Xuan Ming asked nervously, "You probably want to open the road to heaven and enter the three heavens, right?"

Chen Nan nodded.

Xuan Ming said, "You should always know that there is an agreement between the four major tribes, and if you want to open the road to heaven, you need the consent of at least three forces.


"The ancestors of our tribe never thought of opening the road to heaven."

"He has already suppressed the remnants of the Ascending Road painting under the cold knife."

"Unless you pull out the cold knife, it is impossible to collect four remnants of the road to heaven."

Chen Nan looked at him incredulously: "Why did the ancestors of your Cold Dao tribe make such a decision?

Xuan Ming sighed lightly: "He may be afraid that restarting the Ascending Road will attract a large number of alien demons!"



The nine-headed flame lion was furious, and his voice was like thunder: "Maybe he has his concerns, but has he ever thought about the thoughts of those cultivators who work hard to cultivate in the first heaven and the second heaven just to cross the nine heavens and ascend to the heavenly court?"

"Did he ever think that we were just a momentary snobbery and were not completely defeated?"

"Has he ever thought that after we recuperate, we can counterattack the alien demon and drive the alien demon out of the god realm?"

"He can't cut off the way to the Three Heavens because of a momentary concern!"

Xuan Ming shook his head helplessly: "I also can't understand why the ancestor made such a decision."

Chen Nan said, "As you said, can't you get the remnants of the Ascending Road by pulling out the cold knife?"

"That's right!" Xuan Ming smiled bitterly: "But the cold knife is not a mortal thing, but a high-grade artifact." "

The power of the artifact is not at all something I can get close to, let alone pull out the cold knife."

"His old man probably doesn't want someone to open the road to heaven and cause unnecessary trouble."


"I also admit that this is an act of cowardice."


"What we can't deny is that this kind of behavior can ensure that more alien demons enter the second heaven, or even the first heaven!"

"We are not qualified to judge the past." Chen Nan diverted the topic: "Where is the cold knife?" Can I try it?

Xuan Ming looked embarrassed: "Ancestor, this matter..." It's a bit tricky. The ancestral precept made it very clear that only the clansmen of the Cold Dao tribe could go to the Holy Land to draw the Cold Knife.

"Although I want you to go and draw the cold knife, I can't go against the ancestral precepts!"


"It's impossible for me to tell you the location of the Holy Land."

"I'm a tight-lipped person, even after drinking too much, I can't tell you where the holy place is."


Chen Nan was stunned.

There's something in this old thing!

"Ancestor, no matter what your purpose is for coming to our Cold Dao Tribe, I am happy if you can come!" Xuan Ming looked at his son: "Go, prepare some drinks, tonight I will have a drink with the ancestors." "


Xuan Ji bowed and left.

A moment later.

Xuan Ji brought some drinks.

Under the full moon.

In the bamboo forest.

Two people and one lion sat around a table made of bamboo.

Xuan Ji stood aside and poured wine for them.

"I really didn't expect that when I left Misty Valley, it became a farewell to Xia Yuan's old thing!" Knowing that Xia Yuan died at the hands of a foreign demon, Xuan Ming burst into tears.

They had known each other, let alone lived in the Misty Valley for twenty years.

"However, the destruction of the alien demon is great news for the three major tribes."

"Come on!"

"This cup, let's honor that old thing Xia Yuan!"

"Also respect the tomorrow of the two heavens!"

Two toasts.

Even if he learned that Xia Yuan died in battle.

Xuan Ming did not feel too sad either.

Because for them in the second heaven.

Dying in battle is the greatest honor.

Chen Nan asked, "Now that the alien demons of the Second Heaven have been destroyed, have you ever thought about the merger of the three races?"

"I didn't think about it before." Xuan Ming's face was slightly drunk: "But this proposal can be considered." "

There are only more than 100,000 people in the three tribes today.

To prosper.

Consolidation is the best way to go.


Xuan Ming drank too much.

His face was drunk, and he said drunken words: "Old ancestor, I tell you, you don't have the idea of a cold knife!"

"You are my nobleman though."

"But I can't violate the ancestral precept and tell you the whereabouts of the cold knife in the cave in the back mountain."

"I can't violate the ancestral precept by beating me to death."


"I also can't tell you that the Holy Land has a formation, and no one can approach it at night."

"People of my clan generally go to the Holy Land during the day to observe the cold knife and comprehend the meaning of the sword."

Hear this.

Xuan Ji on the side rolled his eyes.

You call this tight-lipped?

Is this called not violating the ancestral precepts?

You almost didn't take Chen Nan to the Holy Land to draw the cold knife!"

"No, I drank a little too much, I have to go back to sleep!" Xuan Ming said and stood up shakily.

Seeing this, Xuan Ji quickly helped his father into the bamboo house behind him.

When he entered the door, he kicked his son away and said angrily: "Lao Tzu didn't drink much, you quickly take the ancestor to rest, if you snub him, Lao Tzu picks your skin!"

Xuan Ji looked like he had nothing to love.

He is also the current leader of the Cold Knife Tribe.

Can't you just save me some face?

"Ancestor, how are you drinking? Have you had fun? How about juniors accompany you for a drink? Xuan Ji looked at Chen Nan with an awkward smile.

Chen Nan stood up and said, "No need, take me to rest!" "

Since I came to the Divine Realm.

He hadn't had much sleep yet.

Ben thought that it would be dark and pulled out the cold knife.

But the Holy Land is only allowed to enter during the day, so you can only wait for one night.

And he plans to take the opportunity to get a good night's sleep.

"Then you come with me!" Xuan Ji led the way in front and led Chen Nan to an antique room in the clan: "You should stay in this room for one night first, and if there is anything, call the junior directly."

Chen Nan nodded, and then closed the door smoothly.

The bedding in the room was as white as snow.

But it was cold.

It gives the feeling that no one has lived in a long time.

He took off his clothes, lay on the bed, and soon fell asleep under the anesthesia of alcohol.

In the dream, he soon crossed the nine heavens.

During this period, he also possessed the cultivation of the upper god Venerable and became a strong person comparable to Yang Jian's level.

However, there is still a big gap between it and the strong people of the level of the Jade Emperor.

Fortunately, he successfully arrived at the Heavenly Court and found the Three Birthstones.

Then returned to Earth with the three living stones.


Qinglong also found many reincarnated heavenly gods and opened their memories of their previous lives.

And then.

He led the gods into the Divine Realm and killed the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

Just when they were fighting with the alien devil.

He suddenly smelled a unique virgin fragrance on a woman's body.

This made him snort and subconsciously open his eyes.

The picture in front of him made his scalp numb and he shuddered.

A tall woman with beautiful features was leaning into his arms, breathing evenly, and fell into a deep sleep.

Chen Nan was stunned: "What is the situation?" How can there be a girl? "

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