Xia Lan's expression was solemn: "You shouldn't underestimate the forbidden place, you shouldn't say what you just said."

"My grandfather said something similar before he entered the Misty Valley."


"He never came back."

Speaking of this, his face is full of sadness.

When she was eight years old, her father went out hunting and strayed into the Misty Valley.

Grandfather was anxious when he found out.

Let out the wild words, and then go to the Misty Valley alone.

It's a pity.

After entering, it was like the world had evaporated.

Even if they shouted outside for a long time, they did not get any reply.

Chen Nan didn't say anything more.

Perhaps Xialan's grandfather spoke wildly before entering the Misty Valley, but was he the same as her grandfather?

With his strength.

There are absolutely only a handful of places in the Three Realms that can trap him.

"Go, enter the Misty Valley!" Quinn immediately cast a spell and appeared on the ground.

At this time.

They were more than five hundred meters away from Shi Wu and the others.

Seeing Quinn and the others appear, Shi Wu sneered: "I thought you would always shrink underground.

Quinn smiled and said, "Aren't you trying to kill us?" Since that's the case, come on, just catch up with us, and our lives will be at your disposal! With that, he quickly flew in the direction of the Misty Valley.

The two parties have maintained a distance of more than 500 meters.

Until a valley obscured by fog appeared ahead.

Shi Wu let out a scream: "Damn, are you going to enter this forbidden land? "

He didn't expect that.

These people would rather die than turn to themselves.

Is it really that bad?

Is character really that bad?

"Shi Wu, you better pray that I die in the Misty Valley."

"If I can come out, I will definitely take your first rank."

Quinn let out a roar and led Chen Nan and the others into the Misty Valley.

"Boss, what should we do?" A young man looked at Shi Wu nervously.

Shi Wu kicked over and roared, "What to do? What to do? What the do you ask me to do? I let you chase in, will you go in? The

young man lowered his head nervously.

Chu Xiong said on the side: "Boss, Misty Valley is one of the three forbidden places, and there are not a few people who have strayed into this place over the years, but no one has been able to return alive.

"In my opinion, Quinn and the others will definitely go back this time."

"We don't have to take a dying person to heart."

"The priority is to hunt more alien demons."

Shi Wu's face was full of sadness: "What you said is certainly reasonable, but I have a sense of foreboding.

"Because Chen Nan followed them."

Chu Xiong asked puzzled: "What is that guy afraid of?"

Shi Wu's eyes were solemn: "I don't know where Chen Nan came from, but a lot happened after he appeared."

"First of all, he recognized the burning stick as a treasure."


"I suspect that Quinn and the others have cultivated the Escape Technique, and it is also related to this person!"

Quinn has a few pounds and taels, and his heart is like Spiegel.

They don't have the so-called escape at all.


After Chen Nan appeared, they learned the technique of escape.

"Boss, you don't have to worry about this." Another young man said, "Even if Chen Nan has an extraordinary background, but Misty Valley is one of the three forbidden places of the Dual Heaven, I don't believe they can leave alive."

"Let's hunt the alien demon and win the final victory!"

Shi Wu grinned: "You are right, I am worried, even if Chen Nan has some means, he will not be able to leave this forbidden place alive." "

Take a walk and hunt the devil."

"As long as we get the final victory."

"Even if Shi Wu comes back alive, what can they do with me?"


Misty Valley.

After passing through a layer of fog.

The picture in front of everyone's eyes suddenly changed.

A valley of birds and flowers comes into view.

The valley is full of flowers and birds.

Flocks of spirit birds can be seen flying in the air.

"I didn't expect there was a paradise here!" Xia Lan's face was full of obsession.

A hint of shock also appeared in Quinn's eyes: "Could it be that this is the world before the alien demon came?" I really want to live in this paradise all the time! "

They were born to live in dungeons.

Although the dungeons have formations.

But the scene that appeared in the formation was an illusion after all.

Even if it can confuse their eyes.

But it can't confuse their true hearts.

And the sight in front of you.

But they were shocked.

"Look, there is actually a blood vermilion fruit there!" Zhou Li let out an exclamation and was shocked by the distant picture.

Everyone followed his gaze.

The picture in front of me deeply stimulated everyone's eyes.

In the distance there was a large field of blood vermilion.

There is no end in sight at a glance.

Countless blood fruits can be seen.

"God, there are so many blood fruits? Now we're rich! Yao Chun's eyes lit up, and his Adam's apple squirmed wildly.

No way.

This stuff is so tempting.

One Blood Zhu Fruit can increase the power of one year!

"Chen Nan, what do you think about this?" Quinn looked at Chen Nan.

Although the picture in front of you is too shocking.

But he did not lose his mind.

Chen Nan used the Hope Qi Technique, but did not find any danger here, and those blood zhu fruits were also real.

"These blood vermilion fruits can be taken." Chen Nan gave his own opinion.

One listen to this.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they walked forward quickly, gobbling up those blood vermilion fruits while picking them.


They did not cultivate the Heart Method, and they could only take up to ten at once.

If they take too much blood, it will make their body unable to bear it.

Seeing this, Quinn directly taught the Mixed Element Creation Skill to several people.

"There are a large number of blood zhu fruits here, but you can take the opportunity to cultivate well and strive to improve your cultivation." Chen Nan also sat cross-kneeled, took a hundred Blood Zhu Fruits at once, and then ran the Eight Nine Xuan Gong.

After refining all these blood fruits, he suddenly felt a feeling of swelling in his body.

The feeling that it was just right and about to overflow made his whole body feel comfortable.


He successfully stepped into the realm of the upper heavenly gods.

The strength has been greatly improved.

He now had a hunch.

If you perform the Escape Technique, you can cross more than ten miles at a time.

Moreover, to cast the Eight Nine Xuan Gong Change Mad Ape, the volume must be at least fifty meters.


If you want to improve the realm and enter the lower divine general, you need a thousand years of skill.


He also needed to take a thousand Blood Zhu Guo.

If you are outside, wanting to find a thousand blood vermilion fruits is tantamount to going to the day before yesterday.

Available here.

A thousand blood vermilion fruits is really not much.

This is also a blessing in disguise.

If they hadn't entered the Misty Valley, how could they have discovered this opportunity?

He quickly collected a thousand blood vermilion fruits.

Sit cross-kneeled, ready to step into the realm of the lower god general.

And at this moment, there was an angry shout in the distance: "What are you? Who let you pick these blood fruits? Everyone

in the cultivation suddenly opened their eyes.

His eyes were full of shock.

There are people here?

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