Yuyang said, "Our four major tribes all feed some messenger birds to transmit messages to each other.

"But because the snow outside melted."

"Those birds have lost their sense of direction."

"So much so that all the birds I released before flew back."

As soon as the words came out.

Yu Lu couldn't help but frown: "And this kind of thing?"

Chen Nandao: "It is also normal for this situation to occur, after all, the sun appears, Mo said it is a bird, even people will easily lose their sense of direction." "

The ice and snow of the two heavens have existed for 10,000 years, so that the creatures here have adapted to the previous environment.

Now the sun is back.

Melting of ice and snow.

It's also normal to lose your sense of direction.

Yuyang suggested, "Or else."

"I sent people to the two tribes and asked their leaders to come and gather."

"Forget it, you will give me the remnants of the Nanyuan tribe's ascending road, and I will personally go to the two major tribes!" Chen Nan rejected Yuyang's proposal, and his method worked.

But it was a waste of time for him.

After all, the four major tribes are thousands of miles apart, and it will definitely be a long time when they send people to rush over, and then wait for the people of the two major tribes to gather in the Nanyuan tribe.

The premise is that the people of the Nanyuan tribe do not lose their way and can directly find the two major tribes.

Time is precious to him.

"Just listen to Senior Chen." Yuyang said and took out an ancient fragment painting, which was just able to piece together with the one from Wushuang City.


Even if the two paintings are pieced together, they are not complete.

Yu Lu said, "Father Chen, or I will go with you to the Cold Dao Tribe and the Beili Tribe!"

"No, give me a map, I'll go there myself." Chen Nanwan refused Yu Lu's proposal, this old thing made his scalp numb one by one, how could he take him all the way?

The dinner dispersed.

Chen Nan and Quinn stood under the moonlit night.

A bright moon hangs quietly in the air.


Let the heavens and the earth be covered with a thin veil.

"Will you see you again in the future?" Quinn broke the quiet atmosphere.

Chen Nan: "See you naturally."

Quinn: "I will practice well and strive to fight side by side with you."

"I look forward to that day!"

Chen Nan grinned, and then turned into a ray of light and flew into the night sky and disappeared into the Nanyuan tribe.

He did not say goodbye to Xiaran and the others.

Because he doesn't like that occasion.



Chen Nan squeezed his hands.

Next second.

A golden cloud condensed from under your feet.

Looking at the golden auspicious clouds that appeared under his feet, Chen Nan showed a shallow smile on his face: "Thanks to the fact that I have obtained some meritorious power this time, otherwise with my current strength, I would not be able to summon the Douyun at all!" "

In fact, the speed of the muscular cloud and the transformation into a golden-winged roc bird are not much different.

But Chen Nan is a person.

If one is in a hurry.

He still prefers to take human form.

After all, incarnating as a golden-winged roc bird is too swaggering.

And it's also very energy-consuming.

Where is it comfortable to summon the clouds.

Although summoning a somersault cloud also consumes divine power.

But there is a big difference between it and the consumption of divine power by performing the Eight Nine Xuan Gong.

If it is said that performing the Eight Nine Xuangong Transformation Golden-winged Roc Bird is like a household high-power electrical appliance.

That summoning cloud is like an energy-saving lamp with only a few watts of power.


"At my current speed, I can reach the Cold Knife Tribe at dawn."

"If I'm not mistaken, the Xuan Ming I met in Misty Valley before is a member of the Cold Knife Tribe."

"It shouldn't be difficult to get the remnant painting of the Cold Knife Tribe's road to heaven."

Under nightfall.

Chen Nan was like a shooting star across the sky.

But when he flew over a mountain about a thousand feet high.

A majestic demon qi suddenly erupted.

Immediately, a flame male lion with a body length of ten meters and nine heads blocked his way.

This flame lion was full of demon qi, and his cold eyes did not have the slightest fluctuation of emotion.

Chen Nan asked politely, "Can I borrow a way?" "

The strength of this nine-headed flame lion is very strong.

It is comparable to the powerhouse of the upper God King realm.

Looking at the second heaven, it can also be regarded as an absolute master.


In Chen Nan's eyes, that's just the case.

The nine-headed flame lion let out an icy voice: "Can I borrow your life?"

Chen Nan was amused: "You want to eat me?"

"I haven't eaten a human in years."

"If you are willing to let me eat, I can give you a creation!" The nine-headed flame lion stared at Chen Nan with hot eyes, and it could feel that this person was powerful, and his body contained terrifying divine power.

For it, it's definitely a big addition.

Chen Nan asked curiously, "What is the creation in your mouth?" The

nine-headed flame lion said, "I know a treasure land of feng shui, where many rare medicinal herbs are bred, and each plant is a miracle medicine that is thousands of years old.

Chen Nan was stunned and couldn't help but ask, "In that case, why don't you personally enjoy those miracle medicines?" The

nine-headed flame lion spat out, "I have taken those divine medicines, but I have not been able to refine them. Later, I learned on the stone tablet near the treasure land of feng shui that those medicinal herbs were elixirs that grew from the decay of the flesh of the powerhouse of the Nine Heavens after his death. "

Except for your Terrans, there will be no benefit from the demon race."

Chen Nan was relieved.

Although the decay of the flesh of the strong after death sounds a bit outrageous.

But that's the way it is.

Unless the saint has an immortal body, even a strong person of the level of the Jade Emperor will have a decaying body after death.

It's just a matter of time.

"Young man, you don't have a choice!" The nine-headed flame lion spoke again: "If you cooperate, it is okay, on the contrary, King Ben does not mind eating you now."

Chen Nan smiled and asked, "One thing I'm curious about, aren't you afraid that my cultivation will skyrocket after taking those magic medicines, and when the time comes, I will cut off your head to make a braised lion's head?" The

nine-headed flame lion showed a disdainful look: "You are only the lower god king now, and I already have the realm of the upper god king, even if you take those divine medicines, you will not surpass me."

"Of course."

"Even if you can surpass me, it is your creation."

There is a sentence it does not say.

It will directly eat Chen Nan when he steps into the Upper God King Realm and the realm is unstable.

In this way, he can have the divine power in his body.

"Do I still have a choice now?" Chen Nan showed a bitter smile.

Nine-headed flame lion: "If you cooperate, you will still have a glimmer of life after taking those magic medicines."

"On the contrary."

"Tonight is your time to die!"

Nine pairs of icy eyes locked onto Chen Nan at the same time.

"Cooperation, definitely cooperation, I am the best at cooperation!" Chen Nan looked frightened and showed a look of fear.

There was a sentence he didn't say.

With his current Lower God King's cultivation, he could crush this nine-headed flame lion.


It is exhausted and wants to give itself a chance.

So why did you refuse?

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