Chen Nan was stunned!

Are all the women in the Divine Realm so simple and rude?

That's fine.

As long as someone is willing to marry him, even if he is a little wronged, why not?

After all.

Saving the Three Realms is more important than anything else.

That being said.

But Chen Nan had not lost his mind, and while resisting, he said: "The cave room is not in a hurry, we can go back to your room first, there is at least a bed there!" "

The Holy Land is full of raised stones.

Although there are several futons for meditation.

But where is it convenient to sit and lie down?

"It's just a matter of a short while, stick to it." Xuan Qing's face was red.

In fact, she didn't think about how to deal with Chen Nan.

Because Chen Nan was an extremely strange man to her.


She knew that Chen Nan had the possibility of pulling out the divine knife.

Once he pulled out the magic knife.

Then he can follow him to the Three Heavens and look for the legendary Phoenix Grass, which can reassure grandfather and father.

That's why.

She will resolutely marry Chen Nan.

All she wanted was that she didn't want her grandfather and father to watch her die...

"Xuan Qingyun, don't fool people too much!" Chen Nan was a little angry.

"What is a short while?"

"Do you know I can last an hour?"

"Do you know what it means for a man who could have lasted an hour to drink too much?"

"You can't look down on people!"

Although he has a good temper.

Rarely get angry.

But it's about men's dignity.

How can it be so underestimated?

Xuan Qingyi's footsteps trembled, and then he said softly: "When I broke through, my divine power reversed, and my tendon veins were damaged, so you can master the proportions later!" "


Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood.

She has something to say!

I hope my subordinates don't kill her!


With her being so positive, the relationship is a short life.

It's quite shocking.

Without much thought, Chen Nan said again: "This is your clan's holy land, are you sure you can do that kind of thing in the holy land?"

Xuan Qingying asked calmly, "Is there anything wrong with doing sacred things in the Holy Land?" "


outside the cave.

Xuan Ming looked stunned: "What happened?"

Xuan Ji came back to his senses in shock, and he swallowed his saliva nervously: "Father, our Xuan family seems to have a son-in-law!"

Xuan Ming was dumbfounded: "The ancestor became my grandson-in-law?" What to call him after this?

"Or call each of them!" Xuan Ji smiled bitterly: "I call him the ancestor, he calls me father-in-law, no one suffers anyway."

Xuan Ming sighed lightly: "Actually, this is also a good ending." "


an hour later.

Both Chen Nan and Xuan Qingyin gradually regained their senses.

The two were disheveled.

However, Xuan Qingying felt an inexplicable warm current in her body.

It seems that the injuries on the body have been alleviated a little.

Just reminisce about what happened before.

But his face is red.

There are also some regrets that they shouldn't have done that kind of thing in the cave.

It's really tiring because of the terrain.

"You go to the side first, I'll try to pull out the cold knife!" Chen Nan's eyes were solemn, he could now be regarded as a member of the Cold Dao Tribe, and whether he could pull out the Cold Knife depended on the moment.

"My legs are soft, you hold me!" Xuan Qingyun's eyes had a hint of unhappiness.

Although Chen Nan took care of her feelings at first.

But then it was like going crazy.

It's like a storm.

Fortunately, her willpower is amazing, otherwise she would have to cause old diseases to die directly.

Chen Nan did not refuse her, picked her up, and then placed her on a futon in the distance.

Then he walked towards the cold knife step by step.

He seems to be calm.

But inside is extremely nervous.

Especially when he was only ten meters away from the cold knife, his heart was more like mentioning the throat eye.

He knew what the next step meant.

If this step of selling yourself does not trigger knife intent.

Then you can walk to the cold knife yourself.

It is hoped that the cold knife will be drawn.

But if...

If the previous thing repeats itself.

Then he was taken advantage of by Xuan Qingying!

Not clean anymore!

Take a deep breath.

Chen Nan's eyes were firm and he took this particularly crucial step.

When his right foot landed on the ground.

The cold knife in front of him was only quietly suspended there.

No more terrifying knife intent erupted.

This made his hanging heart fall to the ground, and a shallow smile appeared in his eyes.

And Xuan Qingyun in the distance also breathed a sigh of relief.

She did everything she could and couldn't.

As for whether Chen Nan could pull out the cold knife, he could only resign himself to fate.

Nine meters!

Eight meters!

Five meters!

Three meters!

In the end, Chen Nan came to a position one meter away from the cold knife.

He stretched out his right hand and grasped the hilt.

In a flash.

An extreme chill swept from the hilt, instantly covering his arm with a layer of white frost.

Xuan Qingyin said weakly, "Don't resist!"

"Everyone who tries to pull out the cold knife must withstand the cold attack!"

"This will not have any effect on the body!"

Chen Nan snorted, not resisting the frost.

In an instant.

His whole body was covered with a layer of white frost.

It looked like it had just come out of the snow.

"Xuan Qingying is right, this frost not only has no effect on the body, but even has many benefits." Chen Nan was overjoyed and could feel that the hardness of his body had increased to another level.

When the frost receded, he gripped the hilt of the knife with both hands and struggled upwards.


The ground shook.

Stone after stone falls from above the roof plate.

It was as if the cave could collapse at any moment.

"Give me out!"

Chen Nan shouted angrily, he could feel a strong suction force at the bottom of the cold knife, and that suction force was competing with him.

As if not wanting to be pulled out by him.

As he pushes too hard.

A hideous and terrifying green tendon also appeared on his arm.

Even on the forehead.

And the cave trembled even more intensely, as if a large earthquake had occurred.

This anomaly also caused all the clans of the Cold Dao tribe to feel strong unease, and even many people came to the outside of the holy place.

Chen Nan used the power of nine bulls and two tigers, but he could not pull out the cold knife.

Tired, he was panting.


He didn't give up.

He bit his fingertip.

A drop of pale golden blood dripped on the red ore on the handle of the cold knife.


The blood was instantly absorbed by the red ore.

In a flash!

The azure light bloomed from the cold knife, dazzling, making people dare not look directly.

Followed by.

All those rays of light disappeared into Chen Nan's body.

A fierce, tyrannical knife intent rampage in Chen Nan's body.

Let him let out a heart-rending scream.

This moment!

He felt like he was transformed into a knife.

A knife that can break the galaxy and eternity.

"Pulled it out?"

Xuan Qing's beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

Although she had always hoped that Chen Nan could pull out the cold knife.

But seeing him pull out the cold knife with his own eyes, his heart was still very excited.

Because it means that she has hope to live!

Chen Nan also ended the pain when the cold knife entered his body.

He opened the jade box a little haggard, took out an ancient residual painting inside, and said with a hot look in his eyes: "Now only the residual painting of the Beili tribe remains."

"As long as that painting is in hand, you can restart the road to heaven and reach the three heavens!"

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