
When the arrows of the sky fell on those alien demons.

The demons let out heart-rending screams.

The red light in his eyes is even stronger.

People dare not gaze.

It seems that at a glance, you will be controlled by their eyes.

"Come again!"

Seeing that he had not been able to cause any death to the alien demon, Shi Wu ordered again.


Sharp arrows burst out of the air again.


Shi Wu also held a long sword, and his eyes looked at the oncoming alien demons with hot eyes: "Brothers, follow me to kill these alien demons." Saying

that, he led by example and took the lead in facing the alien demon.

The long sword in his hand exuded four sword shadows, and bursts of black blood mist suddenly splashed everywhere it passed.

The vitality of the alien demon is extremely tenacious, even if he is hit by several arrows.

Even if he was attacked by Shi Wu.

It was just a few injuries.

There was no life-threatening threat.

But because of excessive blood loss.

Their body style has been affected to some extent.


The more than six hundred people joined the battle with blades in hand.

Swing your weapon and slash at the demon.

Poof, poof!

The strength of the alien demon is very strong.

But there is an old saying among the Terrans, two fists are difficult to fight with four hands.

There is also a sentence: no matter how high the kung fu is, I am afraid of kitchen knives.

In an instant.

Several alien demons were killed, and those who were executed with different heads could no longer die.

But the killing did not end.

The Terran side became more and more courageous until all the alien demons were killed.


Those who survived let out cheering cries.

Although in this battle they lost more than twenty brothers.

But they killed sixty-six alien demons, an unprecedented achievement.

Chu Xiong smiled and handed Shi Wu a wine gourd: "Boss, we killed sixty-six alien demons this time, just with those people in Quinn, can they have such a brilliant record?"

Another humane: "With the strength of Quinn's six people, even if you face a foreign demon, you can't kill it, right?"

"In my opinion, we won this assessment."

"Yes, the results of this assessment are not suspense at all."

Shi Wu took a sip of spirits, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes: "What I'm really worried about is not Quinn, although the strength of the six of them is good, they can't turn over any waves."

"I'm worried about Nong Nian and Liu Zhou, who also signed up for this assessment."

Although his influence in the clan is strong.

But Nong Nian and Liu Zhou's strength was far above him.

And both of them each have more than a hundred followers.

This force cannot be underestimated.

Someone spoke: "Even if Nongnian and Liu Zhou have signed up for this assessment, their number is far less than ours, and in my opinion, they can't fight us at all."

Another young man smiled and said, "Brother Shiwu, in the future, you will become the leader of the tribe, but you must take more care of us brothers who are born and died with you!" Hearing

this, Shi Wu showed an intriguing smile on his face: "Don't worry, when I become the leader of the tribe, I will definitely let the brothers live a good life, and then you can do what you want with the woman you like!"

"I'm going to have a baby with Sharan!" A young man's eyes lit up.

Sharan though has dark skin.

But her face and figure are the number one beauty in the clan.

I don't know how many people hit her idea.

Shi Wu shook his head after hearing this: "I have to queue up!" "


A scream came from a distance: "Lying groove, how did the corpses of those alien demons disappear?" "

Hear that.

Everyone was excited.

Shi Wu walked forward with a solemn face.


He also clearly saw that several corpses of alien demons had disappeared into the snow.

"What is the situation?"

"The body will even disappear?"

"There should be ghosts, right?"

Everyone's faces were solemn, and their hearts were hairy.

They had also killed many alien demons before.

But I have never seen such absurd and bizarre things today.

"Boss, will someone use an invisibility charm to steal the corpses of those alien demons?" A young man couldn't help but ask.

As soon as the words came out.

It immediately attracted everyone's recognition.

Except that someone cast an invisibility charm to steal the corpses of those alien demons, there can be no other possibility.

Shi Wu's eyes were gloomy, and he immediately took out a palm-sized black array flag.

He squeezed it with both hands.

The array flag soared into the air, and then a black light burst out, covering the heavens and earth.

Sky Flag.

An extremely rare magic weapon that can imprison a certain heaven and earth.

Even if someone casts an invisibility charm, they can be trapped in it.

After all, the invisibility charm only has a quarter of an hour of limitations.

"Still dare to take my prey under my nose?" Seeing that another corpse of a foreign demon had disappeared, Shi Wu was furious, and raised his hand to shoot a terrifying sword qi.

However, that sword qi did not hit the other party.

Time passes slowly.

In the end, fifty-eight of the sixty-six bodies disappeared.

Shi Wu and the others were furious.

His eyes were filled with endless killing intent and anger.

In order to kill these demons, they died more than twenty brothers.

The number of injured was as high as 100.

But who would have thought.

Will you end up making wedding clothes for others?

They can't accept that the alien demon they have worked so hard to kill falls into the hands of others.

"Who is it? Hurry up and get out of Lao Tzu!

"Otherwise, when the role of the invisibility talisman disappears, Lao Tzu will definitely cut you by a thousand cuts!"

Shi Wu held a long sword and his eyes were torn.

It's a pity.

No one answered him.

Seeing the time before the invisibility charm disappeared getting closer and closer.

Shi Wu said in a low voice: "Everyone obeys the order, no matter who appears in the Sky Covering Banner later, they must cut him by a thousand cuts, only in this way can I vent the killing intent in my heart."

"It's worthy of the brothers who died."


Everyone was waiting for it.


More than a quarter of an hour has passed, and no strange faces have appeared in the sky flag.

"Boss, did you say the other party left?" A young man asked cautiously.

"Impossible!" Shi Wu shouted angrily: "After I cast the Sky Covering Flag, there were still the corpses of the alien demons disappearing, it was obvious that the other party was still trapped in the formation flag, and it was impossible for him to escape."

Chu Xiong said, "Now there is only one explanation, that is, the other party used a second invisibility talisman." "

Wait!" Shi Wu's eyes flashed with earth-shattering killing intent: "I want to see how many invisibility talismans he has!" "

Invisibility talismans are also a rare treasure for them.

It needs to be exchanged by the prey that comes in.

In general, everyone is rich if they have three invisibility talismans on them.

So in his opinion.

It won't take long for the other party to show up.


Without warning.

A sound of blood rushing rang out.

Everyone followed the voice, and a bloody hole appeared in the chest of the young man who had said that he was going to have a child with Xia Lan.

He spat blood in his mouth, and his eyes were full of horror and despair.

Seeing this, Shi Wu not only did not get angry, but also grinned: "Quinn, I didn't expect you to use such despicable means in order to win.

"You think I don't know you're hiding in the shadows?"

"Don't you get out and die quickly?"

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