Xuan Ji and Xuan Qingying's father and daughter both showed incredible eyes.

Immediately, they unleashed their soul power.

Images from the forbidden land also appeared in their eyes.

In a cave.

Chen Nan's expression was solemn, and small cracks appeared on his face.

It was scratched by the cold knife intent.


The crack healed quickly as soon as it appeared.

"This guy's flesh is so terrifying!"

"Not only is the physical body terrifying, but the recovery ability is also different from ordinary people!" Xuan Ji's eyes were full of shock.

Xuan Ming grinned and said, "That old madman from the Nanyuan tribe once said that he was the chosen one and shouldered the heavy task of saving the Three Realms. He

had high hopes for Chen Nan.

Xuan Qingyun said disapprovingly, "Can you believe the words of the old madman?"

Xuan Ming shook his head slightly: "Although that old thing is crazy, who can tell the difference between a prophet and a madman?"

Xuan Ji said softly, "If Chen Nan can really get close to the cold knife, he may be able to pull out the cold knife." If the road to heaven can be restarted, Qingyin will be saved.

Xuan Qingyun: "Not necessarily, he just has the cultivation of the Divine Venerable Realm, even if he appears within a hundred meters of the cold knife, it is unknown whether he can appear next to the cold knife." "


in the cave.

Chen Nan gritted his teeth and endured the knife intent released by the cold knife.

The terrifying knife intent made him breathe heavily.

Thanks to him, he suffered the pain of separation of souls.


The pain endured throughout his body had to make him cry out.

He endured the pain and kept going.

When ninety meters away from the cold knife.

He stopped.

The clothes on the body exploded directly, revealing the skin like coagulation.

Reveals a strong figure.

His muscles are not explosive.

But it looks even.

See this scene.

Xuan Qingying quickly withdrew his soul power.

A hint of crimson also appeared on his face.

Lived for so many years.

She had never seen a man's body yet.

"This guy really has something extraordinary!" Xuan Ming did not hide his admiration for Chen Nan.

Xuan Ji lowered his head and said nothing.

It looked like it had been hit.

After a moment, he spoke, "Father, I feel that ninety meters is the limit of Chen Nan. "

They all know it.

Every ten meters close to the cold knife, the pain endured doubles.

Chen Nan was able to get close to the cold knife ninety meters and had already broken the record.

Even if he hoped that Chen Nan could pull out the cold knife.

But he did not blindly trust Chen Nan like his father.

Xuan Ming said softly, "However, he has not stopped moving forward!"

"Brave the hardships and dangers, go forward bravely!"


"We were all wrong."

"The cold knife is not a sacred relic of my clan."

"We are just guardians!"

"The meaning of our existence is to wait for a destined person, waiting for a person with great perseverance to pull out the cold knife."

Xuan Ji's pupils trembled violently.

All the time.

All the people of the Cold Knife tribe regard the Cold Knife as a sacred relic in the clan.

All the clansmen of the Cold Knife Tribe will come to the Cold Knife to experience the knife technique when they are young.

In the bones of all of them.

In the imprint of the soul of all.

Cold knives have become an inseparable part of their lives.

But what the father just said.

But it turned his worldview upside down.


"Is the ancestor really an ignorant pedantic?"

Xuan Ming shook his head: "Before today, I had been wondering why the ancestor suppressed the remnants of the road to heaven.

"I've also been making excuses to convince my heart."

"Only now did I understand his old man's good intentions."

"His old man did not give up the first and second heavens."

"He's waiting for a great opportunity!"

"Wait for a destined person with great perseverance."

"Because when the man can pull out the cold knife."

"He has the ability to face the Triple Heavenly Demon head-on!"

"At that time, what is it to open the road to heaven?"

"The ancestors didn't let us open the road to heaven!"

"He doesn't want us to open the way to heaven at will before we have no ability!"

Xuan Ji's heart trembled.

Is this really the intention of the ancestors?

Immediately, he felt Chen Nan's abnormality and exclaimed, "It's not good, Chen Nan's flesh is starting to crack!" He simply could not withstand the attack of knife intent.

Xuan Qingying released his soul power again, and seeing Chen Nan covered in blood, an incredible expression appeared on his pretty face: "Is he crazy?" Why not urge the divine power in the body to resist?

"Is he really crazy?" Xuan Ming's eyes were full of admiration: "He wants to use this sword intent to temper his body!" Father

and daughter looked at each other.

They all saw deep shock in each other's eyes.

They never thought about it.

There are such people in the world who are not afraid of death.

Unexpectedly, he tempered his flesh at the moment of life and death crisis.

"It's fine!"

"Although the knife intent is terrifying!"

"But it's still within my physical bearings!"

Chen Nan felt that his body was scratched by the knife intent, but his heart was like water.

Because he had taken a large amount of peach before, his recovery ability was amazing.

He took another step.

Brought the distance closer by another ten meters.

At this moment, he was only eighty meters away from the cold knife.

You can see a cold air ahead.

This destructive sword intent spread out within the cold air.

Eighty meters close to the cold knife.

Chen Nan could clearly feel that the sword intent here was even more irritable.

And invisibly.

It's like a field.

As long as you mistakenly enter it, you will be torn to pieces by the knife intent.

He stood there quietly.

After the body adapted to this violent knife intent, he resolutely continued to move forward.

Until it stopped at an area seventy meters away from the cold knife.

"I kind of figured out that the sword intent here is divided into ten levels, and the sword intent will be stronger after every ten meters." Chen Nan's face was covered in blood, but he figured out the law of the cold knife.


The knife intent in front of him made his scalp tingle.

Because there is not only a destructive knife intent.

Even the knife intent was mixed with an inexplicable chill.

The chill made him sick.


There is no turning back arrow from the open bow.

He must pull out the cold knife and obtain the remnants of the road to heaven.

Take a deep breath.

He stepped forward and instantly crossed a distance of ten meters.

After he stopped.

He felt the tearing sensation of being cut by a thousand cuts.

The original hot pain in the wound instantly became extremely cold.

It was as if a sharp, icy blade had stabbed into his body along the wound.

Chen Nan's eyes were scarlet, and he said frantically: "It's a bit of a taste of ice and fire!" After

seeing this scene of him, the three generations of the ancestors and grandchildren of the Xuan family all felt cold and creepy.

They had never heard of such ruthlessness.

Not to mention seeing it with your own eyes.

It was as if Chen Nan's physical body was not his own.

He doesn't take care of his body at all.

Chen Nan looked at the hazy long knife in the cold air, and his eyes gradually became solemn: "There are still sixty meters, these sixty meters seem to be close at hand, but they are far away in the sky!"

"With my current strength, I'm afraid I can't get close to the cold knife."

"Is this thing really just an artifact?"

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