Guo Mo wanted to escape.

Of course.

It's okay to resist.

Because his instinct told him that Chen Nan's strength was even more terrifying than he thought.

If you rush to take his attack, you will most likely encounter danger.


The beautiful words are all out.

If you fight back at this time, or step back.

Doesn't it prove that he is not trustworthy in his words and inferior in skill?

How does this make him gain a foothold in the quacks and lakes in the future?

He was angry Dantian.

A solemn expression on his face.

With his flesh and blood, he resisted Chen Nan's attack with an iron fist.


Accompanied by a dull crash.

Guo Mo suddenly felt a terrifying force explode in his chest.

This force is like a flash flood bursting the embankment, out of control.

Crazy sadism inside him.

Thanks to him, he stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man.

Otherwise, this blow alone could have killed him.


Even if he stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man.

The blow also left him with some internal injuries.


He definitely can't show it!

As the only powerhouse in the realm of the unity of heaven and man in the rivers and lakes.

He has to keep his image at all times.

He stretched out his hand and flicked the place where Chen Nan's fist hit, and slowly spit out two words: "That's it?" "

The onlookers immediately fried the pan!

"I thought Chen Nan's attack would be strong, who would have thought it would be so weak?"

"In fact, his attack just now is really strong, especially the momentum, which is definitely not something that ordinary people can have. If you encounter a timid person, you are likely to be scared to pee your pants.

"It's a pity that he met Master Guo!"

"The word 'just this' is Master Guo's biggest disdain for Chen Nan."

Everyone was talking, and there was a trace of disdain in their eyes.

In a confrontation just now, it is clear which is stronger and weaker.


Chen Nan slowly took out the lighter and lit the cigarette in his mouth.

Then he spat out a puff of smoke.

Right at this moment.

I saw that Guo Mo's facial features, which were originally unfathomable and full of force, instantly became vicious.

His face also turned red.

Bean-sized sweat keeps dripping.

It looks as if you are suffering some kind of unbearable pain.

Just before everyone could understand what was happening.

Just listen to the wow.

Guo Mo opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of black bruise, and the whole person fell uncontrollably to the ground.

He rolled on the ground clutching his chest and letting out a heart-rending scream.




The scene was silent.

Everyone felt their scalps tingle and shuddered.

What happened here?

Why did Master Guo Mo vomit blood?

Could it be because Chen Nan punched him just now?

Didn't he act disdainful, and even said, 'That's it?' '?

But why is he acting so miserable now?

"It's you... It's really you... You... You're back?

Guo Mo looked at Chen Nan in horror and despair.

Just now, he hadn't put Chen Nan in his eyes.

But just after that power completely exploded in his body.

He thought of Zhang Tianlong's advice.

One thing was determined.

This Chen Nan was the man who single-handedly rescued Wuyang City and overthrew the rule of the four gods of war.

If not.

It is absolutely impossible for him to hit himself hard with one punch.

"I have never left, so why talk about coming back?" Chen Nan said lightly, turned around and Li Mu, and King Kong walked down the mountain.

Looking at the back of the three people leaving, Guo Mo regretted it.

Regret that he didn't listen to Zhang Tianlong's advice!

Really don't abolish King Kong, let him go down the mountain to follow Chen Nan.

This must be a good cause.

Now pour well.

As soon as he stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man, he lost his life...

Regret shouldn't have been!

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