"Ancestor, how are you? No injuries, right?

Xuanming took his son and granddaughter as quickly as he could, and appeared outside the cave leading to the Holy Land.

Chen Nan knelt there with a hideous face.

One after another shocking wounds appeared on the body.

There was a sweet smell of blood all around.

It was incredible to everyone.

Because whether it is a person.

Or a demon.

The taste of blood is fishy sweet.

But Chen Nan revealed a sweet taste.

It's outrageous.

"The physical injury has long been unable to affect me."


"I don't understand, it's only ten meters away, why can't I go further?"

"Why does it give me hope?"

"But it made me despair at the most critical time?"

Chen Nan's face was full of anger, and the injuries on his body quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He thought he could pull out the cold knife and get the remnants of the road to heaven below.

But the cruelty of reality poured cold water on him.

Just a foot in the door, but you can't cross it.

The nine-headed flame lion came in the distance, it took a beaten step, and its nine heads suddenly went up and down, like a wave in the ocean, especially a wave.

It spat out: "Little pot friend, the most important thing now is not to think about why you can't go further, the most important thing is that there is a girl next to you, you have to put on clothes."

"Didn't you notice that she was staring at you?"

"Boys are outside, more or less have to protect their privacy."

"Ugh!" Xuan Qingying was furious, and a long knife appeared in his hand: "I'm going to kill you satyr!" The

nine-headed flame lion was also angry: "I'm obviously a satyr, why do you want to call me a satyr?" Are the wolves as strong as me? If it weren't for sending people under the fence, I would have repaired your little lady's skin, you really disrespect the lion!" "


Xuan Qingyun was so angry that he couldn't help but spew out a mouthful of blood.

Even the long knife in his hand fell uncontrollably to the ground.

She herself suffered a backlash and was seriously injured.

At this time, urge the divine power.

Or a large swing in her mood will trigger her old illness.

"I'm in a bad mood right now, don't mess with me!" Chen Nan's eyes were scarlet, but he still took out a clean dress and put it on his body.

The nine-headed flame lion looked at Chen Nan condescendingly, and a playful smile appeared in his eyes: "Not only do I know that you are in a bad mood, but I even know that you are seriously injured.

"So, at this time, you have to lose respect in front of me."

"After all."

"At this time, I can easily crush you!"


"We're not swelling."

"It's not unsightly."

"The main thing is that we have that kind of strength!"

"Don't stare at me, I'm afraid..." I can't help but shoot and kill you! The

words came out.

A sense of foreboding arose in everyone's hearts.

The powerhouse of the God Venerable Realm looks at the two heavens, and is also a supreme powerhouse.

If Chen Nan hadn't been injured, it would have been fine.

It is completely possible to suppress this big demon.

But now.

He was seriously injured.

In case this nine-headed flame lion gets out of control.

It would be a devastating disaster for the entire Cold Knife Tribe.

"You have a backbone!" Chen Nan laughed angrily.

The nine-headed flame lion shook its body in spirit, and it looked up at the sky: "It's ridiculous, which bone is right under my body?" "

It's arrogant.

He didn't put Chen Nan and the others in his eyes at all.



In the distance, there was a sound from the bamboo forest.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful knife intent rose above the bamboo forest.

That knife intent was like a torrent bursting the embankment.

Let everyone rise up with a feeling of being as small as an ant.

Even the nine-headed flame lion's eyes widened.

Next second.

An emerald green bamboo leaf tore through the sky.

Under the terrifying eyes of the nine-headed flame lion, it crossed its main head.

Even if the nine-headed flame lion had already stepped into the Divine Venerable Realm.

But there is no escape.

Even more unable to dodge.


With a dull landing sound, a millstone-sized lion head landed on the ground.

"The boss has been beheaded!"

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be the first time the boss has been beheaded."

"I didn't know what was going on, but I was blown away."

"I know it's rude, but I really want to laugh."

"The boss said, if you can't hold it, don't hold it, hurt your kidneys, laugh hard!"

Several lion heads gloated and laughed.

But there was a lion's head with a fox in his eyes full of doubt: "The boss did say that if you can't hold it, don't hold it, but it's not a smile!" Watching

the bamboo leaf that cut off the head of the nine-headed flame lion fall into Chen Nan's hands, Xuan Ming lost his voice and screamed: "Old ancestor, you have actually reached the third realm of the Dao?

Xuan Ji and Xuan Qingyun both widened their eyes.

A huge wave rose in my heart.

They had been cultivating here since they were young, and only then did they barely condense the sword qi.


Who would have thought.

Chen Nan had only been in the morning since he entered the Holy Land.

He condensed the knife intent.

It has reached the realm where every flower and grass can hurt people.

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe that there would be such a demon in the world.

"Master, why are you ~~~" The lion's eyes on the ground were full of bitterness: "People are just playing a little joke with you, why do you want to cut off people's heads?"

"People see that you are in a bad mood and want to liven up the atmosphere!"

The nine-headed flame lion wanted to cry without tears.

It just wanted to pretend to be forced before, but did not think about moving Chen Nan.

He Cheng thought that this forced him to comprehend the sword intent.

Chen Nan laughed angrily: "Are you really thinking about me?"

The lion head said pitifully: "People want to answer you with a nod now, but I can't order."

Chen Nan said again: "Since you are thinking about me, then my body is very weak now, and it should not be too much to cut off your head to replenish your body, right?" The

lion's eyes were full of stunned.

Cut off my head just to replenish your body.

Not too much, right?


You're too much to your grandmother's house!

Just when it doesn't know how to answer.

It saw the eight gloating heads on the side, and immediately said: "Master, of course, your request is not excessive, do not say a lion's head, my life is yours."

"It's just, I see that your injury is not light."

"Is my head enough for you to replenish your body?"

"Do you want to cut a few more?"

As soon as the words came out.

The other eight heads all showed terrified eyes in their eyes, as if they didn't expect the old assembly to be so pitted.

Can't you cut one off?

Why do you have to pull us?

The more the lion head spoke, the more excited he became: "Master, my race has a magical power, unless you cut off nine heads at the same time, even if you cut off eight, it will not be fatal."

"In my opinion, it is enough to leave only one head in this flesh, and it is useless to ask for so much."

"The other eight you can choose from braised , steamed, charcoal grilled."

"Even if you can't eat, you can share good things with the clansmen of the Cold Knife Tribe!"

"Isn't this proposal exciting?"

"Do you want to think about it?"

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