels.

They suddenly realized.

Chen Nan's strength... It seems to be much stronger than they thought.

"Fall for me!"

King Kong was embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, he struck angrily, but was blocked by Chen Nan with one foot.

He sank his dantian and suddenly exerted his strength.

only to find.

Chen Nan was like a sea god needle, even if he exerted all his strength.

It's hard to shake the slightest.

It made him feel deeply incredible.

Because he had never seen such an absurd and bizarre thing.


He withdrew his fist and reached out and grabbed Chen Nan's ankles.

He suddenly thrust into his arms, trying to pull him down.

But the result is still the same.

Chen Nan was like a sculpture that did not move.

Only the mouth is still constantly spitting smoke.

King Kong's eyes widened angrily, feeling strangely humiliated.

He snorted angrily.

One kick towards Chen Nan's other leg, wanting to attack his lower set.

But Chen Nan didn't give him a chance.

His raised right leg instantly blocked King Kong's attack.


King Kong grinned and took three steps back, his eyes full of deep jealousy.

He didn't expect that his feet collided with Chen Nan, and he had the feeling of kicking on the iron plate.

You know, what he is best at is the kung fu on his feet.

Don't wear shoes all year round.

Even often walk charcoal, blades, just to exercise the strength of the footsteps.

Unexpectedly, today I encountered an even more terrifying existence.

"I've already made you three moves!" Chen Nan slowly lowered his right leg with a shallow smile on his face: "Li Shang, next, is it time for you to pick me up?"

"Come on!" King Kong waited strictly, his eyes were full of solemnity, and there was no more contempt before.

Everyone else held their breath as well.

Because everyone can see it at this time.

Chen Nan is definitely a super master.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to make King Kong seem so passive.

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose.

He stepped out.

Like a ghost, King Kong's terrified eyes appeared in front of him.

And then.

He leaned out with one palm.

Seemingly soft and weak.

But even this seemingly soft and weak palm.

But let King Kong spit out blood in his mouth, and flew out more than ten meters under everyone's incredible eyes.

Then it fell heavily to the ground.

The scene was silent.

The drop of needles can be heard.

Chen Nan put his hands in his pockets and said indifferently: "You lost!" "

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