Since hitting and obtaining the black burning stick.

Chen Nan felt a strong killing intent that did not affect him all the time.

He knows.

If this killing intent broke through his sanity, it would definitely cause a disaster.

At that time, he may become a murderous demon without blinking.

That's why.

He has been suppressing the killing intent in his heart.

But I didn't expect it.

At this time, the killing intent in the heart will be uncontrollable.

This made him feel dry mouth and an urge to kill and drink blood.

He ran the Eight Nine Xuan Gong, forcibly controlling the killing intent in his heart, and then rushed towards Shi Wu with a thunderous momentum.

He wanted to solve Shi Wu in the shortest possible time.

"Find death!"

Seeing Chen Nan coming towards him, a flash of disdain flashed in Shi Wu's eyes.

He raised his sword to block.

But he was blasted out by Chen Nan with a stick.

His arms were numb, and an incredible look appeared in his eyes.

It's clear.

He underestimated Chen Nan's strength.

"Come again!"

Shi Wu's eyes were hot.

He has always longed for a fight.

Although there are still two people in the tribe whose strength is far above him.

But those two practiced in retreat for many years.


He is considered an invincible existence.

There is a feeling of loneliness like snow.

Now Chen Nan's appearance made him tremble.

The two kept colliding together.

Every impact will have a thunderous sound.

The terrifying energy raged in all directions, and it also made Shi Wu's younger brothers feel numb.

"I really didn't expect this guy's strength to be on par with the boss."

"I admit that this guy's strength is stronger than I thought, but he will definitely not be able to defeat the boss."

Quinn stood there quietly.

He can be sure.

Chen Nan is the mad ape.

It can also be determined that he taught himself the Mixed Element Creation Skill in his dream.


Accompanied by Shi Wu's roar.

I saw that four sword qi appeared on both sides of the long sword in his hand.

Those four sword qi slashed towards Chen Nan on the left and right sides under his control.

Chen Nan held the burning stick and swept through the thousand armies, successfully resisting the four sword qi.

However, the long sword in Shi Wu's hand pierced through his arm, splashing a red blood mist.

"Get out!"

Chen Nan roared angrily and kicked Shi Wu's chest.


The sound of bones breaking came from Shi Wu's chest.

He spurted blood and flew out of Quinn's yard.


"Are you all right?"

Shi Wu's subordinates were all panicked, but they didn't expect that Shi Wu would fall into Chen Nan's hands.

Look at Chen Nan again.

His face turned red, and a furious aura emanated from his body.

It was like a beast that would get angry at any time.

That breath alone is chilling.



A loud bell sounded in the heavens and the earth.

Hear this bell ringing.

Including Shi Wu, everyone's faces changed.

"The surname Chen, don't be happy too early, one day I will defeat you and take back that burning stick!" Shi Wu left a cruel word and led people to disappear into Quinn's house.

Quinn looked at Chen Nan and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

Chen Nan glanced at the wound on his shoulder: "It's just some skin trauma, it's not a big deal!"

Quinn nodded slightly and said, "You heal your wounds at home first, and I'll go to the patriarch." Said and walked out quickly.

Chen Nan can be sure.

There must be something big going on in the tribe.

Otherwise, Quinn and Shi Wu would not have acted so uneasy.

Although he wanted to follow the past to see the liveliness.

But eventually abandoned the idea.

His killing intent has not yet subsided.

At this time, anything can go crazy.


The most urgent thing is to restrain the killing intent in his heart and recover from the injury on his shoulder.

The injury was nothing to Chen Nan.

In today's God Realm, no one can kill him.

Unless killing him destroys the Yin and Yang Realms at the same time.

And those who really have this ability.

Only saints.

But now...

The saints in the three realms all fell one after another.

In layman's terms.

Chen Nan is now an immortal existence.

No one can kill him even if he waves hard and dies.


The side effects of the black fire stick can make him go crazy and become a madman.

There can be no carelessness on this.

In the evening.

The injury on Chen Nan's shoulder completely recovered.

Not even a single scar remained.

If this scene is seen, it must feel incredible.


The killing intent in his heart was also temporarily sealed in his heart.

"What the hell are you?"

"Why am even me influenced by you?" Chen Nan quietly looked at the burning stick in his hand, unable to calm down in his heart.

You must know that his current soul power is comparable to that of a half-saint.

The power of the soul is as powerful as he is affected by the burning stick.

It can well be imagined.

If the object falls into the hands of someone else.

It will definitely make the other party be eaten by the burning stick, or even go crazy.


Quinn's voice came from outside: "Chen Nan, how is your injury?"

Chen Nan got up, opened the door and walked out: "It's almost okay."

Quinn nodded and continued, "Here's the thing, we're going out on a mission, but this mission is a bit long, so you can live here with peace of mind in the future!"

"Did something happen?" Chen Nan could see Quinn's solemn face.

Quinn sighed: "The patriarch is approaching, and a new tribal leader will be elected." And the rules of the election are also very simple, whoever hunts the most demons will become the new leader.

Chen Nan frowned.

When he first entered the dungeon, he had met Patriarch Gu Jian, and at that time, he noticed that Gu Jian was weak and did not have much life.

But I didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

"Or else... You leave the tribe! Quinn's eyes were complicated: "Don't hide from you, the next tribal leader is most likely Shi Wu, and once he becomes the tribal leader, he will definitely not let you go." Quinn

didn't want to be a tribal leader, but his idea was simple.

Destroy Shi Wu's ambition to become a tribal leader.

So this time he also signed up to compete for tribal leaders.

It's just that he is well aware of his strength.

With just a few brothers, they couldn't stand out in this assessment at all.

Chen Nan suddenly asked, "Can becoming a patriarch get the remnants of the road to heaven?"

Quinn nodded.

Chen Nan's eyes were firm: "In that case, then I will accompany you to participate in the assessment and help you become a tribal leader!" I just want the remnants of the road to heaven.

Quinn couldn't help but say, "We... Can I get a win?

Chen Nan asked rhetorically, "If we can't win, do you have to give up?"

Quinn fell silent.

Chen Nan continued, "I know that Shi Wu has many followers, and even if we participate in the assessment this time, the winning rate is only one in 100 million.

"But if we choose to give up, then this 1 in 100 million win rate is gone!"

A determined look flashed in Quinn's eyes: "Then according to what you said, we will participate in the assessment together, and when I become the leader of the tribe, I will give you the remnants of the road to heaven." "


An indifferent voice sounded: "If you don't measure your strength, just a few of you, how can you fight Shi Wu?" "

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