Shi Wu's eyes lit up, he patted Chu Xiong's shoulder, and said seriously: "If you can kill Quinn and the others in one fell swoop this time, you should be credited." Chu

Xiong was overjoyed: "It is my honor to serve Big Brother Shiwu.

Shi Wu looked at the remaining four hundred brothers and said, "Brothers, whether we can win or not depends on the next move."

"Everyone converged their breath and followed me to surround Quinn and the others."

"This time, I'm going to kill them all no matter what!"




Chen Nan turned into a crow and searched for the whereabouts of Quinn and the others.

Finally, a group of five people was found on the eve of dawn.

At this time, they were hiding on a big tree in the sky eating dry food, and everyone was worried, worried about Chen Nan's safety.

Chen Nan transformed into an adult, and then came under the big tree.

I saw that Chen Nan's chest was full of blood.

The five immediately jumped down from the tree and asked him about his health.

Chen Nan: "It's just that I suffered some trauma, the problem is not big, and now it has healed!" Saying that, he took out the storage bag that had been plundered in Shi Wu's hands.


Seeing this, Quinn couldn't help but gasp: "How come there are so many corpses of alien demons?"

Chen Nan said with a smile: "Before, Shi Wu and the others were besieged by a large number of alien demons, and he used the Sky Covering Banner to kill those alien demons one after another.

"Then, I did it again, and after they collected the corpses of those alien demons, I snatched the storage bag."

Quinn gave Chen Nan a thumbs up.

The same routine is used twice.

Every time, there are quite a few gains.

That's cool.

"In other words, if nothing else, we will definitely win the final victory this time!" Ciaran had a smile on her face.

They now have one hundred and ninety-eight corpses of alien demons.

That's a really amazing amount.

"Boss, do you feel that the number of alien demons in our territory has increased?" Zhou Li's expression was solemn.

Quinn nodded, and a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes: "Before, the number of alien demons in our territory was about a hundred, but now there are almost two hundred, which is indeed a bit strange!" "

So many alien demons live in the territory of Wushuang City.

One day the entrance to the dungeon will be discovered.

If so.

The consequences are unimaginable.

"Oh yes, I also escaped a purple-red eyed demon before." Chen Nan thought of the alien demon who had escaped.

Quinn's heart trembled: "The strength of the alien demon is very strong, but the alien demon has a limited IQ, and it has not been able to threaten the clansmen of the dungeon."

"But if we encounter a demon with wisdom, it is definitely not a good thing for us."

"Something must have happened."

"It must be!"

"Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many alien demons in the territory!"

Quinn was worried.

A sense of foreboding arises in the heart.

Right at this moment.

Chen Nan's ears understood.

He suddenly looked back at the jungle behind him.

Deep in the jungle the branches trembled, and thick snow fell on the trees.

"Shi Wu has caught up!"

Chen Nan's eyes were solemn.

Although the other party hid his breath and figure.

But he could still feel the breath of a strong man descending quickly.

Quinn's face was pale, and at this time he also saw the rear, as well as the abnormalities on the left and right sides.

It's clear.

The enemy came in the rear, as well as on the left and right flanks.

"Quick, escape north!" Without much thought, Quinn immediately shouted, cast a retreat technique and disappeared on the ground, and then quickly fled towards the north.

Chen Nan and the others also followed closely.

"What is the situation?"

"Why did Shi Wu and the others chase after them?"

A series of question marks rose in Chen Nan's heart.

After he snatched the storage bag back from Shi Wu's hand, he cast a retreat technique and left.

Then he transformed into a crow and flew rapidly for tens of miles.

He Chengxiang had just converged with Quinn and the others, and he chased after him.

This is very wrong.

"How did they know where we were?"

"Could it be that there is an internal traitor among us?"

As soon as this idea appeared, it was vetoed by Chen Nan.

Quinn and others were born into death for many years.

There will be no internal traitors at all.

Use elimination.

Chen Nanlian thought of the storage bag.

Thinking of this, Chen Nan immediately said: "Brother Quinn, give me the storage bag before!" "Good


Quinn gave the storage bag to Chen Nan.

Chen Nan's soul power quietly came out.

The next moment.

He felt a faint soul mark on the storage bag.

"No wonder they can catch up, there is a soul mark on this storage bag of feelings!" A sneer appeared on Chen Nan's face.

Immediately, his soul power directly erased the soul mark on the storage bag.

This will prevent being tracked by the other party.

"Boss, they erased the soul mark on the storage bag!" In the rear, Chu Xiong's expression was solemn.

Shi Wudao: "It's not a big problem, even if they erase your soul mark, I can sense their existence." As soon as the words fell, he squeezed his hands, and a sharp long sword flew out behind him.

After flying into the air, the long sword was like a comet hitting the earth, and instantly disappeared into the ground more than five hundred meters ahead.


The long sword went to the ground.

A burst of blood gushed out on the ground.

Then Gong Yong appeared on the ground.

His chest was pierced by a long sword, and his mouth was spitting out blood.

Although there was no direct killing.

But when it came to dying.


Quinn and the others also appeared on the ground, looking at the dying Gong Yong with anger and sadness.

"Boss, you guys go quickly..." Gong Yong's face was pale, but there was a smile of relief in his eyes: "No matter what, you have to flee from here..."

"Anyway... Become the new leader too. Speaking of this, a faint flame bloomed in his eyes.

And his momentum also climbed rapidly at this moment.

Every cultivator of the Divine Realm had a divine fire in his body.

Just light the divine fire.

The strength will skyrocket in an instant.


The end of igniting the divine fire is to scatter the soul.

"Yongzi, don't worry, I will definitely not let you sacrifice in vain." Quinn was in tears, he didn't want to abandon his brother.

But this is not the time to be angry.

What's more, Gong Yong had already lit the divine fire.

"Run away!" Quinn reached out to wipe the tears from her face, performed the escape technique again, dived into a depth of more than ten meters, turned sadness into motivation, and fled quickly.


Gong Yong also pulled out a sharp long knife, like a general who was incomprehensible, blocking the pursuers behind him.

Shi Wu's eyes were complicated: "I once invited you to join my camp!"

"Unfortunately, you refused!"

"Did you ever have the slightest remorse at this time?"

Gong Yong grinned: "It is difficult for a person to live a dead word, we can't change our fate, but we can choose a decent way to die." "

Isn't it?"

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