As an exorcist.

Zhang Tianlong still knew the fate of Zhao Feiyan and Lu He.

These two are notorious and vicious women in history.

After death, he was directly sent to hell.


After learning the identities of the two, he was extremely frightened.

After all, the ghosts who were sent to hell will be tortured there for generations.

Mo said to return to the Yang Realm.

Not even qualified to be reincarnated.

But now.

He developed a strong awe and a deep uneasiness about the adult who had released them.

If it was really Chen Nan who released the two.

How terrifying was Chen Nan's strength?

I offended him myself.

Will it end well?

"Don't speculate about the origin of that adult, even if you say it, you won't understand!" Lu Hen's voice was cold: "You just need to know that he is an existence that you can't provoke!"

A cold light flashed in Zhao Feiyan's eyes: "Not bad, you should be glad that the adult is kind-hearted, just let us intimidate you, otherwise, you people would have died a long time ago!"

After a pause, she added, "Hurry up and vacate this house, if you really anger that adult, you will regret being an enemy of him."

"That's all for yourselves!"

"Yes, yes, let's go!" Liu Jianchun nodded again and again like a chicken pecking rice.

Chen Nan had such terrifying power that he let the powerful ghosts imprisoned in hell come to the world to intimidate them.

You can imagine how terrifying his abilities are.

There is really no need to offend that kind of big man for the sake of this house.

The next moment.

Zhao Feiyan and Lu Hen disappeared into the setting sun.

"Jianchun, not a word of what happened today can be leaked out, otherwise you will bear the consequences!" Zhang Tianlong's face was solemn, and he had a premonition.

The world seems to have undergone some unknown change.

He didn't dare to think too much.

"Yes!" Liu Jianchun's face was full of nervousness.

Don't say that he didn't want to leak today's events.

Even if it is really said, will anyone believe such absurd and bizarre things?

Seeing that the time was not early, Liu Jianchun said: "Cousin, you are not far away, let's go to eat first!"

"No, you guys go back!" Zhang Tianlong's face was solemn: "I'm going to Meaux."

Liu Jianchun did not force it, and drove away with his son.

Zhang Tianlong looked at his apprentice and said with a solemn expression: "Help me up and go to Meaux City overnight!"

A young man helped Zhang Tianlong up and asked puzzled, "Master, why are we going to Meaux?"

Zhang Tianlong: "King Kong lost in the hands of Chen Nan, and everyone knows about this matter."

"And before that, King Kong promised to follow him if he lost to Chen Nan."

"I'm worried that Guo Mo's old goods won't let people go."

"No, no, no, Guo Mo's old thing will be rewarded, and he will definitely not release people."

"If that's the case..."

"It is bound to offend Chen Nan."

"At that time, even if Guo Mo's old thing is the Eight Great Masters? Can he defeat Chen Nan? He

and Guo Monai have been friends for many years.

Naturally, he didn't want to see Guo Mo offend Chen Nan.

The young disciple sighed: "Master, even if you go to Meaux City overnight, I'm afraid it's too late.

Zhang Tianlong snorted and hurriedly said, "Quickly call Guo Mo's phone for me." The

disciple quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Guo Mo's number.

The call was quickly connected.

An unpleasant voice came from inside: "You called today, did you come to mock me?" It's not necessary, even if you laugh at me, I won't see you in general. It

was Guo Mo, one of the eight great masters in the rivers and lakes, who said this.

"Lao Tzu has no time to pout with you now!" Zhang Tianlong said in a low voice, "Where is King Kong now?" You didn't move him, did you?

Guo Mo gritted his teeth and said, "That evil seed lost my face and didn't say anything, and he still betrayed me and turned to others, can I keep this kind of person?"

Zhang Tianlong hurriedly said, "Old Guo, listen to my advice."

"Don't touch King Kong."

"Not only that, but you also have to let him go down the mountain."

Guo Mo laughed angrily: "I rather want to know, why can't my own apprentice move, and let him leave?" If this is the case, how will I Guo get a foothold in the rivers and lakes in the future?

Zhang Tianlong asked, "Don't you feel that the name Chen Nan is familiar?"

Guo Mo: "A very ordinary name, even if it is familiar, isn't it normal?"

"Confused, you!" Zhang Tianlong said in a low voice: "You recall the collapse of the eighteenth small world thirteen years ago and the occupation of Wuyang City by Truth Cultivators.

"Do you recall who fell ten years ago when the four gods of war dominated the Great Xia Dynasty?"

He felt familiar when he heard the name Chen Nan before.

But as Guo Mo said.

The name Chen Nan is very ordinary.

He didn't take it to heart.

It can be learned that Zhao Feiyan and Lu Hen were guided by Chen Nan to intimidate the people in the courtyard.

He instantly thought of the terrifying existence of more than ten years ago.

That's why.

He will remind his old friends.

Guo Mo pondered for a moment: "You mean that Chen Nan, who defeated King Kong, is the same Chen Nan who saved the world?"

Zhang Tianlong: "Yes, it is very likely to be him."

Guo Mo sneered again and again: "Zhang Zhenren, wake up, I admit that Chen Nan is credited to Jiangshan Sheji and to the people."

"But ten years ago, all the cultivators, including Chen Nan, disappeared from the earth overnight."

"How can that Chen Nan return to the world?"

For what happened more than a decade ago.

They've heard about it.

Zhang Tianlong: "Just because all the cultivators disappeared on the earth overnight, we can't ignore the fact that Chen Nan disappeared for two years and crushed the four war gods after returning!"

"Moreover, none of us can guarantee that Chen Nan will return to Earth after ten years of disappearance."

"Of course."

"These are not groundless speculations."

"I'm in Kyoto now, and I just met two powerful ghosts."

"A ghost you can't imagine."

Guo Mo sneered: "Really? I don't believe it! "

Zhao Feiyan, Lu He!" Zhang Tianlong's face was full of fear: "I met these two powerful ghosts who should stay in the eighteenth layer of hell, their strength is terrifying, not only can they swallow the five heavenly thunder released by the five thunder demon destroying talismans, but they even swallow the thousand-year-old peach wood sword I taught."

"They all appeared because of Chen Nan."

"Yes, I don't know if Chen Nan, who defeated King Kong, is the God of War who protected the country more than ten years ago."

"But one thing is obvious, this person should not be provoked."

"Release King Kong, let him follow Chen Nan."

"In this way, you can still form a good relationship with Chen Nan."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid that your Changchun Guan will be in great trouble!"

Guo Mo let out a disdainful mockery after hearing this: "I'm sorry, you are late for this call, I have already abolished King Kong's cultivation."

"But it's not a big problem."

"I want to see if this Chen Nan is the supreme existence of more than ten years ago."

"Look at him, if he can hurt me Guo!"

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